I really can't act

Chapter 280 Boss Fang Takes the Assistant Director to See Him

Chapter 280 Boss Fang Takes the Assistant Director to See Him

"Then let's make a long story short. I understand that you have a lot of experience in the film crew. You have worked in various fields. You can be regarded as a young director among directors at the age of 30..."

Fang Yi said, "Director Lu Chuan, do you know that when he made his first film, he was a little older than you."

Of course Guo Fan knew about these things, so he was so excited that he forgot to show himself.

"I've only just started making movies, and I've just pulled up this booth, so you may have to be an assistant director for a while, help me, I don't know if you'd like to."


"As for you leading the team alone... that kind of thing hasn't come yet, do you want to make "The Adventures of Li Xianji" a real person? When you came to me with Li Yang, you seemed to have mentioned this matter."

Guo Fan's head nodded violently like garlic.

"If you can do it well, the day "Li" becomes a real person, you will definitely be allowed to direct it...although the budget is very low."

Guo Fan was ecstatic, "I will not let you down."

After Fang Yi finished speaking, he looked down at his itinerary and chose a suitable one.

"Are you interested in seeing the promotional activities of "The Great Earthquake". You can see the top group of people on all tracks in this circle."

"Of course I'm going."

——"The Great Earthquake" was the only domestic blockbuster released during the World Cup.Because the national football team failed to qualify for the Nth time, "It's over, there is no suspense." Everyone is happily supporting foreign teams. The atmosphere among the fans is unprecedentedly good, and they almost always talk about football in their free time.

It is a risky move to put the schedule at this time.

China Film Group conducted a survey of moviegoing groups the year before last, and the results were surprising. "The main group is young people aged 25-29", followed by "young people aged 29-40". The college students in the warehouse.

This data is different from the data of major countries in the world, but it is similar to the fan group.It may be that the ticket price of tens of dollars is still too expensive for Chinese people whose economy has just taken off, and it is a kind of luxury consumption.

But China Film also pointed out that "the number of young moviegoers is increasing rapidly, which means that the corresponding works will quickly show their potential."

This is the reason why Fang Yi's youth film "Love Letter" can be expected by the third master. He pleases the first and third groups at the moment, with a clear goal. Where did it go.

Individual struggle is important, but the process of history must also be taken into account.

The filming time of "The Great Earthquake" was probably in the middle of last year, basically at the same time as Fang Yi's "Love Has an Afterlife", and worked on special effects for more than half a year.Feng Dapao regretted that Fang Yi could not play a role. When he saw Fang Yi, he blurted out:

"Fang Yi, if you come to "The Great Earthquake" and you play the younger brother, then you will be a real king. I said [-] million box office, no one will suspect that I am bragging!"

The other people looked at Fang Yi curiously and smiled kindly.

Only Li Chen, who played the role of "brother", was quite embarrassed, with his hands in his trouser pockets, his black face flushed.But under the power of [-] million film kings, he had to bow his head, "Thank you, Director Fang, for coming to join us."

"Thank you Director Fang."

Fang Yi pulled Guo Fan to appear in front of Feng Dapao: "Director Feng, this is Guo..."

Feng Dapao heard him finish, but there was no bird Guo Fan, but continued to talk to Fang Yi: "The reason why the special effects of "The Great Earthquake" took so long is because we have aged every building, which is equivalent to Added a filter... I heard your new film does the same, but it's easier for you than me if you can get live action."

"I'm different," Feng Dapao pointed to his yellow and white face. Because of vitiligo, he was filming day and night upside down, and now the marks on his face are very heavy.

"Tangshan, that is a city that has stood up again from the ruins. My special effects shots are not icing on the cake, but from scratch, making all the buildings that don't exist now..."

Guo Fan's expression was a little dull because he was ignored.

Fang Yi patted him: "Guo Fan, do you want Feng to introduce himself to you?"

Guo Fan then stretched out his hand, "Director Feng!" Feng Dapao gave Fang Yi a strange look, touched Guo Fan's hand, and continued to chat with Fang Yi.

The two talked for a while before retreating.In addition to Fang Yi, the supporting guests that night also included Big Brother Cheng, Fan Meiren and so on.In order to fulfill Feng Dapao's [-] million box office, Huaxia Film and Television will invite big stars to help out every show starting this month.

The third master was also cooperating with Huaxia Film and Television. At that time, the theaters under China Film Group put up the promotional posters very early, and the documentary and trailer of "The Great Earthquake" could also be seen on TV.

