I really can't act

Chapter 261 The Heavy Snow in Anshan

Chapter 261 The Heavy Snow in Anshan

"In the foreseeable next half month, there will still be no snow in Harbin—at least it won't be as big as you think. The whole world will be covered with snow, and the whole city will be stagnant with thick snow."

"However, there is still another place that may meet your requirements. According to the forecast of comrades from the Meteorological Bureau, this may be the heaviest snowfall in the Northeast this year."

The producer of China Film Group asked Fang Yi mysteriously to report the situation.

"Where is it."

"An Shan."

Fang Yi thought for a while, "Let's shoot "The Piano" there, then the shooting conditions can be met."

"Yes, not only the piano of the piano, but also some crews, and photographers who specialize in shooting old industrial bases——Anshan is very artistic now, and it is a famous city in the Northeast. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has always been a famous city. Angang Constitution, have you heard of it?"

"Of course, I'm not dead yet, I remember what happened before," Fang Yi asked, "But how big is the snow, is it worth going over?"

The machine currently used by the "Love Letter" crew is a digital camera, which is not as delicate as a film camera, but it is still very troublesome to move around.It is also easy to overspend if an entire crew changes to another city for shooting.

In addition, the physical condition of the leading actress should be taken into consideration.

Liu Tianxian's cervical spine suffered a lot in the early years, and at a young age, he felt a dull pain when it was cold. When Liu Ma was with her, she always had to stare at her to put on her scarf to feel at ease.

Fang Yi didn't know it before, so she let her mess around with peace of mind. She gave the scarf to herself, and Fang Yi didn't know why she cared so much about her neck health.

After the long-distance running scene on the playground, when the cold wind blew, she couldn't help showing a painful expression.

After asking, I finally understood.

No wonder I sweat so much.

Fang Yi, who regretted it, bought ten scarves and watched her put them on every day.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi expressed emotion to the leading actress, as well as to the weather:
"Who can predict how much snow will fall... It's really embarrassing."

The producer shrugged, "No embarrassment. Maybe it won't snow at all... It's also possible, it's too big to even do normal production operations!"

"I initially selected a place, which is the primary school attached to the employees of a local steel factory. Because the steel factory has low efficiency and high pollution, it will be ordered to be demolished soon-it seems that this generation doesn't have babies very often, so there are children in that primary school. nobody."

"The steel factory has been demolished, what do those workers do for a living?"

"It was the factory that was demolished, not the company. That company seemed to cooperate with Toyo's Showa Seigang and introduced Japanese capital. Everyone can change places. The company can also survive."

"Emotions should be complicated."

The producer paid attention to his expression, and said strangely, "You don't want to shoot these in the movie, the tone will change."

Fang Yi shook his head, "No, that's about "The Piano of the Steel", not mine."

Then, he called the assistant director of the crew, "You two go to Anshan to explore the spot, go to the open space he introduced, which is similar to Harbin No. [-] Middle School, it must be empty - I will use drones , this part is more important."

The two drove there overnight.

Fang Yi stayed in Harbin and led others to film the after-school time.Phoenix brand bicycles have finally played a role. In the past, the love of young people could not be separated from bicycles.

In Wang Shuo's novel, he had no money when he was young, but he saved up a bicycle, and rode to the gate of the university every day, looking for girls he liked everywhere to strike up a conversation with.

It may be that his appearance scares the girls, so he expresses regretful feelings between the lines.

Ao Dajin also mentioned that those stinkins who play rock and roll, carry an acoustic guitar, go to Beijing University, and conquer the female college students of literature and art. At that time, there were already "guoer", and their days were wonderful .

Although short and tight can write songs and lyrics, he is still a top student of Mizuki, but he is ugly, so he can only envy and hate at that time.

What does this tell us?
A slight adaptation of Qian Zhongshu's words can be used to describe: For an ugly person, youthfulness is a kind of cruelty to him.

The book friends of Xiaoguang Lianqu are all handsome and beautiful women, of course they have youth.

There's nothing to say about the scenes on the bicycle, just some ordinary sugar scenes.

Liu Tianxian's acting skills, even Fang Yi can't say that she is particularly good, but she can only say that she can deal with youth films. If she really likes the guy on the bike, that kind of charming feelings will naturally be released in front of the camera come out.

There are some places in "Love Letter" that need to test acting skills, and those are all Fang Yi's one-man shows.

During this period, the producer and assistant director often sent photos to Fang Yi and called to describe them.So he dispatched another group of people to arrange the equipment first.

A week later, seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the group, and after he finished filming the scene of sending Liu Tianxian off at night, he was still pedaling his bicycle, so he announced:

"Our crew is going to change to a new map."

——An Shan.

The Steel Capital of the Republic.The cradle of new China's iron and steel industry, the first iron and steel industry city.The territory is rich in agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery resources, and the population of more than 300 million is not too much.

This place is truly the place of choice.If there is a World War III, Anshan can at least be called the Northeast Regional Sub-Center or something like that.

Along with the trend of economic globalization, the rich resources in its territory have been allocated and offered to a few super cities at a relatively low price, and the industry has gradually been marginalized.

This is actually the epitome of the region, and it does not depend on human will.In the "Love Letter" movie, both the male and female protagonists are kings of volume, and they have successfully established roots in other places, but how much effort has been put into this youth film will not be shot in detail.

There is always a black screen, and the next second will be ten years later. It seems that the life in between has passed easily.

The local airport in Anshan was originally used for military use. After it was converted to civilian use, the only routes opened are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Rongcheng, and Jinling.

Harbin City is not included.

A group of people were stuffed into the boring car, wandered around for a whole day, and finally arrived at the primary school attached to the employees of the steel factory.Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian both have nanny vans, but the precious space that is not wobbling in there is all used for more expensive equipment.

The actors are treated equally and all take the bus.

Liu Tianxian was very dissatisfied with Fang Yi's discipline of her.She still has a bit of an independent woman's mind.

In my twenties, it was the first time I went out on my own, without a mother. How could I have a father in such a happy day?
She is a person who pretends to tell you, "You are doing it for my own good, so I'm sure I won't be angry." In fact, she is still angry in her heart, and she just denies it to the end, because she also knows that the reason is too far-fetched.

How it came about, no one can tell.

It may be that the "reinfantization" has reached a more advanced stage. My brain is hot and I want to make a fuss. After all, people are not machines.

After getting out of the car, everyone was going to move out the equipment, but:
"Very big snow."

Visible fluff-like snowflakes were floating in the sky, and they fell on people's bodies. Many people spread their hands to feel the touch of snow falling on their palms, and let out a soft sigh.

Liu Tianxian is also very happy, she doesn't care about the scarf anymore, she would rather touch more snowflakes.

Fang Yi clutched a red scarf and put it over her head, and as soon as he dragged it, the scarf fell off her neck.

Liu Tianxian turned around and was about to say that he was puzzled.

But Fang Yi didn't wear glasses now, and a little snow fell on his brow bone. He stretched Liu's scarf seriously, so that it could cover as much as possible, and then tightened it carefully.

Under this scene, classmate Liu couldn't say anything, blushed, and let him play around honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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