Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 230 Good guy, can capital distort the gods?

Chapter 230 Good guy, can capital distort the gods?

Although one thought after another was still flashing through He Chen's mind, thinking about one show after another.

However, other than putting the digitized equipment in the past, it is too late to perfect any other ideas.

So, the next morning, the plan was still the same as it was agreed last night. As for the series of tricks that He Chen came up with, they could only be kept as temporary ideas.

"Implement it according to the plan today and see the situation. If the effect is not good enough, I will find a way!"

"You must remember that my new priesthood must be the first priority. No matter whether it is profit or anything, don't worry about it. As long as the believers accept my new priesthood, that's fine!"

He Chen, who secretly thought of many unreliable methods at night, reminded Xingnan Songzhi to be more reliable early in the morning.

God-sama's confidence has dropped, but Xingnan Matsuori is still full of confidence:

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely implement it well, and the plan has been well thought out, just do it well!"

So, early in the morning, the evil believers and some believers who were no longer evil believers, but were still regarded as evil believers, set off early to occupy the land, and then started to do good things when there were not many pedestrians.

And the missionary maidens all gathered in He Chen's first church before the business started, and then learned about the latest request of God through Xingnan Songzhi's guidance.

Tsk, should I say it or not, being He Chen's priest is really miserable.

The clergy of other sects, no matter they are evil or righteous, at least what they do is stable.

What do you decide to do? Unless it is a transfer, basically there will be no change in one or two years, ten or twenty years.

But what about He Chen's witch?Basically, when He Chen came up with an idea, they had to change jobs on the spot.

Good guy, it's a witch, but in terms of the speed of job changes, temporary workers are not as fast as them.

Not to mention, the gods they believe in, the priesthood changes every few days, which is more frequent than the update of the mobile phone system.

That is to say, He Chen still has the priesthood of [Mystery], so he can fool him to some extent. Otherwise, when the believers come back from a business trip for half a month, they might not be able to find out who they believe in!
"Everyone go back and make arrangements now. We must ensure that the new priesthood of Lord Shenming is delivered to the hearts of every believer, so that every believer can clearly recognize it! Do you understand?!"


"Okay, let's go!"

So, after the opening of the church bathing city today, the new customers were immediately stunned.

Good guy, I just came to patronize yesterday, but the decoration of the whole church has changed a lot, and even the god who is the mascot has been changed to a priesthood!

Because taking a bath made their skin, body, and mental state much better, some customers directly frowned and complained:
"Then what, waiter, let me ask, why did you change the priesthood of [God of Lavatory]? Don't be blasphemous when doing business!"

"Call your store manager out! What are you doing! You can make jokes about gods? You are too brave!"

"Hi? Has anyone gone in to take a bath today? Has the effect of the god-given bath deteriorated after they made such a foolish modification?!"

He Chen never expected that the witches had no opinion on the change of priesthood, and the waiters didn't express their opinions, but the believers as consumers actually had such opinions.

And what he never expected was:
"Huh? As long as you memorize this passage, you can go directly to a more advanced bathing pool? Don't you need to pull people?! Wait a minute, I'll call my sister!"

"Is there really no change in the bath? Is it true that I can go there after I recite it? I recite it very quickly, huh?"

"I want to vote, huh? Insist on the fact that the gods don't have the game priesthood, so they can only use the most common bathing pool? If you believe that the gods control the game priesthood, and can make extensions, can you still get a discount?! Uh... that, show me the leaflet look."

"[God of Laundry Room] does not have the priesthood of games at all! Just... huh? I think, Lord God controls the game, and there are several connections with the previous priesthood. First of all, [-]% off?! Is it really [-]% off?! My Oh my god! Thank you so much! Thank you for finding the priesthood that Lord Shenming had missed before!"

"Damn, sure enough, capital distorts human nature!"

Looking at the priesthood that originally adhered to the [God of the Bathroom], but was induced by the activities to betray each other at the speed of light, He Chen felt extremely uncomfortable.

Even if the believer believes that he has the priesthood of [game], he originally thought of it himself, including the entire process, which was also shaped by him.

But, in this scene, why does it look like he gave himself to ntr? !Did he turn himself green? !

However, after going through this operation, the believers really believed that the [God of the Bathroom] controls the priesthood of the [Game], He Chen wanted to find a reason to get angry, and even ordered them to change their tactics!
"No, this method can no longer be used in the future. Once the [God Bias] of the game is produced, I will never engage in this operation again. Otherwise, I may be doing it, and my god will be changed."

He Chen's face became serious.

Good guy, just a few discounts, just the qualifications for a more advanced bathing, have directly changed the perception of the gods by believers who are almost at the level of orthodox believers.

Although this is related to the fact that this is his church, and the believers still have too little understanding of the gods, and the time for understanding is too short, this situation is very dangerous.

In his previous life, He Chen had watched the "buying fruit" video. When a customer bought strawberries, the clerk said they were watermelons.So the customer immediately said that it was watermelon.

If this operation is placed on the gods, for example:

If someone took advantage of He Chen's ignorance or loss of contact, by giving money, his disciples would forcibly modify the [God of Lavatory] to only have the priesthood of [Soft Toilet].
Then as a god, what changes will happen to him? !

"Damn, sure enough, the most dangerous thing is capital, it's scarier than cunning!"

He Chen's expression turned ugly.

However, he looked around and looked at his magnificent churches, his face turned slightly better:

"Fortunately, now, the person who uses the capital ability is me."

Well, when he has the priesthood of [Game], or, he can also develop in the direction of capital and become a [God of Capital]?
Anyway, no matter what, at least find a way to enhance the ability to resist this transformation!

(End of this chapter)

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