The draw starts from Azkaban

Chapter 378 Voldemort is an appraisal expert, didn't you expect it?

Chapter 378 Voldemort is an appraisal expert, didn't you expect it?

Regarding "Director Scrimgeour's" majestic attack, Professor Snape pretended to be deaf and dumb. There was nothing he could do. Thought of this possibility.

But not being able to care about it doesn't mean not caring about it.

Although Scrimgeour's appearance is understandable, it doesn't affect the fact that Professor Snape will give Scrimgeour a hard time when he sees Scrimgeour on the battlefield in the future.

Those were two different things, and Professor Snape had never been a magnanimous person.

Love is as important as hate, and strong emotions are the medicine of magic.

Duvi Jones stabbed Professor Snape mercilessly, and continued to speak carelessly: "Just over ten years ago, black magic was still spread in Hogwarts, but these years, magic The ministry has tightened controls on black magic.

Although I don't intend to comment on this stupid thing, it can be seen with the naked eye that it does not conform to the current era.

Now you teach your children this way and that sounds very good, but in fact?

Every child is a fool, they see a dark wizard, they don't even know what kind of spells to use to avoid black magic, the Ministry of Magic hopes to teach some babies to come out, save some troubles, problems Yes, now the baby is the trouble itself. "

Duwei Jones said that although it is ridiculous to say so, it is the truth.

He sharply pointed out the thing, that is, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft is a great feat. It found all the wizards living in England, taught them spells, brought them together, and ensured their Safe, educated.

This move has become even more effective in modern times.

A large number of wild wizards, except those who have survived through various means since ancient times, the rest of the wizards are all from Hogwarts, and pure-blood families are no exception.

They acquiesced that the magic they learned came from Hogwarts, but from Slytherin.

Most of the current wizards come from Hogwarts, which means that as long as someone stops the source, students will indeed not learn the magic that the Ministry of Magic does not want.

There are quite a few wizarding families. Over the years, the families of Muggles and non-pure-blood wizards are not likely to be able to educate their children about these things.

Because top-notch black magic like the Unforgivable Curse can indeed distort a person's character.

Many people aren't cruel and perverted enough inside to be able to use these Unforgivable Curses to their true effect.

And from the perspective of Hogwarts, in recent years, the biggest trouble in Hogwarts is the two brothers of the Weasley family. They are always playing pranks and making everyone unhappy, but, from another aspect so to speak.

What they have done in these years, thirty years ago, are trivial matters that are not worth mentioning.

Because at that time, what everyone likes to do most is pure blood and Muggle wizards, and the "friendly exchange" between this college and that college. In this friendly exchange, all kinds of magic emerge in endlessly, and everyone is very creative. , always thinking about how to torture each other, how to defeat each other.

How to humiliate each other.

So out of it came aggressive magic.

There are also plenty of creative wizarding students.

These professors present, when they were young, played more wildly and wildly. After all, it was an era when the headmaster could decide to whip the students. Everyone didn't pay much attention to these so-called "student rights". It's okay if you don't die.

How to put it, whether it is good or bad now, at least the current students are stuffed into the Ministry of Magic. They don't know anything about some jobs such as strikers, Aurors, and field operators.

However, it is true that the efficiency of these children in casting black magic has become very low, especially in the lower grades. The Ministry of Magic clearly stipulates that they don't even know what the spell (name) of black magic is.

The Ministry of Magic doesn't have to worry about children becoming dark wizards, because they artificially set up an obstacle for dark wizards.

Dumbledore said, "You know that's not what I'm talking about, Rufus."

"It's about what you said about the interns," he said.

Duwei Jones burped, and said indifferently: "Then put aside the controversy, principal, we can talk about this matter later. Regarding the intern system, we can consider not using interns, or even just calling They are in the school, doing some brief copywriting work.

It seems that Principal Dumbledore, you don't object to the replacement of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, then this matter is settled, and the handover will start tonight, Tonks, please.

And, Alastor! "

Mad-Eye Moody is the only person in the whole scene who doesn't eat.

Hearing Scrimgeour's words, he looked up, and Duvi Jones said, "I know that Hogwarts has a very famous professor, Professor Sprout."

Du Wei nodded to Professor Sprout, and said: "So, the Ministry of Magic will purchase magic plants from all over the world and put them outside the Forbidden Forest, and there are some places where Hogwarts students are usually not allowed to go, so I need Alastor Plant some safer plants with Professor Sprout, not to guard against other dark wizards or Death Eaters, and they can't stop them.

