Chapter 210 Emergency! (23 more)
Some unscrupulous believers changed so quickly that He Chen was really caught off guard.

Good guy, he hasn't done all the operations he thought of, so he just became a good believer?
It's like chasing after a novel, and the author consciously blows up the update before he rewards or votes!
"Well, add this in advance, it should work for a while."

Before the unscrupulous believers had read the system carefully, He Chen decisively added a new restriction:
["Before the organization's good and evil values ​​are all improved, my own good and evil values ​​cannot reach goodness!"]

At the same time, a small question mark was added behind my good and evil values. After clicking, you can view the good and evil values ​​of the entire organization.

And this good and evil value will be determined by the good and evil value of the person with the worst good and evil situation in the entire organization.

In this way, as long as the entire bad organization does not turn everyone into a kind person, then none of them can open the content behind the system.

"However, I have to write the following content earlier, um, when the time comes, I will go in the direction of helping other evil believers to reform? Or..."

He Chen looked at the Yakuza guarding the classroom.

In order to avoid unnecessary confusion, Yakuza's system has not given them yet.

Because the Yakuzas have been evil for a long time, the good and evil strips of each one are absolutely black, almost as black as that.

It can be expected that the cleansing of Yakuza believers will be the hardest among He Chen's believers.

"How about letting Bad and Yakuza pair up and learn from each other?"

"Badness helps yakuzas to be good, yakuzas help badness"

"forget it."

The Yakuza seem to be only able to relax the bad guys.

"Everyone be quiet! Since everyone has obtained the system, then please study hard and reform, and strive to become good believers as soon as possible!"

"Come here, send out the learning materials, and the person in charge of the class will go to the podium and start teaching them!"

Xingnan Songzhi didn't give the bad believers too much time. After all, there were dozens of bad groups in total, and they had to notify everyone in place first.

So, although the unscrupulous believers were still discussing the system in full swing, the Yakuzas started to distribute according to the table with a bunch of things.

Printed learning materials, notebooks, pens, and even draft paper were all distributed one by one. At the same time, Yakuza, who was in charge of the class, also walked onto the podium with thick printing paper.

"Attend class!"

"I'll just say hiss~!"

"The words of Ultraman!"

"When the time comes, I'll...uh!"

With the sound of Yakuza's class, all the Yakuza who were still talking cried out in pain!

【"Ding! The class task has begun, please listen quietly immediately and take notes, otherwise the system will punish you according to the degree of discipline violation!"】

【"If you stubbornly fail to complete the task, in addition to physical punishment, some functions of the system will be permanently shut down. If you persist in not completing the task, you will be disqualified from using the system!"]


Although the existence of this system is to turn this group of bad believers into good people, after seeing that violating discipline may lead to the disappearance of the system, all the bad believers present immediately quieted down in the sound of gasping for air.

One by one, they hurriedly picked up the learning materials and looked at the teacher to listen to the lecture, for fear that if their movements were slow, they would be considered as uncooperative!

Although they are still young people in their twenties, but the adventure of the system is in front of them, if they lose it because they don't listen carefully to such a weird reason, they will definitely regret it for the rest of their lives!

So, they were still wailing because of the pain of punishment for a second, but in a blink of an eye, the bad believers have become students who are staring at the "teacher" on the podium and listening carefully.

Yakuza, who was about to curse a few words to quiet the bad guys, was startled by their changes:
"That! I'm starting to talk, and you listen! Goodness, yes."

Annan Matsuori's class was successfully on the right track, and the other classrooms and places where the shrine maidens were dealing with also changed from the previous kidnapping scene to a place where they were studying and listening to the sky in just a few minutes.

Even if the witch got nervous and frightened after seeing the scene, but once the system carefully prepared by He Chen appeared, all the bad believers present would definitely be able to change on the spot.

So much so that when they walked through a classroom, the bad believers in that classroom could quickly become good students.

In dozens of classrooms, it only took them about 10 minutes to turn all the bad believers into obedient students!
In this situation, not to mention Xing Nansong and the other witches, even He Chen hadn't expected it at all.

In order to ensure that the bad guys can obey, he made several versions of the plan.

What kind of unscrupulous believers questioned that this was an illusion, felt that this was their system, forced to exchange materials, and even forcibly obtained freedom through self-mutilation, etc. He Chen took all countermeasures.

Even the most out-of-the-ordinary bad believers, that is, after getting the system, they swelled up, tried to pursue the priestess, and after being ruthlessly suppressed by the system, they immediately became honest.

Should I say it or not, nothing happened, He Chen was more or less disappointed.

"Tsk, there are a total of 600 people, and there is not a single blind Jill among them. It needs me, a god, to make up for it. It really is."

Obviously they are all wild delinquents, but they are so domesticated after they are pulled out, they are simply not worthy of the title of delinquents!

He Chen, who was making complaints, might have forgotten that these bad things, even though they are all bad things, are bad things that have been domesticated by Yuyue Yasuo and others for a long time.

Those rebellious delinquents who would rather die than submit were beaten severely, and threatened to break wooden sticks, iron bars, and stainless steel bars in front of them time and time again.

Even the members of the Yasuno group sneaked to their door and broke the handle of their door, and then either succumbed, or felt that they could not stay in the team of all succumbing, and left voluntarily.

Aren't these bad guys caught by witches one after another, just the honest version of bad guys who honestly shout slogans and shoot videos every day!

That is to say, He Chen found them fast enough. If this continued for another month or two, maybe these bad organizations would break up or change themselves during the long-term forced video-making process.

Of course, not only He Chen didn't think of this, but the witches under him also didn't think of it. When they got together, they talked about the blessings of the gods and the bad nature of the bad guys.

This task, which was originally thought to be quite difficult, was actually carried out really simple, without even a little surprise.

"Clap clap clap!"

Just when the witches were chatting happily together, suddenly several Yakuza who were in charge of protection rushed up nervously.

They have always been cautious, but at this moment they ignored the etiquette and shouted urgently and quickly:

"Master Miko, please quickly move from the back!"

The walkie-talkies on them were not turned off, and the nervous call sounded repeatedly:
"Call! Call! There are many policemen outside the street, and they are quickly approaching the building! Over!"


Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change, the police are here? !
(End of this chapter)

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