Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 479 Want me to help you deal with her

Chapter 479 Want me to help you deal with her
It snowed overnight, and the entire city of A was covered in snow.

Sheng Ying didn't sleep, so she wrapped herself in a quilt and stood by the window of the wing room, watching the snow falling heavily in the yard, and she just watched it all night.

Originally, she wanted to hide here alone for a while, but she felt stuck in her throat all night, not only because of Ling Chengzhi, but also because of Ta Wen.

For Wu San's formula, Ta Wen came all the way to City A. The gentleman who has been pretending in front of her for so long will definitely not let it go.

Zheng Ye said that he was cruel and merciless, in case——

Sheng Ying was in a particularly bad mood.

She thought that when the voodoo was cured, she would start a new life, be with the person she loved the most, have one or two children, and live happily ever after.

Now it seems that she is really naive.

The phone ran out of battery, and there was only one battery left in the middle of the night yesterday, so Sheng Ying turned off the phone.

Turned it on in the morning, nothing, no info calls, she just stared at it until the battery died.

"I might be crazy!"

She fell back on the bed, closed her eyes, and a tear rolled out of the corner of Sheng Ying's eye.

Not sad, not angry, but hopeless.

She hated such turbulent days, no matter how she ran or hid, she couldn't avoid these horrible things.


The doorbell rang suddenly, and Sheng Ying got up and stood in front of the video camera to take a look. It was Ta Wen outside, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a handsome back, very romantic and suave.

Sheng Ying sighed softly, picked up the phone and asked, "Tawen, what's the matter?"

"The wintersweet flowers on the back mountain are blooming, let's go and have a look together?"


"Don't refuse, I have already decided to go back to the Middle East, and I want to enjoy wintersweet flowers with you before I leave, is that okay?"

Hearing him speak so sincerely, Sheng Ying couldn't refuse.Besides, she didn't want to offend Ta Wen completely.

She said again: "Then just wait for me, I'll come out right away!"

All the red wintersweet flowers planted on the back mountain of Liluo Villa, layer by layer, when the flowers bloom, no matter you look at it from a distance or close up, it is very beautiful.

Sheng Ying and Ta Wen walked side by side on the path among the flowers, which was actually a little awkward, because she drove people away last night.

"Tavin, I'm really sorry last night, I..."

Tavin smiled: "I'm not angry, but when I saw you angry, I suddenly felt distressed and blamed myself."


With that being said, we can't talk anymore.

Sheng Ying shrunk her neck, squinting slightly at the wintersweet flowers all over the mountains and plains. There was still snow on the flower branches, reflecting the blood-colored wintersweet, there was an indescribable sense of poignancy.

——Yes, poignant.

Sheng Ying didn't know why she thought of this word, but she just felt that it was everywhere she looked.

Maybe it's because I'm not happy in my heart, and I feel sad when I look at everything.

There are many people admiring the flowers on the mountain. Some people dragged the flower branches and shook them desperately in order to take pictures, so snowflakes and petals fell one after another.

Sheng Ying looked at the ruined Lamei, and couldn't help frowning. She subconsciously wanted to stop, but hesitated and stopped.

It's none of your business, so don't worry about it.

There is nothing wrong with being selfish.

She walked away, and suddenly felt that someone was pressing on her head. She turned her head and saw Ta Wen holding a flower and trying to stick it on her head.

"Can I take a picture? Want to keep it as a souvenir," he asked.


Sheng Ying picked up a wintersweet flower and looked at Ta Wen quietly, then he raised his phone and clicked several times.

After taking the picture, she walked forward again, and didn't ask Ta Wen if the picture looked good, she was absent-minded.

Ta Wen came over and said, "Aying, you seem very unhappy, is it because of Ling Chengzhi and Caiguo's matter?"

"Maybe!" She didn't deny it.

"Then...do you want me to kill Caiguo for you?"


Sheng Ying suddenly turned her head, saw Ta Wen's serious face, and swallowed subconsciously: "Are you so casual about killing people?"

Tavin smiled, noncommittal.

(End of this chapter)

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