This matter is done by the two of you together, there is no problem. "

no problem.

Professor Sprout glanced at Dumbledore, who nodded.

Duwei Jones was very satisfied, and he said: "Very well, what I need to stop is the rest, the non-humans I mentioned earlier, do you understand what I mean? Headmaster Dumbledore, if you understand, we have come a long way Come on, it's time to rest.

Where should I live tonight, Professor? "

Dumbledore said, "I'll take you there."

Dumbledore understood Duwei Jones' words, he was preparing for the battle quickly, but it seemed that he really wanted to put the battlefield in Hogwarts, and he still had something to say to Duwei Jones.

Communicate privately.

At this time, "Professor Lupine" who had gone to the school hospital just came back, and Duvi Jones was already planning to go to rest.

Although it is said to be a rest, in fact, no one can rest tonight!

The students are leaving too.

But the two people who didn't eat today are Moody and Harry Potter, but their reasons for not eating are different.

One is because they suspect that the elves poisoned the food, and they need to ensure their own safety at all times.

The other person had a headache and discomfort today, coupled with a poor appetite, so he didn't eat a single bite.

There is another person, it is not that he has not eaten, but he is eating restlessly.

It's Neville.

Neville trembled.

Because Moody's magic eyes have been looking at Neville, Mad-Eye Moody has not forgotten the story between himself and Neville, he still cares about this child, anyway, in fact, he and Neville's father and mother are very familiar.

Everyone was born as an Auror, and Moody is not very satisfied with the child who has become like this now.

Another point is that this child is very talented in plants. What is the most important thing in learning magic?
is talent.

Moody knew very well that there were some wizards in the distant Brahman state, but their numbers were very few, and their spells were relatively rare.

So Moody intends to train this child, but when he left, Moody kept looking at "Professor Lupine". There are some differences between Sirius' performance and Duvi Jones' performance. This difference may seem suspicious to others, but Moody is already suspicious.

It can be said that today's dinner, whether it is the Ministry of Magic talking on the top or the students eating below, is not very comfortable. The students below actually pay special attention to these people above. People who are a little bit well-informed know this People from the Ministry of Magic are not kind.

Especially the students of Slytherin College. Among these students, some of them are full of hatred for these people. You can't ask some students, their parents, or uncles and aunts to be thrown into Azkaban. There is no malice towards the instigator of this matter.

That's not realistic.

Duvi Jones will not be implicated, and there is no way to implicate him. This is the most basic bottom line—not Duvi Jones’ bottom line, nor the rest’s bottom line, nor Voldemort’s bottom line. This is Dumbledore’s bottom line. Dumbledore does not allow children to be thrown into Azkaban as Death Eaters, especially when Azkaban is vaguely out of control now!

Among these people, only Luna was as silly and happy as always. She said that she saw countless trouble bugs here tonight. They got into everyone's ears and brought everyone's troubles.

After Dumbledore announced that everyone was leaving, he took the Ministry of Magic to find the residence. Dumbledore and Du Wei Jones stood outside to ensure that no one was there. Du Wei Jones took out an ancient magic book.

He didn't tell Dumbledore what the magic book was for, but Dumbledore shook his head directly and said, "It's impossible to hide it from Voldemort. After graduating from Hogwarts, he worked in the Dark Magic Store for a long time. He He is professional in identification, that is to say, you can't fool him with this thing.


Dumbledore flipped through the book and said, "I have to say, very fine magic and old-fashioned craftsmanship, I roughly understand what you think."

Duvi Jones stood beside Dumbledore and said: "There is always progress. If this one doesn't work, there is always another one. Hogwarts is a magical place, and there is a magical book in this magical place." Books were discovered and brought to Voldemort, more importantly, a flaw, I need a flaw, so that Voldemort can break the magic of love, do you understand?
If the magic of love cannot be broken, Voldemort will always get a chance to show a flaw, so that Voldemort and Harry Potter are connected by flesh and blood, and no one can do without the other.

I want to kill Nagini, and then tell Voldemort to kill his last Horcrux with his own hands, and I want to see despair, despair, you understand? "

Dumbledore answered irrelevantly: "I thought it was you who wouldn't care about a Potter's life."

Duvi Jones said: Yes, I really don't care, I just promised others not to kill Harry Potter, that's all! ""

(End of this chapter)

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