Chapter 485 Dispute
"No, brother, don't go, please don't go, you will die—"

Sheng Ying had a nightmare, and Nightmare couldn't wake up from the dream. Finally, seeing Zheng Ye being shot in the head, she screamed and turned over.

It was pitch black outside the window, but the cold wind was blowing, which made the liver tremble.

Sheng Ying was terrified, beads of sweat rolled off her face like broken pearls, she wiped the sweat off her head, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

He went downstairs and poured a glass of cold water, and drank it in one gulp.My heart gradually calmed down, but I couldn't sleep anymore.

When she closed her eyes, Zheng Ye was shot in the head, the picture was extremely clear, and she could even recall the picture of her brain bursting.

very scary!
Sheng Ying curled up on the sofa, hugged the pillow tightly, rubbed her face, and let out a long breath.

Ling Chengzhi said that Zheng Ye could not turn back, so what should he do? Will he continue on the road of no return, or stop?

Stop, isn't it just waiting to die?

After resting for a while, Sheng Ying went upstairs, picked up her mobile phone and sent a text message to Ling Chengzhi: [Chengzhi, I don't want to see my brother die. 】

After compiling it, she didn't send it out, so she picked up her phone and checked the latest news, when she suddenly saw a news that a helicopter had crashed.

[News from our station: At 16:23 today, an EC155 helicopter crashed at the junction of Yunnan and Myanmar. The pilot was rescued by parachuting, and a woman carrying the helicopter died on the spot. 】

Immediately after the news, the troops at the border issued another announcement, stating the identity of the deceased, who was Caiguo, the former saint of the Witch Clan.

Sheng Ying was so shocked that she forgot to breathe, she stared dumbfounded at the crashed helicopter and a scorched black body on the news.

Caiguo died.

How could this be... weird?
Ling Chengzhi told her that in the future, Caiguo would never show up again.Tawen asked her if she wanted him to kill Caiguo.

Then, she died.

Sheng Ying suddenly felt terrified. She didn't know whether Caiguo's death was related to Ling Chengzhi or Ta Wen.

But in my heart, I just feel uncomfortable.

She really wanted to call Ling Chengzhi about this matter, but she hesitated for a while and didn't call, feeling a little apprehensive.

It was almost dawn, and it was another sleepless night.

Sheng Ying sat on the bed and looked out the window until dawn. She was about to wash up and go to Zheng Ye when the door suddenly opened.

Ling Chengzhi was wrapped in snow and came in with an insulated food box. When he saw Sheng Ying standing by the sink, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Honey, you got up so early? Where are you going?"

Sheng Ying put down the toothbrush again, dragged Ling Chengzhi to the sofa and sat down, staring at him thoughtfully.

"Chengzhi, did you know that Caiguo died?"

"I saw the crash. I knew it immediately after the accident. I expressed regret, but there was nothing I could do."

Sheng Ying didn't ask any more questions, rubbed her face, and went to wash again: "I'll go to my brother's side later, I still want to persuade him."

"What should I persuade him to do? Turn himself in and hasten his death."


Sheng Ying turned her head and looked at Ling Chengzhi expressionlessly for a long time: "He is my elder brother, even if you can't love Wu Jiwu, please don't curse him."

Ling Chengzhi didn't take it seriously: "I'm just explaining a fact."

Sheng Ying was irritated by his indifferent attitude, and said very displeasedly: "Are your hands not stained with blood?"

"What did you say?" Ling Chengzhi was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned cold, "Are you comparing me with him?"

"That's not what I mean, I just feel..." Sheng Ying didn't know what to say, and she was confused when she cared, she was already panicking now.

Ling Chengzhi said coldly: "If I say that I have killed someone, what are you going to do? Persuade me to surrender or what?"

(End of this chapter)

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