The draw starts from Azkaban

Chapter 329 The Prophecy of Fate

"It's unbelievable, I've lived all these years and I've never seen anything like it, Pomona, do you have any idea?"

The short head of Ravenclaw asked Professor Sprout sharply.

Professor Sprout looked at his letter carefully and shook his head.

She hadn't seen this happen either.

When this happened, everyone was surprised.

They are not too young.

However, even so, this was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Such a large-scale replacement of the Wizengamot's trial seat is unheard of. Even when Voldemort was in control of the Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot's trial power was cancelled. The entire Wizengamot was like a virtual pension. department.

Nor did he completely replace the members of the Wizengamot's trial.

Such a big change of blood can never be a normal personnel replacement.

But the problem is, no one has heard the wind.

"Where is Dumbledore?"

asked Professor Flitwick.

"I don't know. He left in a hurry and went to another place. The other principals said that he was so anxious that he didn't even wear his coat."

Professor Snape interrupted abruptly.

It is different from other professors in "twitter".

Professor Snape sat in his chair and closed his eyes to meditate. He seemed to have nothing to do with himself, hanging high.

But judging from the fingers that he gripped the armrest tightly.

He was not as calm as he seemed.

He works hard.

Snape knew his identity very well, although he didn't care much about it - but he knew very well in his heart that from the perspective of those Aurors at the Ministry of Magic, he was a Death Eater.

is a person not to be trusted.

Dumbledore saved him.

Most Aurors still didn't trust him.

Even if someone discussed things with him, the reason they approached him was not because he was reliable, but because others believed in Dumbledore.

Because Dumbledore believed him, the rest of the people chose to believe him.

If Dumbledore's trust in him wavered a little.

The rest would stay away from him as a Death Eater.

Under such circumstances, he was asked to be a member of the Wizengamot's trial seat, an annoying professor with no background and who was highly suspected of being a Death Eater.

He felt a little unreal.

Somewhat funny.

There must be something wrong with this world.

Even when he dreamed before, he would never have such a fantastic dream.

Just when he was thinking carefully about what caused this result, the door to the teachers' lounge opened suddenly, and Professor McGonagall walked in and saw everyone—really everyone, seeing She was stunned by the letters they held in their hands.

"So," she asked without forgetting to close the door, making sure Peeves was not here, "everyone got the letter?"

"Yes, if you're talking about Ministry invitations, yes, Minerva, we've all got them."

Professor Sprout said. …

At this moment, the outside door opened, and Professor McGonagall staggered two steps forward—she was standing at the door, and someone opened the door madly, bumped into Professor McGonagall's back, and hit McGonagall. The professor's back hurts.

The prophecy professor who usually lives high in the tower and refuses to come down rarely comes down from the attic of her tower.

Pushing open the door of the teacher's lounge.

Her eyes were already very big, but under the blessing of glasses, she looked like a humanoid creature with only two big eyes left on one face.

Like some kind of elf.

Looking at the fully staffed teachers' lounge, she said dreamily, "Are you all right, Minerva? Have you all received the invitation letter?"

Professor McGonagall stroked his back with his backhand, and after standing still, he said angrily: "Yes, Sybil, we all received it.

But look at you, you are too crazy. "

Sirius Black turned into Lupine, floated a chair for Professor McGonagall with his wand, and asked her to sit down. Professor Trelawney wanted to talk, but she was attracted by "Sirius", and then , her eyes became illusory.

It's like a layer of mist.

As if she had fallen asleep, she made an unconscious sound that was more like talking in a dream.

Even Snape's eyes widened at this moment.

All eyes were on Professor Trelawney's face.

She stared at Sirius' face.

[A man, a man who came out of the shadows, who embraced death, on a sunny day]

[Dark basement, throne full of blood and bones]

【He abandoned his brother】

【Ominous omen... No, maybe it's relief】

【The servant and the master die together, the curtain of death, the deception of time】

[He and Death hold hands and leave together]

【Italy Shampoo】


Professor Trelawney's voice also became more ethereal, and then in everyone's eyes, she seemed to fight a cold war.

Then Professor Trelawney woke up.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her, she asked suspiciously, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

This time it was Snape who stood up. He came over, stood in front of Professor Trelawney, looked at her critically and suspiciously and said, "Professor Trelawney, you know what you just said What is it?"

Word by word.

Finally, there is still a bubble sound.

raised eyebrows.

His eyes fixed on Professor Trelawney's, not letting go of any suspicious signs.

Professor Trelawney shook her head and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"No, you just said a lot, for example, a man, a man who came out of the shadows, embraced death."

Snape's prepared recitation came out of her words.

"Uh, did I say that?"

It seemed that Professor Trelawney had really forgotten everything.

She said: "But I forgot, there is no phase of the moon, no tea and coffee grounds, how can I predict?"

She was a little puzzled.

This incident appears to be in the past.

Her words, like a haze, enveloped the entire lounge, and no one spoke until "Lupine" coughed. He looked preoccupied, but he still changed the subject.

Ask everyone what they plan to do.

"Maybe we should ask the Headmaster, he always has an idea."

Rather than asking Dumbledore to give everyone an idea, in fact, everyone seems to know why such a thing happened.

But no one knew where Dumbledore had gone.

Fortunately, after a while, an aristocratic lady in a picture invited them over.

"Ms. Dairis Dewent, you are invited to come over. She said that Dumbledore asked her to come over."

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