I really can't act

Chapter 237 Number Plate

Chapter 237 Number Plate

The highlight of Basha Charity Night is the current auction.In this kind of occasion, people order food, so there will be a strange phenomenon of millions buying watercolor pens and hundreds of thousands buying jewelry necklaces.

The first two lots were taken by the president of Aston Martin China and Wang Zhongjun, the chairman of Huaxia Film and Television.The prices are 48 and 60.

As we all know, good things in auctions are generally not placed first, and the degree of value increases.

Liu Tianxian was surprised at the beginning: "Wow, these people are really willing to spend money, and they are really rich."

She pulled Fang Yi's clothes excitedly: "What do you think?"

"well enough."

"Hundreds of thousands, what is it? Oh..."

Liu Tianxian leaned out, looked at Fang Yi's expression with a smile, and became happier in the end. She said, "They spend money recklessly, unlike us, who have reasons... I don't care, do I?"

She didn't wait for Fang Yi to answer, she answered first, "Yes."

Then he whispered seriously, "We have to draw a clear line from this kind of extravagant people. Don't misunderstand my values."

This is not all to coax Fang Yi. During the earthquake in 08, Liu Tianxian donated the remuneration of the four films, a total of about 100 million yuan - which was unbelievable given her age at the time.

Mama Liu was very tolerant of letting her make it like this.

Although Liu Tianxian is very famous, he has not caught up with the era of exploding salary.

After finally becoming the protagonist of "Sculpture of the Gods", the director is a bearded man who likes to undercut the price, so the whole film does not have a high salary.

The treasury saved by the little rich woman is all based on endorsements and commercial performances. The two years of being an idol were in vain. Sony even gave her a hot dancing hot girl look. . The 400 million in "Love Has an Afterlife" is Liu Tianxian's single highest income in this business.

Fang Yipin listened to Liu Tianxian's words and realized, "What do you want to buy? Don't have enough money?"

"I've seen it. I want to buy two things, but now I can only buy one."

"Which two?"

"I won't let you spend money, and I won't tell you."

Fang Yi took out his mobile phone, didn't look at the screen, and sent a message to his agent from memory: "Liu Tianxian wants to buy, besides mine, maybe it is?"

Zhenjie understood, and replied: "Armani."

On tonight's flyer, there is indeed an evening dress from the brand.Fang Yi suddenly remembered that Liu Tianxian jumped out of the trap of flexible employment just like he started looking for big-name bindings, and it was her turn to repackage.

If Liu Tianxian signed Armani, it is possible that the brand side secretly paid for the hype, but now she is just "releasing goodwill" with an empty expression.

Her fashion road is also a bumpy road.

The auction items were pushed up one by one, and the prices were getting higher and higher, but at this time, Liu Tianxian suddenly asked Fang Yi: "Your box, won't it pass the auction? If no one bids, or if you sell it yourself and buy it yourself, it will be sold." Ridiculous."

"Tissot's executives are here, they know about this, they have already said hello, and they will spend money."

In this kind of human place, celebrities who donate things usually find a friend who can guarantee the bottom line.Zhao Junqi, Chen Kun, and Huang Xiaoming often sang a trio at the auction, taking turns to buy their own things.

If some fool really regards this as a free bid, messing up the good things of these three, making one of them pay more money, or not being able to afford it, then they will completely offend these three.

Liu Tianxian said, "What if they don't?"

"then you."

"Fang Yi, you actually started to take advantage of your favor and commit murder, and let me fall into your trap."

"You donate, I will pay."

Liu Tianxian wrinkled Fang Yi's nose, "I don't want you to spend so much money, it's not in line with my philosophy... It's better if someone asks for your things, and then everyone agrees not to increase the price. Donating too much will also offend others... I didn't know before that I donated a lot during the earthquake, and they were supposed to do good deeds to make my heart feel at ease, but instead, the reporters took my news and went to bully other seniors."

"I somehow offended someone, and then I realized that even donating money should take care of other people's feelings."

