Chapter 339

Aimee Zhu picked up the telegram sent by Linglong and looked at it.

According to Ma Shiying's telegram, Zhu Guobi, Zhao Zhilong, and Gao Qiqian were all found guilty of embezzling Nanjing's military expenditures after investigation and trial.

In addition, the three were also charged with forming a party for personal gain and accepting bribes.

Gao Qiqian is also guilty of conspiring to gain power and bewitching the soldiers of the Beijing camp to rebel.

Therefore, after a joint trial by the Dali Temple, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, it is proposed to sentence Gao Qi to confiscating his family property and the Yi tribe.

It is planned to sentence Zhu Guobi and Zhao Zhilong to lose their titles, confiscate their family property, and exile them to Qiongzhou Island.

In addition, Lingbi Hou Tang Guozuo and Chengyi Bo Liu Kongzhao were also implicated in the corruption case in Beijing.

After the first trial, Tang Guozuo was proposed to be sentenced to lose his title to the people and fined [-] yuan in silver.Liu Kongzhao, the sincerity uncle, cut the noble for the people and fined him [-] yuan in silver.

"This Ma Shiying telegram uses 'first trial' and 'preliminary judgment'. It seems that I am afraid that it will not meet my wishes." After reading the telegram, Auntie Zhu couldn't help smiling.

"It's natural." Hao Guangming said, "He knows very well that if he wants to stay in the court, this matter must be done to satisfy you."

Aimee Zhu thought about it, but revised the judgment drawn up by Ma Shiying and Xie Xuelong.

To say that Gao Qi secretly conspired against him is really flattering him, so the sentence was changed to confiscate the family property of his three families.

However, Gao Qiqian, as an eunuch, has no wife's family, and actually confiscated his father's and mother's family property.

Then Liu Kongzhao's title was retained, but the fine was increased to 10 taels.

As for the verdicts of Zhu Guobi, Zhao Zhilong, and Tang Guozuo, she did not change them.

"According to the revised judgment of the palace, send a telegram to reply to Ma Shiying."


After Linglong left, Auntie Zhu said, "I still have a female official in charge of the paperwork by my side, and I don't know when Liu Shuying will come."

"After all, she is in Jiangxi. It will take half a month or even longer if you send someone to find her, and then he comes over."

Auntie Zhu laughed and said, "Maybe that Bi Zhuo will come first."

Bi Zhu may be in Nanjing at this time, but he may also be in Suzhou, the place is not sure.

Even if it uses the power of the local government to search for it with great fanfare, it will take a while.

But Hao Guangming did not attack Aimi Zhu.

He knew that Auntie Zhu was just sighing that it was rare to have such a talented person, and she just said something casually.

When Aunt Zhu was stationed in Yangzhou, the news of her defeat of hundreds of thousands of Qing troops also spread to all parts of the north and south, which had a great impact on many people and events.

A few days ago, when Zhu Wei was fighting the Qing army outside Yangzhou City, the news of her control of Nanjing had just spread outside Yingtian Mansion, such as Su, Song, Chang and other southern Zhili prefectures, as well as Zhejiang and other places.

At that time, because the news that reached these places was already vague and mixed, and many of them contained unbelievable supernatural words, many people were not clear about Aimee Zhu and the specific situation in Nanjing.

It can only be judged from various sources that Princess Kunxing, Zhu Yuxi, has really become the supervisor of the country.

And through some means, such as colluding with the eunuch Ma Shiying and his like to control Nanjing.

However, some people think that Ma Shiying, the Four Towns of Jiangbei and Zhu Yousong had a bad relationship, and that's why they want to replace Auntie Zhu, the princess of the prison, with the position so that it will be easier for them to control.

With this kind of judgment, many ministers who were expelled from the court by Ma Shiying and Ruan Dayue before, as well as local gentry and warlords, had other thoughts.

For a time, the southern Zhili prefectures and Zhejiang were undercurrents.

And the center of this undercurrent is Lu Wang Zhu Changxiao who lives in Hangzhou.

In February last year, Liu Fangliang, the Chuangjun, captured Huaiqing Mansion and was about to enter Weihui eastward. Zhu Changhao decisively abandoned the city and fled southward with some of his property.

He first fled to Wuxi, and then moved to Nanjing because the ministers in Nanjing wanted to make him the new emperor.

