The draw starts from Azkaban

Chapter 320 Chapter 420

Chapter 320 Four Twenty Soldiers Against Soldiers, Generals Against Generals

Rook Wood has no chance to kill Mad-Eye Moody. This madman is worried about any wizard on the scene. Dawlish", "Dawlish" is so stupid that he doesn't look like an Auror, he is too mechanical and rigid, and Rookwood found a chance to replace him.

But facing Mad-Eye Moody, he found himself helpless.

Mad-Eye Moody didn't give him the slightest chance.

In desperation, he could only choose to act forcefully.

The time is almost up!

He was forced to destroy the already crumbling shield, and then conveniently held the Muggle Prime Minister hostage to protect his own life.

He could see that the people of the Ministry of Magic valued the Muggle Prime Minister very much.

This is also his only chance to survive!

Rookwood poked his wand on the Prime Minister's neck, sweating all over his head from nervousness—he knew the quality of Mad-Eye Moody, he captured half of the Death Eaters in Azkaban, and, He's crazy, and that's what matters the most, and that's what scares the most.

Even Luke Wood didn't understand the brain circuit of this lunatic.

Who knows when a madman will go mad!

Rookwood didn't know whether the person he was kidnapping would be binding on Mad-Eye Moody.

So he was relieved to see Ms. Burns come in.

At least Ms. Bernsch must have reason.

He only needs to hold on for a while before he can be rescued.

Hiding his body in the corner—although this is useless, Rookwood himself knows several spells, which can make people hiding in the corner die easily.

A corner is not a safe zone, and it is not safe to hide yourself behind the hostages.

The spell he knows, Mad-Eye Moody will also have it, because it is not black magic, Mad-Eye Moody is a master of transfiguration, he can change something to deal with him at any time, he not only wants to stare Mad-Eye Moody, still watching Ms. Burns.

One of his eyes was fixed on Mad-Eye Moody's wand all the time. As long as he waved the wand, no matter what it was, Rookwood panted heavily, his brain running rapidly, "I must recognize the magic wand." Curse, this is my last chance."

In such an exceptionally tense atmosphere, Ms. Bernsch signaled him to put down his wand and let go of the Prime Minister.

Rookwood poked the palmist's neck vigorously, and shouted loudly: "If I were you, I would definitely not want to force someone to kill a big Muggle.

Tell me to let him go?Okay, let me go first!

Hmm, I don't think you guys want to tear your skins off with Muggles either!
let me go. "

He said loudly, his eyes fixed on Ms. Bernsch's face, watching her every move.

Mad-Eye Moody continued to speak, but the confrontation was quickly broken here.

Because, here comes the dementors.

As if the surrounding sky was dimmed, those dark and rotten monsters - dementors, floated in from the outside window. Looking at the wizards at the scene, they took a deep breath, and the soul-stirring The cold rose from the depths of everyone present.

Desperate to want to commit suicide!

Life is meaningless.

The experienced Aurors frantically mustered up their courage, recalled those happy things in their brains, and tried their best to summon the gods to protect them. Mad-Eye Moody roared and used the spell first!

A silver beast flew out from the tip of his wand, stamped its hooves in the void, stopped the rushing dementors who wanted to feast, and blocked the darkness out!
"Go back, you dirty bastards! Go back to where you live, you should be in Azkaban!

This is your only home! "

Mad-Eye Moody stepped forward to stand in front of the crowd and confront the Dementors.

When Rookwood saw this, an apparition left here - he didn't dare to do anything to anyone present, it would be too time-consuming, he only cared about running away, but no one cared about this person anymore.

Even if Mad-Eye Moody dispelled these dementors, the suffocating despair just now could not be relieved in a short while.

Everyone was terrified.

They don't react like Rookwood - the dementors of Azkaban are never punishment for real villains.

They never felt pain under the dementor's sucking.

Ms. Burns picked up her wand forcefully. She thought about her happy memory—when was the happy memory? Did she study at Hogwarts with her brothers, or did she walk into the Ministry of Magic step by step on her own? , step by step to the current position?

Ms. Burns didn't think about it, she just wanted to release it and call for divine protection.

A wisp of silvery smoke emerged from the tip of her wand, and she looked at the unmotivated crowd: "Get out of here."

"Breakout through the front door."

"Take the prime minister."

She issued three orders in succession, and saw Kingsley rushing in from outside in a hurry. He held the wand, stunned the two werewolves following him and said, "They are coming in, we are protecting you!" Let's break through."

The plan was completely disrupted.

Mad-Eye Moody stopped the Dementor, looked at the werewolves rushing out, grabbed Ms. Burns, motioned for her to leave quickly, and stopped in front of everyone, the scene was extremely chaotic.

"Get out of here!"

He said the same to Ms. Burns: "Leave the Death Eaters to me."

He said swearingly.

"be careful."

Ms Burnsham nodded, knowing that now was not the time to waste time here - the more time wasted here, the more strikers and Aurors would die.

They ran out along the front, werewolves, werewolf wizards and vampires, fighting with thugs and Aurors.

Ms. Bernsch's heart was bleeding.

She didn't even know when these vampires joined the battle group and why they joined the battle group-vampires are also a kind of monster, but in the decree "Code for the Treatment of Non-Wizards and Semi-Humans", the Ministry of Magic is in the legal The plane forbids the existence of vampire hunters, and does not allow people from the Ministry of Magic to hunt vampires.

There was absolutely no need for them to participate in the assassination of the Minister of Magic.

But it was all too late.

Kingsley knocked down the person blocking the way with a few skillful spells, and saw Dolokhov standing in the front. Dolokhov was using Avada Kedavra to kill an assailant. , Only then did he see Kingsley head-on.

He raised the wand in his hand, showing a slightly crazy smile.

"Hello, Kingsley Shacklebolt, pure-blooded scum."

Kingsley looked at Dolokhov, he also let out a sigh of relief, pushed Ms. Bernsch aside, and signaled her to run.

"Andonin Dolokhov, are you ready? This time, I will not show mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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