I really can't act

Chapter 288 Changing Home and Visiting

Chapter 288 Changing Home and Visiting
On the other side, Fang Yi changed to a new "home".

Sister Zhen introduced this place: "It's remote, in the old city, but it's safe. The community police station is not far downstairs. I guess Zhuo Wei would never have imagined that you would live here."

He added: "The house itself is big and luxurious, and it's the only high-end community in this area... It's just that the house type is older than the previous one. I feel a little wronged."

Fang Yi: "It's okay, it's just a temporary residence."

Sister Zhen: "Occasionally, you can go downstairs to look at the alley below. It is very popular there. Although you are a big star, as long as your disguise is good and you don't deliberately half-cover it, few people will find it is you... …Even if you are discovered, it’s nothing, but you seem close to the people, and you won’t be able to stay for long anyway.”

Fang Yi praised her: "You have a heart... Has Zhuo Wei contacted you later?"


"In my impression, he didn't post any photos, did he?"

"I haven't sent any news about you... Do you think he is a good person, or do you think he is not big enough? I think he is letting your guard down until you make a big mistake."

Sister Zhen gave Fang Yi an example: "Last year, they stayed with director Gu Changwei, who was already married. They squatted for several weeks before and after, and finally found that Director Gu was making out with someone in the car. After the incident, Zhuowei's team became famous. And Gu Changwei His wife asked someone to ask Zhuo Wei, who is the girl he photographed?"

Fang Yi became interested: "Who is it?"

"It has something to do with your central drama."

"Then don't say it."

Fang Yi went downstairs and took a walk around to see if there was any place suitable for a protracted battle, and took pictures of his whereabouts. The set of "Let the Bullets Fly" was photographed clearly by the paparazzi, because the paparazzi occupy a high position, and all the scenery can be seen at a glance.

However, this place is full of low alley buildings, densely packed into one piece.The alley is very narrow, the narrowest place can only pass two or three people, just enough for a motorcycle to drive in.

The locals call it "Lazhu Hutong".

Can Zhuo Wei find this place?
What kind of material does he need to shoot to be satisfied?The public doesn't care about the struggle between Fang Yi and Huaxia Film and Television. No one wants to read that kind of news.

They want to see the "yes, we have a baby" kind of shit.

Fang Yi walked in Lazhu Hutong, walking from one end to the other, clearing his mind.On one side of the alley are houses of people who have not yet moved. They cook in a small area with the open door open. On the other side is a low wall covered with graffiti. The graffiti on it is...

Some things written by children.

They are all big words such as their own names, or friends' names, or life creeds, without any logic.

Fang Yi wandered around with great interest, he was only wearing a mask, he didn't even bother to hang up his sunglasses, and his clothes were cheap brands that could be seen everywhere, yet no one really recognized him.

It is said that in order to practice his acting skills, Lao Hu specially disguised himself as a sanitation worker to sweep the floor, and he did not cover up. He swept the floor openly for a long time, but no one found him.

Lao Hu then sighed with emotion: "As long as you don't wear expensive brands, and use that kind of careful matching... Change your demeanor a little bit, and then even if you are directly in the crowd, no one may notice you."

Fang Yi successfully verified Hu Ge's experience, and he can talk to him next time he goes to the devil.

He was very satisfied with this place and decided to make it his habitat for a while.When I got back, I sent Liu Tianxian the address.

Liu Tianxian asked him after a while: "Why did you move?"

"There are paparazzi, it's too annoying."

"There are also paparazzi squatting outside my house...Fang Yi, there are bad things about being popular. You will cause trouble, and others will make things up for you. I really hope that I can act in movies like I am now, but like Walking on the street in the evening just like you did last year, there is no need to use Tissot’s double spokespersons to cover it up, only pure you and me.”

Fang Yi: "This is also the price of fame, you should know better than me."

She said mysteriously: "It's easy to do things in the dark, we should lie down at night and go out at night."

Fang Yi laughed dumbfounded, "It's all up to you."


"It's a word."

After talking for a few more words, they hung up the phone.

When it was very late, Fang Yi heard a strange bell ringing, because he just moved in, and it took him a while to realize that it was his own doorbell.

Outside the door was his first guest, Liu Tianxian.

She wore a pair of black-framed glasses and a white T-shirt that was so yellow that it looked like the kind of clothes that cost 15 yuan a piece in the service trade market, which perfectly blended into the section.

Fang Yi swallowed, "Where's your mother?"

"not coming."

"Then you alone are..."

"I'll take you to relax, to fulfill my obligations as a girlfriend, or you want to do something else..." She licked her lips, lowered her head and squinted at Fang Yi with the edge of her black-framed glasses: "That's also for being a girlfriend Obligation."

Fang Yi ran back to the room and closed the door, and looked at the furnishings in the room. He felt that it was very simple and strange, and it was not a good time.So he changed into a set of plaid shirts, like those guys typing codes in Zhang Chaoyang's office building. He went out with Liu Tianxian in this image.

I was dumbfounded when I came out.

"Where's the car?"

"I didn't open it, it's too ostentatious."

"Then how did you get here?"

"The bus... I wanted to take the subway. I think there are too many people in the subway. Maybe someone who can recognize me." She was as serious as discussing a math problem, "I want to find out how many safe routes there are. We can join you to avoid losing contact when it is not necessary. We are engaged in such a special type of work, and we should fully consider the conditions of the operation when operating."

Fang Yi was amused by her, so he hailed a taxi, and when the two got up, they realized that they didn't know their destination.

The master turned around and asked, "Where are you going? There is no boundary in the capital that I don't know."

Fang Yi said, "Go for a walk in a good place you are familiar with, don't care what we are talking about, just drive, and don't stop for no reason."

The master's gaze was still cast on Fang Yi.

Fu Po Liu thought that the master was afraid of skipping orders, so she opened her big bag, took out the little one thousand from inside, and snapped her fingers in the air, "Enough."

The master still didn't look back.

The two looked at each other with regretful eyes, and couldn't help but wonder if they had been recognized.


The master then turned around and shouted, and then whispered, "Don't do anything outrageous in the car, remember to remember." After that, he broke the rearview mirror so that the thing could not see Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian.

The car then drove slowly in the capital under the night, aimlessly, following the traffic flow.The radio originally played the actual road conditions, and was used to inform motorists which road not to take and which road to take.

The master no longer has this need, so he jumped on the stage, the old-fashioned car radio made a buzzing sound, and he had to identify the type of program every time it came out.

Until jumping to the love song program, it finally freezes.

(End of this chapter)

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