Chapter 128

When he arrived at the school, Ning Qiu was dumbfounded when he saw the closed door of the dormitory.

I only found out after asking the uncle in the reception room that during the holidays, the school dormitory does not provide accommodation.

There was no other way, Ning Qiu could only go to the newly bought small building with his luggage.The remodeling of the yard has been completed, and the doors of the shops on the side of the street are locked tightly, just like when she left.

Go around the corner and open the courtyard door.It's only been half a month, and the yard is already full of fallen leaves, looking very bleak.After closing the courtyard door, Ning Qiu walked into the small building, walked around, and finally put the luggage in a room on the south side of the second floor.

The house was empty, save for a pile of quilts that had been moved in before the holidays.Although it's only for a few days, we must get a bed.

Taking the key, Ning Qiu went out again, bought a folding wire bed in a nearby furniture store, and then moved it back to the yard.

After working all day, Ning Qiu was exhausted, ate two boiled eggs brought from home, drank a few sips of the mineral water he just bought, and then got into bed to rest.

There was no dream all night, and Ning Qiu woke up early the next morning.After getting up and washing, she carried her most important schoolbag and went out.

She didn't have a good meal last night, she must have a good meal this morning, otherwise her body would really be unbearable.The mutton soup with double servings of mutton, sesame seed cakes, and a fried egg make my forehead sweat.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the food factory by bus, and the janitor had changed to another person, whom Ning Qiu didn't recognize.

"Hi, I'm looking for Xu Qiming from the technical department."

The man gave Ning Qiu a sideways look, "It's working time now, I want to find someone to come over at noon."

There are still nearly three hours until noon, and Ning Qiu can't wait.

"Then can I make a call?"

"You're not from the factory, how can you be beaten casually?!" The man said stiffly.

Ning Qiu smiled, took a five-yuan note from his pocket, and placed it directly in front of him.

He asked again, "Can I make a phone call?"

The man stretched out his hand and quickly squeezed the money in his hand. "Cough, hurry up, this is the phone number from the factory."

Ning Qiu thanked him, called Xu Qiming and asked him to pick him up at the door.

Not long after, Xu Qiming came to the gate and brought Ning Qiu into the factory.

"Is deputy factory manager Ma here now?" Ning Qiu asked.

Xu Qiming looked around, then whispered to Ning Qiu.

"Many people have changed in the factory now, so it's inconvenient to talk. Deputy factory manager Ma knows you're coming this year, so he wants you to have dinner together in the evening."


Today may be the last purchase at Yimin Food Factory, and Ning Qiu didn't hesitate, and bought 5000 yuan in one go.This quantity is enough to meet the purchase standard in the factory, and it is not easy for others to make a fuss about it.

The small van couldn't fit so much goods, so Ning Qiu simply spent an extra one hundred to have the factory transport them directly to the courtyard.Anyway, that house is empty now, so it will be used as a warehouse first.

In the evening, Xu Qiming took Ning Qiu to the restaurant that Deputy Factory Manager Ma mentioned.After arriving at the scene, Ning Qiu found out that not only the factory manager groom, but also factory manager Zhang, Master Chen and a middle-aged man whom Ning Qiu didn't know came.

"Oh, girl Ning is here, come and sit down." Deputy Factory Manager Ma greeted Ning Qiu, and it seemed that he was not in a bad mood.

Ning Qiu greeted the two of them, and looked at the strange middle-aged man who didn't know how to address him.

Deputy Factory Manager Ma introduced, "This is the old treasurer of the factory. We entered the factory together, and we were also comrades-in-arms who retired together, Zhang Liqiang. You can call him Uncle Zhang."

"Uncle Zhang, good!"

After several people were seated, Zhang Liqiang spoke. "I've heard Brother Ma talk about you, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"Don't look at her young age, she is quite capable. Half of our factory's success today is due to this girl."

"Uncle Ma, I see what you said, we are mutually beneficial."


Dishes were served on the table, and the few people chatted while eating, and the topic naturally talked about what happened in the factory this time.

"Uncle Zhang, what plans do you and Uncle Ma have in the future?" Ning Qiu asked Factory Director Zhang He.

Zhang He sighed, "I'm in my early sixties, and it's time to retire. It's good to come down, go home to be with my wife, and I still have a grandson to take care of at home."

"What about Marble?"

Deputy Factory Manager Ma took a sip of his wine, "It's because I got the old battalion commander in trouble."

"What are you talking about? People have already set their sights on the position of factory director. Even if there is no such thing today, they will find other reasons to kick me out in the future."

Deputy Factory Manager Ma sighed, "Oh! Yes, without you brother, I will have to leave sooner or later. Everyone knows that we are tied by a rope."

"Then you will stay with my wife like me at home?"

"I haven't reached retirement age yet, so I should find a place to work for a few years, or I won't be able to stay at home."

After speaking, he looked at Ning Qiu again, "Girl, what to do with the goods in your small shop in the future, we won't be able to do it at the end of the month."

"I bought a batch of goods before, and I can last for a while. In the future, I want to make and sell them by myself."

"Do it now and sell it now?"

"Well, of course the dim sum is the best when it's freshly baked."

"But you are still in school, where do you have time?"

"Uncle Ma, you also know that I bought a place near the school, not too far from the school, and I can still find time to bake snacks every day."

"Well, that's not bad. If you need help in the future, you can find me. Anyway, I'm free now."

Ning Qiu smiled, "Uncle Ma is the deputy director of the factory, so it's not an overkill to go to my place. When my store develops in the future, I will ask Uncle Ma to help."

"If you retire, you will be a vagrant, saying that you are overqualified and useless."

"Uncle Ma is so experienced, I believe there must be factories rushing to get it."

After hearing this, several people laughed.

Factory Manager Zhang said to Lao Chen and Zhao Liqiang who were on the side, "You two don't have to complain about us, just stay in the factory well. Lao Ma and I are getting old, and we won't be able to work for a few years even if we retire. You are different. I can work for more than ten years, and work peacefully until I retire.”

Although the two looked reluctant, they still nodded.

The meal broke up after eight o'clock, and several people considered that Ning Qiu was still young, so it was too late, so they asked Xu Qiming to send him back.

It wasn't until she sat in the co-pilot that Ning Qiu sighed. "Fortunately, the two uncles have a good attitude, and they are quite open."

"You underestimate the two factory directors too much. They are all people who have been on the battlefield. It is nothing to them."

"The relationship between Master Chen and them is so good?"

"Of course, the master was taken into the factory by the director Zhang. My master was sideways when he was young. If it wasn't for the director Zhang, he would have almost gone astray. The director Zhang is kind to him, and he always remembers it. , For this matter, the master went to the province to respond many times to no avail."

"This can only show that the other party has a lot of background."

After hearing this, Xu Qiming didn't speak, the car was silent for a while, and Ning Qiu asked him. "What are your future plans?"

"I will stay in the factory with the master. I want to see how the factory will improve after driving away the two factory managers."

(End of this chapter)

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