Chapter 175
On Sunday, Ning Qiu went to the branch store to settle the accounts as usual, but when she arrived at the store, sister Xu was not there, and Wen Xiaoyan was greeting the customers behind the counter.

She put down her schoolbag and helped Wen Xiaoyan greet the guests. Wen Xiaoyan's expression was much better than before, and she couldn't even see anything unusual.

After seeing off the guests, Ning Qiu asked her. "How is school? Are you still used to it?"

"Well, the teachers and classmates are very good, and I can keep up with the progress of my studies." Although Wen Xiaoyan didn't have a smile on her face, she looked much more relaxed.

"That's good, where's Miss Xu?"

"She took Xiao Miao home, thinking that sister Xu's father was ill."

"Is that so..." Why didn't I hear Brother Xu mention it.

After paying the bills, Ning Qiu left Wen Xiaoyan's living expenses for this month.

"Ning Qiu!" Wen Xiaoyan suddenly stopped her.


"Before... I took the money from the store. I... I bought the gift and the dress for..."

Ning Qiu interrupted her, "I know, I didn't blame you. It's just that you should know that what you did was wrong."

"I know." Wen Xiaoyan had a look of regret on her face.

"If you need money, you can tell me, as long as it is used for the right thing, I will not object."


"Okay, it's all over, and everyone will make mistakes."

When getting on the bus back to Xiaolou, Ning Qiu looked at the scenery outside the window but thought of Wen Xiaoyan in his heart.I am a model of doing something wrong, and I paid a huge price for it.

To put it bluntly, she is also a loser, she has no right to ask Wen Xiaoyan to do anything.The only thing I can do is to guide her, give her help, and help her get out of the quagmire.

If it was the environment that made Wen Xiaoyan feel inferior and made mistakes before, Ning Qiu hopes that the changed environment will allow her to regain her confidence.

She will be fine, she will no longer be bullied, and will no longer bear heavy pressure.

Just after lunch, Yun Yuanchu rang the doorbell of the small building.


"Well, when shall we leave?"

"I'm going to get my schoolbag, you come in first."

Ning Qiu ran up to the second floor, picked up her schoolbag and left.Hearing a slap, she turned her head and saw that a few passbooks and some important documents that were originally in the hidden pocket of her schoolbag fell to the ground.

Turning the schoolbag over to have a look, there was a big hole in the bottom of the good guy.This schoolbag has been used for almost two years, and it seems to be used to the end.

Gather the things on the floor and put them in a box next to the box spring.Taking the money and keys, Ning Qiu turned and went downstairs.

"Let's go."

Ning Qiu remembered that Mu Ye had told her that the orphanage would be moved to Huailin Village in the suburbs of Luoyang.

The two went to the long-distance bus station first, and after asking about it, they got on the bus and went to Huailin Village.

It was said that it was in the suburbs of Luoyang, but it took a full two and a half hours of driving to get there, and it was already past three o'clock when I got off the bus.

"Isn't it... Huailin Village is so far away!?" Yun Yuanchu complained.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's find someone to ask where the orphanage is."

Fortunately, Huailin Village is just beside the road, and we entered the village within a few steps.

I asked a passing villager, the courtyard at the west end of the village was an orphanage, and the villagers told her that it was originally the village's granary.Now that the policy has changed, the granary is useless and sold to an orphanage at a reserve price.

The two searched for the place according to what the villagers said, and far to the west of the village, they saw a two-story building that was different from other small farmyards.

The building is surrounded by walls, the door is open, and the laughter of children can be heard from inside.

Ning Qiu and Yun Yuanchu looked at each other and walked in quickly.

An old lady was sitting in the yard surrounded by a few little girls.Seeing Ning Qiu and the two, the aunt put down the needle and thread in her hand, got up and came over to ask.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Auntie, is this the Yong En Orphanage?"


"Is Teacher Huang there?"

"Ms. Huang has something to go out, do you have something to do?"

"It's nothing important. I visited the orphanage in Luoyang before. I heard that the orphanage was going to be moved, so I thought I'd come and have a look later. I happened to be free today, so I came here."

"Oh, that's it, let's do it inside."

The aunt led the two into the room. The room was very large, and the layout was a bit like an ancient inn. You could directly see the stairs and the rooms on the second floor.

"Sit down, I'll pour water."

Ning Qiu stopped her, "Don't be too busy, we are mainly here to understand the current situation of the orphanage, how are the children's lives now?"

"You have also seen that this place is not comparable to the previous Yongen Orphanage. Fortunately, the people in the village are nice, and they often send some food over. The children's clothes are dirty and torn, and the aunts in the village will also help clean and mend them. However, since we moved here, fewer people have come to donate, and some children have been delayed in seeing a doctor and checking their health. Also, there are few schools nearby, and it has become a problem for a few children to go to school."

"Oh..." Ning Qiu took out the 1000 yuan that he had prepared in advance, "It's not a lot of money, but it's just a little bit of my heart."

The aunt was a little embarrassed, "Ms. Huang is in charge of the donation, why don't you wait for her to come back? It doesn't take long, and I should be back in half an hour."

Thinking about asking about Ma Dongling's whereabouts, Ning Qiu agreed.

But instead of sitting and waiting, she went to the village.Under the introduction of the village chief, Ning Qiu bought a pig and asked the seller to pack it up and transport it to the orphanage.

This pig is not small, it must weigh five or six hundred catties.Fortunately, the weather is cold now, and the pork can be stored.

Ning Qiu helped to clean up the pig's viscera, and Yun Yuanchu felt disgusted watching from the sidelines.Under Ning Qiu's disgusted gaze, he hides despondently all the way away.

The aunt was also very happy, who doesn't like meat, but looked at the pile of internal organs and felt sad.

"There are so many internal can I eat them?"

Her cooking skills are not very good, but the fried pork slices are usually okay.She doesn't have the ability to make internal organs.

"Let me do it."

The aunt looked at Ning Qiu in surprise, "You know how to do it?"

"Of course, stir-fry pork liver with garlic, stir-fry pig intestines with sauerkraut, pork heart can be stir-fried or marinated, and pork kidneys can be cut into kidneys and stir-fried with green onion, ginger and garlic."

Just listening to the aunt, she started to swallow her saliva, "Are you done eating so much?"

"Why don't the large intestine and pig's heart be stewed, and it will be more delicious to eat tomorrow."

The aunt smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Ning Qiu was in charge of the cooking, and the aunt and Yun Yuanchu helped out. The three of them were busy until six o'clock, before a few dishes were put out of the pot and put on the plate.

The alluring aroma summoned the village chief, followed by several village elders.

"Hey, the pigs I just bought during the day will be served on the table at night." The village chief smiled and looked at the vegetables in several big pots.

Several dishes were still gaining popularity, and the aroma made several old men salivate.

The aunt greeted with a smile, "The village head and the uncles, please sit down and eat together. These are all made by this girl. Look at her dexterity, the craftsmanship is not bad."

The village chief waved his hands again and again, "We are all quite old, how can we compete with the little baby for food, no, no."

"Why don't the village chief and a few grandpas dress up and go back for dinner and dinner?" The old men just couldn't save face, and Ning Qiu, who grew up in the village, knew it better than anyone else.

"Yes, yes, I'll get the bowl!"

As soon as the aunt turned around, an old man yelled. "Don't go, I brought the bowl!"

A few people are happy to hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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