Chapter 280 He Really Loves You
The baby girl in the crib breathes evenly and sleeps peacefully.

It's just that it was a newborn baby girl's face, but it began to mature in the next second, and finally turned into her current appearance!
Suddenly the scene changed and it was a fire. Zeng Qingwen had just given birth and it was difficult to run out, so she held the baby in her arms.

She called Duan Yiyao, but before she could say a word, someone covered her back with a handkerchief and fainted. It was a man wearing a mask.

The man took the baby away from her arms and set her on fire with a lighter on the sheets, setting her aflame.

At this moment, I don't know if the fire is getting hotter and hotter, and a light flashes in front of his eyes. The man always feels that the baby in his arms is emitting a light that is stronger than the fire.

He was startled and almost missed, but in an instant, the light disappeared.

Did you miss it?
At the same time, she arrived at the place Qiao Yue was most familiar with. She had no father or mother since she was a child. Whenever she got sick, she would go to the hospital alone.

A woman died of dystocia on the operating table. The baby girl held by the nurse beside her did not cry and was dying. Suddenly, a ray of light came, which seemed to enrich her vitality, and the baby girl burst into tears.

Then came the baby girl, no, Qiao Yue's growth process was playing fast, and finally she was reading a novel at home, the small desk lamp next to her flickered, and was finally turned off. When the desk lamp was turned on again, she was sitting at the desk The former person disappeared, replaced by Qiao Yue, the vicious female supporting role in a certain book, who woke up in the barren mountains——

Seeing this, Qiao Yue seemed to have something in her heart. She already understood why the female voice who had entered her dream asked her to "come back".

It turned out that she was not asked to return to the real world, but told her over and over again that she was originally from here, and it was time for her to be the real Qiao Yue!

No wonder, when she knew that Duan Yiyao was protecting Zhang Duanze like that, her heart hurt so much, and when she knew that Zeng Qingwen was her mother, and she hated her so much after He Ziyuan killed her.

These scenes were only for a short moment, and Qiao Yue was on the verge of death.

There was only a vast expanse of whiteness in front of her eyes, her breathing gradually became difficult, her hands and feet became weak, she could no longer struggle, and she felt herself sinking little by little...

Before losing consciousness, a familiar figure was blurred in his eyes, it was light.


Quiet ward.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the sun was just right, not too strong. The sun poured into the room through the window lattice, and shone on a pot of succulents the size of a palm.

There was a girl lying on the hospital bed, her beautiful little face was sickly pale, her lips were bloodless and lifeless.

She has been lying like this for three days, and her vital signs are normal, but there is no sign of waking up.

There was a man sitting beside her bed. The man had been in this position for a long time. He was wearing a black T-shirt, which he put on because he was soaked. And it became gloomy, the blue under the eyes was clearly visible, mixed with red.

He has cried.

After rescued her from the water, he performed artificial respiration and cardiac resuscitation, and then followed the ambulance to the hospital. When he heard that she was shot and fell into the water, her life was in danger, and surgery was required. He almost collapsed with a gun He Ziyuan's head was smashed!

He didn't go back to City A. He had already arrived at the airport at that time, but Shan Ying called him. The witness he found had already returned to Guodun Shenghua, so he should still be at the airport now.

It was such a coincidence that he looked at the photos, and a team that followed him found someone at the airport.

Witness, the youngest son of the man who set fire to the hospital.

Logically speaking, since he saw his father set fire to the hospital, he would definitely die, but He Ziyuan and the others didn't pay attention to this little thing.

He was afraid of those people, let alone revenge all these years, and it was too late to hide, so they had to use some means to make him speak.

When someone opened his mouth, he realized that Qiao Yue had sent him a text message half an hour ago, telling him not to check again. He Ziyuan admitted it herself, saying that she was going to see someone now.

Seeing this, he quickly informed Qin Yan to drive to the address she sent, but by then, it was still a step too late...

Qi Shengyu looked down at the girl, his eyes were dark, she still had wounds on her body, he didn't dare to touch her, he just hooked her little finger very lightly.

She was rarely so quiet, like a little lady, but that wasn't what he wanted, he liked her to be a little more rowdy.

Qi Shengyu rolled his throat, the sun did not shine on their position, but there were water droplets in his eyes that reflected the light.

Qiao Yue, when will you wake up?

During the time when Qiao Yue was lying on the bed, Qi Shengyu had actually asked this question many times. She didn't wake up. Is it because jet lag is difficult in country M? She was a little tired, so she slept for a long time. a while?
Qi Shengyu let go of the hand hooking her little finger, and pressed the pantothenic eye socket. He thought it was an illusion, but the little finger he let go of her actually moved?!

"Qiao Yue!" Whether it was a delusion or a gloomy hope, he became agitated a lot and pressed the beeper hastily.

But this time, the girl on the hospital bed really woke up.

Her eyelids were a little heavy, closed for too long, the eyelids were folded several times, she tried hard to open them and saw him.

Her first reaction was that she was not dead, but she was still alive to see him!
Qiao Yue bit her lower lip, feeling wronged in her heart, and really wanted to hug him.

As soon as this idea came up, she put it into practice, and while sitting up, she opened her mouth awkwardly: "Qi..."

"Don't talk, wait for the doctor to come and see how you are." Qi Shengyu leaned over, gently pressing her shoulders to make her lie down again, and said worriedly, his brows were tightly knit together.

So, the specially arranged female doctor checked Qiao Yue again.

Seeing that Qi Shengyu was too worried and even wanted to bear the pain for the girl, the female doctor smiled enviously and said: "Miss Qiao's physical indicators are normal, and the wound is also recovering, but she is still a little weak now, and she will need it later. You go and prepare some hot porridge and hot rice for her, drink as much hot water as possible, and don’t eat raw or cold food, and then stay in the hospital for observation for three days before you can be discharged.”

Finally, before the female doctor left, she had to tease Qiao Yue: "Miss Qiao, your boyfriend has been guarding your bed for three days and three nights. He really loves you, so your wound cannot touch water. Wait Don't be afraid to bother him if you take a hot bath."

Qiao Yue blushed.

Therefore, before the female doctor left, she was met with death stares from Qi Shengyu.

"Want to drink some hot water?" Qi Shengyu asked warmly when there were only the two of them in the ward again, but he had already taken a glass to pour water in his hand.

He helped her up, put up the pillow she had put on her back, let her lean on, and handed her the water.

This is not asking her at all.

Qiao Yue drank water obediently, glanced at him, and carefully made a request: "I want to eat some preserved egg porridge, can I?"

(End of this chapter)

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