Just in case, Ms. Burns did not use the Floo network to go to the Prime Minister's Palace. She and a large number of strikers and Aurors used the Portkey to go to the Prime Minister's Palace.

In order to prevent their whereabouts from being discovered, they used unauthorized door keys. This is obviously an illegal act, but the cautious Ms. Burns still chose to violate the law.

At times like these, Ms. Bernsch knew that the slightest mistake could kill them.

"Are you all ready?"

She asked the people around her, and the Aurors and strikers around them cast spells on her continuously to ensure that she could protect her life and fight back effectively when she encountered a battle.

This is almost equivalent to pre-war preparations.

The atmosphere of the entire team became extremely tense.

It's like a big war is coming.

No one speaks.

Kings came to use "armor protection" on some stupid batterers with some distaste. After making sure that everyone had received the protection they should have, Ms. Bernsch grabbed out the port key.

A very long stick, ensuring that many people can be teleported at once.

Divide into four times.

The first batch to pass were all Aurors. They were the first to pass by and put on alert immediately, followed by half of the strikers, and the third time was Ms. Burns. This is the current protection of Ms. Burns——her protection is not good Just the Death Eaters, and the pure-blood family wizards from within.

It's wartime right now.

Fortunately, none of these things happened.

Ms. Burns sent over for the third time, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the front of the Prime Minister's Palace.

The guardian spell of the Prime Minister's Mansion is still there, and the atmosphere in the whole Prime Minister's Mansion is very depressing. It really looks like it has been attacked by Death Eaters. This is not a bad thing at all——she said, so far, it seems that this is not a trap.

Ms. Bernsch motioned for everyone to follow him in, but was stopped.

It's hard for the staff to see so many people.

"You can't go in with so many people, the prime minister just wants to see you."

The staff at the door said forcefully.

"I'm a bodyguard, I think I can go in."

Jin Silai spoke, the staff looked Jin Silai up and down, looked at his physique, thought about it, and let him in.

Kings was tall and tall, and he really looked like a bodyguard.

After a symbolic search of Jin Silai's body, these people found nothing. Ms. Bernshi signaled Jin Silai with her eyes, and Jinsi came to understand what Ms. Burnshi meant.

The Minister meant, 'where is your wand'.

King Silai said in a low voice: "It's just some trivial tricks, it's enough to deceive Muggles."

He winked at Ms. Burns, then he opened the door of the prime minister's office, and Ms. Burns walked in.

The two walked into the prime minister's office and saw the prime minister sitting on a chair, complaining non-stop.

Beside him, there were several operatives from the Ministry of Magic. With a glance, Burns knew that something had happened. It was Dawlish who was staying here to protect the Prime Minister. Dawlish was not here, and Mad-Eye Moody stood beside him. Beside them, several operators stood awkwardly around them, listening to the Prime Minister's complaints. …

The look of wanting to leave but not being able to leave is very tormenting.

Seeing Ms. Bernsch coming, they all showed expressions of relief.

Except Mad-Eye Moody.

His expression was still serious.

Even if he saw a newcomer, he raised his wand, and King Silai quickly said the code word.

Mad-Eye Moody withdrew his wand.

And by the way, he glanced at the magic props around him.

The magic item did not warn.

There should be no problem.

Only then did he actually put down his wand.

Mad-Eye Moody turned a deaf ear to the Prime Minister's complaints—this shows that he is quite rational. In the past, he might have cast a deaf-mute spell on the Prime Minister, telling him to shut up and not obstruct his thoughts.

Seeing someone coming in, the Prime Minister stopped complaining about those "little guys" and turned the gunfire to Ms. Burns: "You shouldn't have come in through the gate, you should have come out of the fire like before.

Don't let people see you, things are bad enough now, I can't tell the people, tell those people in the parliament, tell them, in the Prime Minister's Palace, there are many people in strange clothes walking in and out?

I don't want to vote?
Do you want me to tell them in front of those media that there are wizards in our world, and they will rush out of the fire and call us Muggles?
By the way, what does Muggle mean? "

The prime minister seemed to be in shock, he poured himself a glass of wine from his side, and let it go, he seemed to be suppressing his shock.

However, the drink did not suppress his anger, but made him even angrier.

He complained, but kept looking to the side, as if someone was standing there.

Jin Silai quickly glanced over there, then pulled out his wand, and used several spells to test that side.

【All things manifest】

【Sunlight melting】

【Curse stop】

【Ghost without a trace】

Several common dispelling spells fell into the air, and the Prime Minister, who was already in shock, jumped up from his office chair.

Because he saw a person appearing there.

"I just don't think it's right there."

The Prime Minister said that King Silai hurried forward and saw Dawlish who was tied up and hiding there, and asked Mad-Eye Moody what happened.

"He's under the Confusion Charm, a fool."

Mad-Eye Moody said viciously, "He broke the protection here, if I didn't find out that something was wrong with him, this idiot would have destroyed everything, and you have also discovered that the Floo Network has been destroyed.

Someone is trying to trap us here, Minister, how many of us are there? "

When Ms. Burns heard this, her majestic expression didn't panic at all, but her whole body reacted.

This is a trap!
"You didn't explain this in the information."

Ms. Burns said, afterward, Mad-Eye Moody looked out of the window subconsciously, he didn't talk nonsense, and the magic wand just said "Protect everyone."

King Silai also reacted.

"Alastor, protect the Minister and Prime Minister."

He pushed Burns forward, and immediately rushed outside. There were a large number of strikers and Aurors outside. This was their vital force. If these people were attacked outside. …

How that will turn out is hard to say.

"What are you doing?"

Situation changes happen in one thought.

The prime minister didn't react, he continued to ask a little dullly: "Please answer me."

"Be safe, Prime Minister."

Ms. Burnsche said in a hurry, and she also took out her wand-it is well known that when facing Voldemort, even the Minister has to fight.

Voldemort will not show mercy to you just because you are a minister.

Kingslai and the prime minister were old acquaintances, and it was Kingslai who was protecting the prime minister when Dawlish, the unlucky guy, hadn't taken up the banner of protecting palmistry.

"Better this way."

Upon hearing this, the Prime Minister sat back down again.

Pointing to that side, he said, "I still hope that you guys would give me a reason and tell me why you haven't dealt with that mysterious person of yours yet.

You don't know, he attacked me! "

said the prime minister.

Ms Burnsche ignored the prime minister.

She looked outside with some sadness, knowing that this time, she might be in danger.

Whether someone destroyed the Floo network, or someone tampered with the reported information, it all showed one thing.

Someone is going to touch her.

If it is the Dark Lord.

She has no reason to survive.

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