The promotional activity lasted until late at night, and the scale was huge. Stars came one after another. By the time of the final group photo, the lineup was comparable to the Basha charity banquet at the end of last year.

Fang Yi and Guo Fan were taken to the restaurant of a certain club.Fang Yi introduced to Guo Fan, "After Huaxia Film and Television went public, the funds were quite abundant, and the stock price skyrocketed again—isn't there a saying in Hollywood that the six major film companies monopolize the film studios in the United States, or in other words, major countries in the world?" screen……"

Guo Fan thought he understood, "Huaxia Film and Television wants to be the Sixth National Congress of China?"

"No, it wants to be the only giant, a real market giant except for the Chinese prefix. From the perspective of these guests," Fang Yi refers to those who are big brother Cheng, "everyone is optimistic that it can succeed, and they can't wait to express their hearts and souls. loyalty."

"It's amazing." Guo Fan was stunned and swallowed his saliva.

A few days ago, he had built a partitioned rental house in the capital, but now he was in a place that he couldn't get to by himself.Familiar oil paintings are hung in the corridors of this place, which look like authentic works. Let’s not talk about whether the dishes served are good or not, but they are all beautifully arranged and served in exquisite containers, which makes people who don’t have three pennies feel happy. trembling.

Fang Yi was arranged at the main table, and the only people on it who were not Huaxia Film and Television were him and his eldest brother Cheng, while Guo Fan was arranged at other places, and the table was also the mainstay of the circle.

These people had never met Guo Fan before, so they politely asked him which way he was.

Guo Fan replied enthusiastically: "Guo Fan, you are a director."

"What film?"

"Not yet."

"Have you found an actor yet?"

"No, I'm currently an assistant director, and I'm helping Director Fang Yi share the work. I want to be a director."

"Oh, the assistant director...the assistant director is good, the assistant director...there is still room for improvement."

People became rude. This kind of rudeness didn't mean that they immediately changed their faces like in the novel and looked down on him, but that in the subsequent conversations, no one asked him for advice.He tried to interject, but the others pretended not to hear.

Guo Fan felt that the meal was boring and wanted to go back to the rental house to eat instant noodles.

The Wang brothers, on the other hand, were very polite to Fang Yi, and they kept praising him during the meeting. In addition, Feng Dapao really liked Fang Yi, making Fang Yi look like a host.

Of the two brothers, the elder brother Wang Zhongjun is more restrained and manages affairs; the younger brother Wang Zhonglei is more cheerful. To the outside world, this person has had friction with Fang Yi before.

Today, Wang Zhongjun said a lot, "We Huaxia Film and Television will do a big job, "The Great Earthquake", "Tongtian Empire", and "If You Are the One 2" at the end of the year, these are all blockbuster movies that can definitely make money. We do so much the same."

Wang Zhongjun listed: "Whether it's Guangliang Film and Television, Bernard Film and Television, Malaysia Pentium... No, there is no one that can spend as much money as we do."

Younger brother Wang Zhonglei responded: "Speaking of which, Director Fang is very suitable for the last part of "Babel Empire". He is an actor and looks good. Director Fang... Are you interested? The investment is more than 1 million yuan. , we don’t talk nonsense, we can decide today.”

Fang Yi didn't know what kind of medicine the Wang brothers were selling, so of course he wouldn't agree.

Feng Dapao got a little drunk, he interjected, "Fang Yi, come to our Huaxia Film and Television, and keep your studio open, that's what I do...but it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, don't you think so. Everyone earns money."

Fang Yi: "It's really not necessary. I don't know if there is a schedule."

Feng Dapao shook his head, taking advantage of the strength of the wine, he moved a lot, and wanted to say something, Wang Zhonglei got up and poured wine to him beside him, toast him, he looked at Wang Zhonglei happily and smiled, forgetting what he wanted to say.

The eldest brother Cheng realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, so he leaned back in his chair and watched silently.

Wang Zhongjun said: "To be a big director, you need to develop in multiple habitats. Our director Fang has achievements in many places, and he is much better at a young age than I was in the United States at that time... The same is true for a big company. Just to make movies, theme parks, hotels, and hardware, director Fang must agree with me, it is possible to cooperate."

Feng Dapao, who was in a drunken frenzy, suddenly woke up, Fang Yi sent apologetic eyes, he took off his baseball cap and kept touching his head, feeling his skin was hot.

There was no background sound of him getting drunk, so the whole room was silent, waiting for Fang Yi to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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