Chapter 129 First Blood! (Leader of Tears of Neltharion Gagen)

Cough cough, yes, He Chen, who just used luck to make Kotani Kenji into such a trap today, once again lost a pile of divine power representing luck!

Since the [God of Lavatory] is the shape of the god of luck in this believer's heart, let him continue to be lucky!
Anyway, He Chen has controlled it well, luck is only about [-] yen, and with the direct blessing of another group of divine power, if Kotani Kenji just wants to escape, then there must be no problem.

And if he wants to do something else, it depends on his real luck!
"Ahhhh! Take the money. Eh?!"

Kotani Kenji, who was still struggling violently, was roaring with great emotion. As a result, his supernatural power was on his body, and if he didn't pay attention, he really struggled out of his hands and feet!
Unable to fully control the limbs, Kenji Kotani twisted his body again, and the remaining arms and legs also broke free!
A flash of reluctance flashed across his face, but immediately afterwards, it was full of excitement for freedom!

He wants to run!And, run with his money!

"call out!"

Taking advantage of the time difference that the men in suits failed to notice at the first time, Kenji Kotani turned around quickly, and then stretched out his hand to his own wallet!


The man in the suit who was in charge of holding the wallet saw Kotani Kenji's hand stretching towards his pocket, and the conditioned reflex was to grab his hand.

Kotani Kenji, who had been strengthened by divine power, was grabbed by the arm, but he also managed to reach into the opponent's suit pocket and grab his wallet.

Caught by the arm?

Kotani Kenji is wearing short sleeves!
Because of the previous escape and struggle, now his arms are full of sweat, and he twisted and struggled. Except for a little dust from being rubbed out, Kotani Kenji was unscathed and broke free again!

"catch him!"


The men in suits reacted immediately, and all the people in front and behind rushed towards Kenji Kotani!

The guy who was caught was still running away under their noses, and even snatched his wallet back to escape, this is simply not taking them seriously!

Kotani Kenji was punched in the back by the man in the suit beside him!

He gasped in pain, but, with this punch, he kicked off, and his movement speed increased dramatically!
"Stop him!"

This is an alley specially chosen by men in suits, and the environment is relatively complicated.

Even if you leave this alley, there are all alleys on the side, which is the most suitable for them to chase and intercept.

It is precisely because of this environment that the economic level and housing prices in this large area cannot increase. Of course, it is precisely because of this that the rent price is also in the surrounding depressions, so Xingnan Matsuori rents a house around here .


The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the alley.

Kotani Kenji panicked and ran as he pleased when he saw a turn, but with the bonus of luck, he really didn't run into a dead end or a curved alley.

However, after all, he was not familiar with the surrounding environment at all. Just as he ran out of an alley, hurried footsteps came from the side alley!

This is the suit man who is catching up in this direction!


The distance between Kotani Kenji and the man in the suit is only a few meters!
He Chen, who had been floating above Xiaogu Jianci's head all the time, saw his disciple's face instantly become extremely solemn, and then, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and bury his head in the charge!

However, this distance is just a simple sprint, and he will definitely be caught. Even if the opponent fails to grab Kotani Kenji's clothes, at least his speed will be greatly reduced!

He Chen couldn't help but look dignified as if he was in a drama. Now, do you need him to do something?

For example, let the other party have diarrhea, or... ask Kenji Kotani to perform a jet acceleration?
"Tat-tat-tat! Sigh~!"


With a bang, Kotani Kenji's crisis was instantly resolved!
It's not that He Chen really used the jet acceleration function on Kotani Kenji, in fact He Chen didn't use any power at all.

However, the man in the suit who was about to rush over slipped and fell down!

He Chen quickly looked at the feet of the man in the suit.

On the ground, there are no water stains, let alone watermelon peels and banana peels, only .
The thrown leather shoes and soggy socks!


Don't watch it, it's disgusting.

Good guy, it was so slippery with sweat that the shoes fell off.

On the one hand, it must be He Chen's luck to Kenji Kotani that took effect, on the other hand, it was also the Japanese gangsters who were too outrageous.

Tokyo, it's July!

They were all wearing suits, ties and leather shoes. If they were wearing normal shoes, they wouldn't be like this!
In short, in the first round, the man who had a chance to influence Kenji Kotani lost because of too much sweat on his feet!

First Blood!

"This way! This way! He ran to Wild Dog Alley!"

The boy in the suit who fell to the ground shouted loudly, reporting the location of Kenji Kotani.

He Chen quite appreciated his seriousness, seeing that his actions would probably make him work overtime here, so he simply gave him another powerful diarrhea as encouragement.

Young man, continue next time!

The point was reported, and Kenji Kotani was naturally in danger again.

Although Kotani Kenji ran not slow under the blessing of divine power, but this is his home field, and of course only the other party understands how to take shortcuts and climb over the wall.

Kotani Kenji used to be an ordinary, not too ordinary office worker. When he encountered an alley, he only knew how to choose his way to run, and he would be overtaken by his younger brothers who could climb over the wall!

"Beside! The alley where Zhucun vomited!"

The footsteps of Kotani Kenji have been heard by the men in suits who have rushed here!

In this loud announcement again, there seemed to be footsteps coming from all around the alley where the believer was, especially at the corner at the end of the alley, the footsteps were obviously denser.

Suddenly, he seemed to be surrounded by people again!

Kotani Kenji's face was so tangled that it was almost ferocious, and his face rubbed sweat on the sleeves of his shoulders.

After struggling on the spot for half a minute, he gritted his teeth and turned around to run back!

"Yoho, this operation can work!"

He Chen, who was floating in the air, frowned and couldn't help but praise him.

As expected of a man who can bend, stretch, enter, and be entered, his thinking is serious and lively, and he found a good way out all at once!

At this time, most of the pursuers had already surrounded and intercepted the laneway in front of him from all directions. Turning around at this time, all he had to face was
"One, two, three, there are only three people chasing after!"

After discovering that Kenji Kotani escaped unexpectedly fast, only three men in suits were honestly following behind!

"Eh? Wait, this is, is this heat stroke?"

Good guy, just as Kotani Kenji turned his head and ran, among the three people chasing after him, a man in a suit suddenly felt signs of heat stroke.

Then, a young man beside him was called by him to help him move to a cool place!

In this way, there was only one enemy left behind him!
(End of this chapter)

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