Chapter 418 Coincidence
After all, she had suffered a lot because of this base before, and she kept shouting that she must take a good look at how magical this broken place is, and how it can raise so many powerful monsters and ghosts (mutated animals and plants).

I only hope that Zhu Ziqing's prudence can overcome Yang Li's arrogance.

However, according to Xinwu's understanding of the relationship between the two, Zhu Ziqing has always had the upper hand...

Xinwu: I hope Ms. Zhu can continue to suppress Sister Lily this time.

Otherwise... I'm afraid the result will be very good...

Probably because he hoped for Zhu Ziqing's power, Xinwu didn't remind Shi Moyangli of her existence.

The three of them walked down the stairs of the sports field, only to find that the sports field had a shelter.

They were really lucky, a big hole was broken in the shelter, and a big pile of sand was built underneath by the sand that had just slid down.

Not only did they just fall from the hole, but they also landed on the sand.

The journey went unexpectedly smooth.

Gu Zixiu led them through several doors, while Shi Mo and Xin Wu looked around curiously.

What Shi Mo saw in his previous life was only a ruined base.

Really curious about what it looks like.

The building made of all metal is silver in sight.

Intelligent system settings, once you walk in the door, you will feel a sense of luxury.

Just like those TV shows in the interstellar future, some places are even more advanced than the scenes in the TV series.

The corridor was tall and empty, and the sound of tick-tock footsteps echoed around.

"It doesn't seem like electricity is used here?"

After entering the ferry base, Shi Mo didn't see any signs of wires and electrical appliances anywhere.

But it's brightly lit and well lit.

Because Shi Mo had never seen many devices before, she would ask such a question.

"Yes, the use of electricity in a laboratory like ours is too dangerous. The energy provided to the base is a new type of spar energy discovered before the end of the world. This energy can allow the base to continue to operate normally after the self-destruct program is activated .”

Shi Mo expressed his understanding, "So in a way, starting the self-destruct program is another kind of self-protection. When people in the future open the base, it will be a huge fortune."

Gu Zixiu showed a deep smile, and said with a long meaning: "This may not be..."

Seeing Xinwu's doubts, Gu Zixiu explained thoughtfully: "Do you think these mutated animals and plants in Qingcheng are a huge fortune brought by the ferry base?"

Xinwu was silent.

He could answer the question without even thinking about it.

Of course not.

The emergence of these mutated animals and plants is a disaster for the world.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zixiu shook his head with a smile, as if he could read his thoughts.

"Actually, you can think about it from another angle... If it weren't for the emergence of these mutated animals and plants, a batch of six or seven-level crystal nuclei would not be produced now. The strength of the supernatural beings will stay at the third and fourth levels for a long time.

The emergence of mutated animals and plants should create a lot of strong people. In terms of dealing with zombies, it is still much smoother than before. "

Xin Wu was speechless, and he also thought that what Gu Zixiu said was very reasonable.

It's just that his double-faced behavior made Xinwu a little confused, "So is this a good thing or a bad thing..."

Gu Zixiu smiled and said nothing.

Everything in this world has two sides. Good things and bad things are not absolute, it just depends on which direction you look at the problem.

When the crossing base did not produce practical and useful results, it only showed a bad side.

To attract war, to cultivate large-scale killers (mutated animals and plants)...

But why are so many people flocking to it, even though people are constantly dying, there are still more people rushing up one after another?

Not just for its good side...

All the things that happen after the end of the world are unexpected by human beings, but perhaps, all of them are laws to follow.

"This is?" Shi Mo looked up at the flat and straight metal wall.

The height of the rooms in the base is higher than that of ordinary large buildings, so the space appears to be very spacious.

The connection between the metal building and various furniture is perfect, and the naked eye cannot see a single gap.

The doors that I passed through before were all blessed by various cumbersome smart password systems.

The group of them didn't bring any equipment, otherwise they could find the infrared systems all around.

The door in front of them now... no, the wall, at least from the outside.

There is no trace of any defenses, nor is there a single entrance.

"This is the only way to enter the central control system. But we don't need to go to the central control room now. I want to get something important first."

Shi Mo and Xin Wu didn't ask him anything important.

Her intuition told her that when the time came, Gu Zixiu would naturally tell her.

Then I saw Gu Zixiu showing the black crystal watch on the back of his hand, and clicked it a few times casually.

A female researcher with black hair and black eyes was projected on the watch, and landed in the center of the gate.

"Ami, search for the location of the energy code."

The female researcher said obediently and quietly: "Okay, Dr. Gu."

As soon as the voice fell, the projection location instantly expanded and began to move.

It took ten seconds to search all around the gate.

Gu Zixiu's black crystal watch suddenly remembered a small voice.

It turned out that the dial unfolded upwards, revealing the space hidden underneath and a small chip.

Then I don't know how Gu Zixiu manipulated it, a small hole appeared on the smooth and solid wall.

As he put the chip inside, the entire metal wall slid down, revealing a transparent light curtain.

The scene behind the wall can be clearly seen through the light curtain.

Shi Mo looked at the light curtain, and then asked, "Why does this light curtain look a bit like a quantum shield?"

Gu Zixiu entered the password on the keyboard next to him and checked his pupils, while answering Shi Mo's words, "You read that right.

This protective light curtain is modeled after the quantum shield.It's just that the materials used are not that advanced.The defense ability is also inferior. "

Xinwu stood beside him with a serious expression on his chest, looking extremely serious.

Although he couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about.

"I don't see much damage to the base. The defense system of the Dusheng base is also well protected. The laboratories are well preserved. Isn't there a single survivor?"

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Gu Zixiu smiled inexplicably, and reminded Shimo: "The self-destruct system of the base is completely sunk into the ground. These people lack one key thing in order to survive."


Shi Mo suddenly realized.

Gu Zixiu reminded by the way, "It's not that the defense system of the base is not damaged, it just looks fine on the surface."

 Thank you for the little cute sweet heart (I omitted the greeting, it’s too difficult to type o(╥﹏╥)o) for the reward, stupid milk’s Bing Kuo Le.

  There are also monthly tickets for Baby Beibei, 怀 (), CAPPUCINO, and Jianran.

  By the way, my dear, some of your names are really hard to type (these are hand-typed and cannot be copied, and I don’t know some of them yet, woo-woo.”

(End of this chapter)

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