Chapter 819
After entering the early summer, the business of the night show is getting better and better. If there is no reservation for the booth, basically there will be no seats.

Qi You wanted to see the place where Sheng Ying worked, and Ling Chengzhi couldn't refuse, so he accompanied her here.

As soon as I entered the gate of the bar, I heard the woman on the DJ stage singing "Night Scene". I don't know if it was a deliberate imitation of Sheng Ying or what, but the tone was almost the same as his.

Ling Chengzhi thought Sheng Ying was back, so he hurried over, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the woman with heavy make-up on the stage.

In the end, he walked away disappointed, and turned around to see that Qi You had already sat at the bar, ordering another cocktail.

Ling Chengzhi also walked over and asked the waiter for a bottle of mineral water.

Qi You laughed at him: "Chengzhi, are you afraid that I will do something to you if you get drunk?"

Ling Chengzhi raised his eyebrows: "Do you eat tender grass as an old cow?"

"Hey, am I four years older than you? See what you say."

Qi You chuckled, and said half-jokingly, "But if you want, I personally don't mind at all."

She likes good-looking men, especially with Ling Chengzhi's peerless face, it is hard to be tempted by a woman.

Qi You didn't tell Ling Chengzhi that the deadliest reason for her divorce was because Ling Chengzhi's face would always appear in her mind when she and her husband were in trouble.

When she first met Ling Chengzhi, he only had.

He trusted her with his company and followed her to learn how to run the company.

At that time, he still had a bit of childishness on his face, but what he did was very mature, and he could even be regarded as orderly.

Qi You taught him hand in hand and taught him everything.

Not only because Ling Chengzhi is easy to learn, but also because she likes him, really likes him.

But Ling Cheng knew he had someone in his heart.

Once he got drunk and told her that he had a girl who he had made an appointment with at the age of 16, and he was going to marry her after ten years.

When he mentioned that girl, his eyes were full of tenderness.

So Qi You hid this thought in her heart, pretending to like others nonchalantly, and found people who were somewhat similar to Ling Chengzhi.

The height must be as tall as him, followed by the facial features, either the eyes are very similar, or the nose is very similar, or the mouth.

Her ex-husband looked very much like Ling Chengzhi, so she got married on impulse.

It's just that once the novelty is over, I realize that the substitution is just a substitution, and it will soon become boring.

Although that marriage was short, it lasted for a year anyway, unlike Ling Chengzhi's marriage, who divorced in just a few months.

More than half of the reason why she came to City A was because of Ling Chengzhi. Knowing that he was divorced, her originally peaceful heart began to be turbulent again.

After several glasses of wine, Qi You talked more: "Chengzhi, do you really not want a drink? Wine is the best solution to worry."

Ling Chengzhi looked at Qi You's slightly reddened eyes, and asked, "Have you relieved your worries?"

"At least I'm happy now, let's go dancing."

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Qi You dragged Ling Chengzhi onto the dance floor and started dancing with the crowd.

She is good at jumping, with one arm around Ling Chengzhi's waist, she is ambiguous but not too rude, always within the range of propriety.

As a professional manager, she knows exactly what can and cannot be done.

Driven by her, Ling Chengzhi became more active, and began to wriggle along with her.

After feasting and feasting, he briefly let go of himself.

At this moment, he didn't think about the company's management, nor did he think about Sheng Ying, he was thinking about himself.

Obviously he can live a good life, why is he so unhappy?
(End of this chapter)

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