Chapter 160 Immortality?
"Okay, everyone go out and get dressed now!"

"Next, I will give you various matters, including how to pray to the gods for blessings!"

"So now everyone hurry up and get dressed!"

After all, Xingnan Songzhi still has a god in his heart. Even if he is bullied like this, he still chooses to follow the previous agreement and keep doing things.

Seeing Xingnan Songzhi like this, He Chen couldn't help but put more eyes on her face to show respect when he was ashamed.

Following Xingnan Matsuori's urging, a group of girls quickly returned to the dressing room, and put on all their clothes one by one.

As a result, the eighteen naked girls turned into eighteen young and beautiful little witches, and they became visible to everyone.

At this time, Xingnan Matsuori finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the uncomfortable feeling in her body finally disappeared:

"Everyone sit down, now I will explain to you."

No matter how inexplicable it was before, anyway, everything is finally back on track now.

After two rounds of baptism, the seventeen girls are quite sensible in front of Xingnan Matsuori who "can not only change clothes, but also shine by himself".

When Xingnan Songzhi spoke, they listened obediently.

And it just so happened that what Xingnan Matsuori said was all dry stuff.

"First of all, it is the blessing ability of the gods. At present, the only thing the gods allow the priestess to bless is the blessing of bathing. This one can be used only by praying through a specific prayer method."

"The specific way of praying is the same as I did before. Surrounding the bathing pool, take four steps backwards. After walking, point to the center of the bathing pool and read or read the prayer words in your heart."

After bringing out these new witches, Grandma Kubo's bath, Annan Matsuori, no longer needs to come.

In the future, it will be one of these witches who will be responsible for praying for blessings to the bath and sitting and collecting incense money.

Of course, other priestesses will not be idle either. With so many priestesses, the [God of Lavatory] will naturally spread out in various bathhouses, bathing pools, bathing centers and so on.

At that time, every bathhouse will be the place where [God of Bathroom] spreads out his faith!
"The bathing pool blessed by the gods has the effect of restoring the physical strength and energy of believers. At the same time, as you have seen in the mirror before, it also has the effect of beautifying the body and restoring the body."

Xingnan Matsuori can pause here, glance around, and make sure to attract everyone's attention before saying solemnly and mysteriously:

"The recovery here includes age!"

"Hiss~ Si Guoyi, Fountain of Youth!"

Yamazaki Yukei exclaimed!

Although there was no prior communication, Yamazaki Yuxi's brain power really won't disappoint. He jumped directly from the more comfortable bath to the mythical and legendary Fountain of Youth.

And being driven by her, the remaining sixteen girls were all quite pleasantly surprised, and someone asked excitedly on the spot:
"Matsuori-chan, did we soak in the fountain of youth just now?! Did we become immortal from now on!"

【"Little believers, tell them quickly that the blessings prayed by the witches are affected by many factors, so it is extremely difficult to achieve that effect!"】

【"You can do more publicity after this one, good guy, maybe my 'recovery' [God's Bias] will explode!"]

He Chen, who was listening on the sidelines, was immediately excited by this thought.

Good guy, from this point of view, the development of bathing can directly evolve into controlling time or controlling life and death!

Damn, is bathing so awesome?Then you're still playing a fart!

"Well, theoretically speaking, it is possible, but the blessings of the gods that the witches pray for are due to the different degrees of belief of the witches themselves, and the ring."

Yamazaki Youxi helped to brag and criticize, and the god said it was good, so Xingnan Matsuori could only follow suit.

Then, a group of girls were blown by Xingnan Matsuori, their cheeks were flushed, and they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

Therefore, in the following rehearsal process, each and every girl was very serious, taking this ritual that was actually useless as a ritual to create a sense of ritual.

And He Chen also cooperated very well. Every time a prayer came, he would automatically send out a burst of divine power, which exploded slightly on the surface of the water.

In this way, the gods habitually saved their divine power, and at the same time, the seventeen preparatory priestesses were even more excited and excited.

"Okay, next, everyone sit back where you were just now, and I will continue to tell you about the abilities that other witches will have!"

Annan Matsuori greeted everyone to return to the place where they were sitting before, and continued to talk about the content.

Among the newly created [God of Lavatory] churches, at present, it is these maidens who can take on missions to increase believers, and adjust the direction to promote different abilities according to the needs of the gods.

Therefore, except for the toilet-related abilities that He Chen chooses to hide, other abilities will be told to the witch in a beautified way, and the witch is allowed to use to a certain extent.

"Master Shenming is also the god who controls learning. Not only does he have endless knowledge, but he can also bestow stronger learning abilities on believers. Maidens can pray to the gods for help in learning when they are in special need."

"However, there is a price to be paid for praying for enhanced learning ability. The higher the learning ability that needs to be improved, the higher the subsequent repayment will be. The specific repayment will be through lowering"

In the narration of this piece, the witches on both sides are clearly divided into layers.

The student witch listened very carefully, but the bad witch obviously didn't care much about it.

But for this point, Xingnan Matsuori has long been prepared:

"The learning ability controlled by the gods includes all learning, not just reading, sword skills and martial arts, and various skills and abilities, etc., are also within the scope of the master gods!"



"Master Miko, is learning this ability useful for the game?! I can't keep up with the rhythm!"

The unscrupulous girls are all attracted by the ability of the gods at the moment.

"Yes, as long as it is learning, no matter what aspect, the gods can help!"

Therefore, the ability that He Chen learned was quickly imprinted in the hearts of the seventeen witches.

Of course, right now, He Chen didn't pay much attention to the [divine bias] of learning.

At the very beginning, He Chen tried to acquire this ability. In fact, He Chen only had Xingnan Songzhi as the transmission channel at that time, so the best way he thought of was to spread it among the students.

But now that his ability to be lucky has been formed, learning this bias naturally doesn't have to be the first priority.

Of course, this development must still be developed. After all, if learning this ability can be formed, it is still very useful, especially for people with shortcomings in their brains like bad girls, it is quite necessary.

"Then, it's luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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