Tokyo becoming a god starts from the bathroom

Chapter 181 Supreme Leader Xingnan Matsuori

Chapter 181 Supreme Leader Xingnan Matsuori

How to put it, although this kind of statement is outrageous, and it always makes the witches feel that it is illegal to do so.

But after Xingnan Matsuori relayed his point of view: "Gods are not citizens, so gods can't break the law", although it was difficult to accept, the shrine maidens finally accepted this matter.

At least, what they do now is black and black, and the ones who are knocked down and plundered are still bad guys, right?

"Now, those who want to be missionary priestesses stand on the left, and those who want to be judge priestesses stand on the right!"

After breaking it down and explaining the rights and responsibilities of the missionary priestess, Xingnan Matsuori shouted again.

This time, the number of people who choose to be missionary maidens is obviously much better.

There are ten priestesses on the left, and seven priestesses on the right.

Although generally speaking, the missionary priestess side is dominated by the student party, and the trial priestess side is dominated by bad girls, but the two are not directly divided according to this.

After many student parties tried such a joyful and exciting thing last night, even after hearing about the rights of missionary witches, they still prefer to be trial witches.

Among the bad girls, nearly half of them chose to preach the priestess.

After all, according to the meaning conveyed by Xingnan Matsuori, the treatment of missionary maidens is really good.

Not only do they have their own separate room in the church they are in charge of, but as long as they come to the church, the church is responsible for all the food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In terms of cash income, although it is not as good as the boss, and there is no dividend, there is only a part-time salary that is not fixed but will never get rich, but it is already very good.

In this way, being a boss, including food and lodging, a lot of income, and a job that suits your interests, bad girls who have been beaten up by the society just don't like it too much!

Therefore, it is normal for half of the bad girls to choose to preach to the priestess.

The left and right teams stood up neatly.

The captains of the two teams stood at the front of the team.

On the missionary maiden's side, Yukei Yamazaki is at the front.

Based on the principle of unfairness and injustice, after He Chen discussed with Xingnan Matsuori, the position of the church's exclusive missionary priestess was determined to be Yamazaki Yukei.

The other priestesses will cooperate with Yamazaki Yuki to manage the church for the time being.

Grandma Kubo's church?
That is directly left to Grandma Kubo to manage it herself.

Everyone knows what kind of god He Chen is, and it's perfectly reasonable to like the new and dislike the old.

Now that there is already a place as big as Bathing City as a church, of course he has no regard for smaller shrines.

So, he carved a statue out of thin air with the wooden sticks left over from the renovation of the church. When the time comes, let Grandma Kubo put it in the pond to worship, and the blessings of the gods will be blessed automatically.

On the side of the trial witch, the one standing at the front of the line is
Fujihashi Aoi~!

Cough cough, yes, not Yuzuki Yasuno.

After all, although Yuzuki Yasuno is the eldest sister of many bad girls, and there are many younger sisters of hers in the team.

However, Fujihashi Aoi has a great background!

Moreover, Aoi Fujihashi said in person that if she leads a team, she will always bring the police behind her in important battles!

Compared with this, Yuyue Yasuno, who only mastered a little bit of bad girl team, and a little bit able to fight, instantly looked ordinary like the neighbor's Er Gouzi.

After all, with the help of the Yakuza from the Yakuza organization, the effect she can bring is quite limited.

You want to ask Anno Yuzuki how it feels?
Very angry, but there is no way.

And, after a few breaths, I feel acceptable again.

Ahem, after all, Yuzuki Yasuno is a person who is very knowledgeable about current affairs!

If she was ignorant of current affairs, how could Xingnan Matsuori be so obedient as soon as she was beaten, why should she be asked?
"Ahem, everyone, do you want to rest for two days before starting, or start directly?"

"Whether it's the current bathing city church or the land grab, it's more appropriate to do it at night. If everyone has time and energy, we can actually start moving today."

What He Chen said, Xingnan Songzhi could recite it very well.

The feeling of: I want you to work for me now, but I don't say it, I want you to take the initiative, is quite in place.

After hanging out with He Chen for so many days, although Xingnan Songzhi still retains the justice and persistence in her heart, she has already accepted the content of black and white, grabbing territory and so on quite naturally.

"Wow, wow, today! Today!"

"You can start today!"

"Me too!"

The shrine maidens who were full of anticipation immediately volunteered actively.

So, Xingnan Matsuori immediately called and called Shingo Aso, the lobby manager of the Yuyucheng Church, and others.

With Xingnan Songzhi around, He Chen let go and let his little disciples come.

It's great to be a little believer who can be lazy and exercise himself!
"Tonight, the second sweep will be carried out. The specific route will be discussed with you later. Pay attention to gathering people and start after dinner."

This was told to Shingo Aso, the leader of the Higashida group.

According to He Chen's teaching, the extremists only need to arrange tasks for them and let them work.

After talking about this, Xingnan Matsuori asked the trial priestesses to take Aso Shingo and others to the next room to discuss the specific trajectory.

Flat Aso Shinwu and the others have already brought their own, and they are very obedient and cooperative.

At first glance, he is a good-looking Yakuza who doesn't have to worry about his brother being carved.

After the trial of the witches is done, it's time to teach the priestesses.

The lobby manager and others in Bathing City have already been waiting for a long time.

When looking at this side, Xingnan Matsuori's complexion was obviously better:
"At the end of the day, the church staff have worked hard and done a good job. This is worthy of praise. Bonuses will be awarded when they take turns to eat."

"However, it seems that the task of preaching for the gods is not good enough. Later, you and these witches will talk about missionary matters."

However, this time, Annan Matsuori did not let them go out, but guided the lobby manager and others, and the rest was a missionary priestess to sit down.

Xingnan Matsuori didn't want to participate in the fight, murder, and arson, but she was still very willing to help God preach.

The other ten missionary maidens also looked at the lobby manager with great interest.

Although they are basically adults, they have never participated in the adjustment of the fate of a large bathing city in this way.

After all, I played the fighting mode yesterday, and today I am going to play the farming mode again. It is really worthwhile for them to be witches.

As the supreme leader, Xingnan Matsuori spoke first and set the tone:

"Let's talk about when and where places are suitable for preaching!"

"In the future, the Bathing City Church will take missionary work as its biggest goal, and even if it means making less money, it must also play the best missionary role for the gods!"

(End of this chapter)

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