It is a pity that Zhu Yousong, who was supported by Huang Degong, Gao Jie, Liu Liangzuo and Ma Shiying, succeeded to the throne in the end.

Because Zhu Changhao was an uncle of Zhu Yousong's close branch, and was watched by scholars all over the world, Zhu Yousong didn't do anything to him. Instead, he moved him and other vassals such as the king of Chu and the king of Tang to Hangzhou.

However, Zhu Yousong only gave 1 taels of silver for Zhu Changhao's transfer of the feudal domain.

And seeing that Daming's country is dying, and Zhu Changhao's identity is extremely sensitive, so after he arrived in Hangzhou, the local government ignored him at all, and delayed the establishment of Prince Lu's Mansion again and again.

Therefore, at present, Zhu Changhao is actually living in Hangzhou.

Of course, as a vassal king, and he still brought a considerable part of his property to the south, even though he lived in Hangzhou, Zhu Changhao lived a very comfortable life, and even felt that Wei Hui was far inferior to Hangzhou.

Even though he was ignored by the Hangzhou government and didn't get the honor he deserved, Zhu Changhao still lived his small life quite chicly.

Then I heard various topics about Zhu Yousong from Nanjing, such as the "Tongfei case", "Monk case", "Prince case", and Donglin, eunuch party disputes, warlords in various towns did not respect orders, etc. .

Zhu Changhao even felt that it was fortunate that he did not succeed in becoming the emperor, otherwise he would be the one who is troubled by these things in Nanjing now. How could he be as happy as he is now?
However, since some rumors and news came from Yingtian Mansion a few days ago, his happy and happy life suddenly disappeared.

Even though many of those rumors sound unbelievable to him.

For example, Princess Kunxing, the daughter of the late Emperor Chongzhen, has become the supervisor of the country.

Another example is that when Princess Kunxing led an army of [-] troops to capture Nanjing, Jiu killed Zhu Yousong and wanted to become an empress herself.

There are also rumors that Princess Kunxing knows how to bewitch, and controlled the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty in Nanjing, and then controlled the entire Nanjing city. Even Zuo Liangyu's 80 army was defeated by her bewitching...

Although Zhu Yousong was ignorant of political affairs and ordinary affairs, and only knew about art, piano making, and manicure, he also felt that the above rumors were too absurd and unbelievable.

However, some people judged from these vague or exaggerated rumors that there were changes in Nanjing and Hongguang's throne was not guaranteed, which disrupted his artistic life.

But now he is living in Hangzhou, and he has lost the prestige of a vassal king, some people can't imagine it.

On this day, Chen Hongfan invited him to a garden on the grounds of appreciating piano scores, calligraphy and paintings.

When he arrived at the place, he discovered that apart from Chen Hongfan, there were two other important figures.

One is Zhang Bingzhen, the current governor of Zhejiang, and the other is Liu Zongzhou, a former censor of the left capital who is now at home!

In addition, there are a few people he doesn't know, who seem to be either officials who are unemployed in Hangzhou, or some people's staff.

Of course, Chen, Zhang, and Liu were the only ones who could share the same pavilion with him.

It was only then that Zhu Changhao came to his senses: He just said, where did Chen Hongfan come from as a martial artist? Yaxing invited him to appreciate calligraphy, painting and chess records.

He wanted to turn around and leave directly, but he was afraid of offending Zhang Bingzhen and Chen Hongfan.

As the current governor of Zhejiang Province, Zhang Bingzhen has much power in Hangzhou, not to mention; even Chen Hongfan, a warrior who has been ups and downs since the beginning of the Tianqi Year, his family is quite powerful in Hangzhou now.

If these two people hated him, he would not be able to be chic in the future no matter what.

On the contrary, Liu Zongzhou, a famous Confucian, was not very afraid.

"What is His Highness King Lu standing in a daze for? Come in and sit down." While Zhu Changhao was hesitating, Chen Hongfan directly pulled him into the pavilion.

Now it was even harder for Zhu Changhao to leave, so he said, "Didn't you say that you are going to appreciate calligraphy, painting and piano scores today?"

Chen Hongfan accompanied him with a smile and said, "Your Highness, please be safe and don't be impatient, the calligraphy, painting and piano score can be tasted later.

Right now, there is an important matter that concerns the safety of my country and society, but it is urgently needed for your highness to come down to make decisions. "

 Haven't had dinner yet.

  So there may not be a second update.

  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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