Koi's wife is fierce and sweet

Chapter 182 182 Important Thoughts

Chapter 182 182 Important Thoughts

Recently, during Ye Nannan's creative process, she likes to watch videos and draw inspiration from them.And one of her favorite anchors is called Li Zijiu.

Li Zijiu always shoots beautiful videos, telling stories in the countryside, and making all kinds of ancient clothes and food by herself, which makes people feel extremely relaxed. Ye Nannan follows her videos almost every issue. I heard that in this anchor Thanks to the hard work, everyone in the village has lived a good life.

"Both books and movies can bring people the enjoyment of beauty. But I want to do something down-to-earth." Ye Nannan said to Su Mo.

Su Mo asked: "Then what exactly does Nan Nan want to do, can I participate together?"

Ye Nannan looked at Su Mo and said earnestly: "I want to go to a poor village to support education. I heard that many children there can't even afford school supplies. I want to do my best to help them. However, if I go there , I may not see you for a long time, what should I do?"

Su Mo smiled, and Mo Yu's eyes sparkled, this is the person he loves, who is so pure and kind no matter what.

"If you want to support education, I have some good news to tell you." Su Mo said.

"What good news?" Ye Nannan asked.

"Our hospital is recruiting candidates for medical treatment to the countryside in the past two days. If you want to support education, you can go with me."

"Really?" Ye Nannan asked in surprise, this is really someone who came to deliver a pillow when she fell asleep.The news of Su Mo made her overjoyed.

In this way, not only would there be no need to be separated from Su Mo, but the two of them could do such meaningful things together.Thinking of this, Ye Nan smiled sweetly.

"Then we can make an agreement. I will sign up tomorrow." Su Mo confirmed with Ye Nannan on the phone.

It is not a trivial matter to sign up to participate in the medical field trip.As a big star, Ye Nan, if he couldn't go because of delays, Su Mo could not go back on his word after signing up, so he was afraid that Ye Nannan wouldn't be able to leave in time, so Su Mo confirmed with her again and again.

"Don't worry, don't you worry about my work? I will tell Sister Zheng in a while. I entrust her to help me with the company's affairs here. Anyway, I don't have a good script recently, so I just use this time Precipitate yourself."

"Yeah, art comes from life and is higher than life. You deserve to be my big star." Su Mo praised Ye Nannan.

"Hehe, let's stop talking. I'll call Sister Zheng right away and tell you the good news in a while."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Nannan picked up the phone, and she and Zheng Yi started a video call.

"Nan Nan, it's so late, you haven't slept yet? You have to be careful, you can't stay up late. At your age, if you stay up late, you will get dark circles under your eyes, which will affect your photogenic appearance."

Zheng Yi is worthy of being a qualified manager. Seeing that Ye Nannan was up so late, she immediately started nagging her.

While enjoying Zheng Yi's concern, Ye Nannan smiled and said, "I know, I know, I'm going to sleep right away after talking to my sister, isn't it because I have something important to do with you?"

As soon as she heard that Ye Nannan had business with her, Zheng Yi immediately became serious: "What the hell is it?"Is there any bad message on the Internet?Tell me and I'll take care of it.Bai Xue has been restless these past few days, is she playing tricks behind her back? "

"No, sister, don't be so nervous. It's a good thing I'm looking for you. I've been at home for the past few days. I suddenly had an idea. I want to use this time to settle myself." Ye Nannan hurriedly interrupted Zheng Yi, speak your mind.

"Precipitate yourself, how do you deposit and write every day?" Zheng Yi asked.

Ye Nannan shook her head: "No, I want to go to the countryside to support education, help those children, let them see more of the outside world."

Zheng Yi didn't expect Ye Nannan to say that. In her perception, let alone a celebrity like Ye Nannan, even a starlet on the 18th line, once she has a little fame, she will immediately go to various high-end places, eating, drinking, etc. What you use and drink should be the best.

He was even very harsh on his assistants. How could he want to help others like Ye Nannan, and he still went to the rural areas where the conditions were difficult.

Those celebrities are most afraid of being exposed to the sun. Many people have to apply seven or eight layers of sunscreen when they go out, and they have to ask their assistants to hold umbrellas for them.

She heard in the industry that many assistants of celebrities were scolded for opening umbrellas for celebrities, but they didn't pull them up properly, so that the stars were exposed to the sun.

"Are you serious?" Zheng Yi reconfirmed.

"You're not kidding me by calling you so late, are you?"

"If you really make up your mind, go ahead. How long will it take? I think it's good. Let me help you with the company's affairs."

Hearing what Ye Nannan said, Zheng Yi immediately switched to the attitude of a professional manager, and directly helped her think about the future.

"Then I will have to work hard for Sister Zheng in the future. I may go for a month or two. Remember we will keep in touch when the time comes."

After Ye Nannan finished speaking, she closed the line, and she started sending videos to Su Mo again.

"Mo Mo, my manager has finished talking. I will go to the countryside with you in the future. Are you happy? Where are you going this time? Tell me, I have to make some preparations. Also, what do you want to bring? ? Do you need my help?"

After hearing a series of words from Ye Nannan, Su Mo put down the documents in his hand, and said to her, "No need. You can rest well for these two days. I will tell you the detailed information when the time comes." Su Mo looked at his watch , said to Ye Nannan: "Okay, it's getting late, you go to bed early. I'll read a book for a while, and I'm going to bed too."

"Okay, I will miss you in my dreams." Ye Nannan hung up the video and started doing skin care at night.

I have to say, after becoming an artist.She spends more and more time on skin care and figure management.

Because I have to attend some important events, including daily filming, I also need to wear heavy makeup.These products will cause some damage to the skin. Even with the best products, she still feels that her skin is stuffy and uncomfortable.

After carefully removing the makeup, Ye Nannan applied toner for the second time.After applying the essence, she took out the microcurrent massager and began to use the massager to massage her face in circles.This is said to help the skin absorb the nutrients in the serum better.

After the massage, she puts on eye and face creams and grooms her hair with a jade comb.

After finishing these, she looked at her skin care products and sighed in her heart, if she went out to support education, she would have to bring a big suitcase, otherwise these bottles and cans would take up a lot of space.

(End of this chapter)

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