At the Basha Banquet, there were indeed female seniors who participated three times and donated a total of 1.1 RMB—if the new juniors donate more, wouldn’t it appear that the seniors are stingy?
Finally, it was the turn of the Armani evening dress. The host offered 20 yuan, plus [-] yuan. Many celebrities competed to bid. After five or six rounds, it was [-] yuan.

Evening dresses are bought once and worn once, after which they are almost worthless. On the contrary, the donkey brand bags Liu Tianxian bought in Hong Kong also cost hundreds of thousands, but contrary to common sense, those bags will continue to appreciate in value.

Fang Yi kept paying attention to Liu Tianxian. She didn't make a bid, but focused on the things on the stage.

"20 million once."

"20 million for the second time."

The magazine editor who was a guest auctioneer was about to use the auction hammer. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw:

"There is a new number plate participating in the bidding, number 13, he... 25, friends, 25!"

Fang Yi swapped his number plate with Liu Tianxian's, and it was Liu Tianxian's number plate.Others thought that he was bidding for Liu Tianxian.

Liu Tianxian was both surprised and happy. She said distressedly, "I told you not to spend money recklessly. It's obviously my business. How can I deal with myself now?"

Fortunately, there are new people raising prices.


Fang Yi was about to hold up the sign, but Liu Tianxian stopped him, "Someone is being taken advantage of, and I know you are super generous, Fang Yi, I'm very happy, so don't continue."

He was disobedient, and still held up the sign. This time, he gestured for 35. The host squinted his eyes and looked down, "Three... 35? Okay, 35. Actor Fang is willing to offer 35."

The camera had turned to him, he shook his head slightly, raised his chin to signal Liu Tianxian next to him, the host understood, "Ah, Fang Yi is calling the price for Liu Tianxian."

Here's a small detail.Fang Yi deliberately increased the price a lot, showing that he was determined to win, and the price shill deliberately revealed the identities of Fang Yi and Liu Tianxian.Let other bidders weigh themselves.

If you pay 40 or 50, because you are determined to win, maybe "Liu Tianxian" will buy it, but if you make such a fuss and make her pay a sum of money for nothing, you will offend her.

In this kind of auction, who is bidding can be seen clearly.

Sure enough, there was no further price increase.

According to the process of singing the price, he introduced the evening dress again and began to chant:

"35 for the first time?"

"35 million for the second time."

"35 for the third time?!"

I stepped on my feet and looked carefully, and indeed no one raised their hands, "Crack!" "Deal."

"Thanks to Ms. Liu for her contribution to the charity industry. She added 35 to our fund pool. Thank her. I would also like to remind everyone that this is an Armani evening dress..."

Liu Tianxian looked exaggeratedly depressed, but his body shook briskly, "It's over, the little treasury has been drained."

Fang Yi: "I said it, I will give it."

"Boyfriend and boyfriend, how can I give you an expensive gift right now? Let me owe you too much, which is not good for the relationship." Seeing Fang Yi's mouth suddenly opened wide, her face turned red, and she forced herself to calm down, "Don't you Wouldn’t you admit it, wouldn’t you?”

"Of course it is."

"That's it."

Fang Yi shook his head, "You can't use this reason to refuse my kindness."

She already knew that she shouldn't argue with Fang Yi about the result, but said shamelessly, "Yes, yes!"


"Speak again."


"Still talking."

She finally said, "If you have to feel guilty, let me think about it, hurry up and read the book I gave you, and turn over a few more pages... I think you are busy, so you definitely won't read it, and you can't finish it in a year or two." normal."

"When you are not busy, you have a lot of time to watch it, and you don't think it is boring, you will change from the present, and you will know in your heart what you want."

Fang Yi said, "What about you?"

"I've finished reading it a long time ago, Fang Yi, I've written it all... I've written it all for you."

She snatched the number plate from Fang Yi's hand and pointed to the number 14 plate, "This is yours."

(End of this chapter)

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