Chapter 749 Rumors Spread
The fire that Zheng Ye is a drug lord was finally ignited by Shi Lan, and it was out of control.

In the beginning, the self-media platform exploded, and then the matter spread to all major traditional media platforms with lightning speed.

Someone opened a super chat #郑凯大毒lord#, and the number of people who joined the discussion went from tens of thousands to 10,000+ at the beginning, and more than 50 people joined in the end.

This topic is too hot, because Zheng Ye himself is a bigwig in the underground circle, and the several night clubs he runs are also the most mainstream venues in City A.

In addition, he quarreled with Shen Yifeng before and caused a lot of trouble in the city, so many people began to dig into his past.

As a result, many entries related to him appeared in the media:
#Zhengye Orphanage#
#Zheng Ye was adopted#
#Zheng Ye in jail#
#The relationship between Zheng Ye and the first sister of Yechang#
……and many more!
The frightening thing about the media is that no matter whether it is true or not, it spreads all over the world.

Sheng Ying found out that it was already late at night when these hot searches were made, because she went back to the villa after Ling Chengzhi left, and she was not feeling well, so she went to bed early.

When I woke up, there were several missed calls on my phone, and it was from Aji.

There is also an unread text message from Ling Chengzhi: [Wife, you don't need to interfere with the brother-in-law's affairs, I will send someone to handle it. 】

Just one sentence put Sheng Ying at ease.

She knew that as long as Ling Chengzhi promised, he would do well.

Furthermore, even if he doesn't deal with it, the ghosts and demons will not stand idly by.

Shi Lan is catching and biting everyone like a lunatic now, she is too hysterical, but no one will believe what she says.

In these comments, many people criticized Shi Lan, saying that she has become a bitch beyond recognition, and they don't want Bilian at all.

But this can't reduce the heat, once Zheng Ye's matter gets into trouble, how can Shen Yifeng miss this opportunity.

When Zheng Ye was working under Shen Yifeng in the early years, although he did not do anything bright and aboveboard, he handled it very cleanly.

It's impossible for Shi Lan to do anything with him just by opening his mouth.But if Shen Yifeng joins, with his methods and connections, it will be uncontrollable.

Fortunately, Zheng Ye's business in City A is all at night, neither financing nor listing, and the venue is clean and there are no contraband.

Although the matter was very noisy, it did not affect anything.

Sheng Ying couldn't fall asleep anymore, she got up and washed up, then sat on the rocking chair on the balcony, and called Aji.

"Aying, are you and Brother Ye okay? I saw that the domestic media is overwhelmingly talking about Brother Ye."

"We're all fine, don't worry, Chengzhi will take care of it."

"Earlier, I thought that woman was not a good thing. She always showed a lot of interest in Brother Ye, but you didn't mention it because of your face."

"Hey, let's not talk about this, she is biting around like a mad dog now, I don't pay attention to her. By the way, how are you doing?"

"It's going well. You don't have to worry about things here in the future. We will take care of Brother Ye's affairs in Southeast Asia. Don't worry."

"Well, then..."

Sheng Ying originally wanted to ask An Qiao and Ta Wen, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Now that the media is fermenting so much, there will definitely be people who will pay attention to Zheng Ye. She still has to be careful in her actions, so as not to be dragged out of something.

After a few pleasantries, she hung up the phone.

It was already dawn, and the breath of early spring filled the air with a unique fragrance.

Sheng Ying opened the window, looked down and saw Zheng Ye standing under the street lamp in the garden, he didn't know what he was looking at, he was in a daze.

Zhang Yang and Li Feng watched Zheng Ye from afar on the path, and didn't go up to disturb him.

Sheng Ying's heart tightened, and she was about to shout subconsciously, but soon realized that Zheng Ye might be sleepwalking, and quickly covered her mouth.

She didn't go down immediately, she looked at the balcony for a long time, and saw Zheng Ye walking towards the garage again.

After a while, he drove out in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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