blood fox

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Asura, women are beautiful and men are fierce.

But Ms. Zou was not very beautiful before, she changed after a little bit of plastic surgery.

Besides, didn't Ling Yuan's real body control the entrance and exit between the human world and Shura Heaven?

If Ms. Zou is Shura, how did she get out?
Looking at her like that, Shura is pretty good too...

She also has snake scales. Didn't Ling Yuan say that she grew them because she was injected with snake venom to maintain her appearance?

How did he become Shura again?
Ling Yuan just glanced at me and said in a deep voice, "Not sure yet."

This is a bit interesting, that is to say, Ling Yuan can't see through Ms. Zou.

I drank the health-preserving soup and shook my head helplessly.

After eating and drinking, Ling Yuan dutifully handed me the medicine and let me sleep for a while.

I don't sleep very much now, but I still need to rest.

Just follow what Ling Yuan taught me before, lying on the bed and reciting scriptures to enter meditation.

But even so, after squinting for half an hour, he woke up and stayed in the room to copy scriptures and meditate.

Before he finished copying a volume, Qishu Miao knocked on the door, saying that he wanted to borrow that silver tiger scimitar to use. This thing can enhance the activity of the Gu insects and make the Gu insects play a greater role.

I originally thought he was doing liposuction for breast augmentation, but he told me that he was treating the wounds of the women who were sent here. They had many hidden wounds on their bodies, and there were too many of them. Staying here is also quite troublesome.

So I wanted to borrow the Silver Tiger Scimitar to increase the activity of Gu insects, otherwise he wouldn't be able to cure so many people.

"If you're not at ease, go and watch with this exile." Uncle Miao Qi still has good eyesight, and knows what I'm worried about, but when he looks at Ling Yuan, his eyes are a little bit wrong.

I glanced at Ling Yuan, he seemed to have been looking out the window, and this time he was looking more seriously than before.

Seeing me glance at him, I said directly: "Go and have a look, it's fine anyway."

It was only then that I took my backpack and went with Miao Qishu. On the way, I realized that the secret injury Miao Qishu mentioned this time was that many women were fed Gu worms.

The Gu master that Sister Fan hired was not very professional, it was the kind of wild way, the Gu that she raised carelessly, so the Gu worms were very strange and fierce, they didn't allow routines, and they were a bit out of control.

Qishu Miao wanted to get rid of all the Gu worms in their bodies, but it was actually quite difficult.

I don't know much about Gu insects. Long Lanyuqin is the patriarch, but she uses Gu Wuwu, except when attracting blood worms, I saw her attract insects, only when she nourished my wounds, I felt the insects.

Those women, when we saw them, apart from being a little numb, they didn't see that they were bewitched.

I glanced at Ling Yuan, and he just shook his head at me: "I specialize in art, and I'm concerned about these evils that came up later..."

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and coughed lowly: "I don't know much about the techniques that arise later. Their faces are all black and dead, so many people can't see anything for a while."

Uncle Miao Qi was connoted that the Gu technique is a sorcery, and he didn't dare to say anything more to Ling Yuan, he just catered to him in a low voice: "It's too inferior, so you can't see it."

"That Gu won't kill people, it's just a bit domineering, and it's specifically aimed at girls." Uncle Miao Qi kept turning his head to look at me in the elevator.

When the elevator reached the second floor, he seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He looked at me and said, "If Xiao Yu is worried, give the silver tiger scimitar to the banishment and let him go in with me. Xiao Yu, you are outside Wait, then."

I felt a little contradictory, and looked at Miao Qishu differently: "Didn't it be said that it is a Gu that is specifically aimed at women? Then it is more convenient for me to go in than him?"

Why did Ling Yuan let a man in instead?
Uncle Miao Qi glanced at Ling Yuan, looked at me again, and coughed again: "This is what Ms. Zou explained, saying that you are still ignorant, Xiaoyu. You'd better not see such things. , for fear of leaving a shadow on you in the future."

I didn't understand what was inside for a while, when I heard Ling Yuan say: "Is it an aphrodisiac Gu?"

"Yeah, it's the kind that's more sinister, and it's not an invisible Gu worm, but a tangible one, a bit like a slug." Uncle Miao Qi pursed his lips and said helplessly: "I don't know how to refine this Gu worm. Gu worms are really incapable, but they can still be used in such a nasty but disgusting way, anyway, it is quite difficult to get them out."

There is a huge difference between aphrodisiac Gu and love Gu.

According to what Uncle Miao Qi said, I'm afraid that when the aphrodisiac Gu is elicited, there will be some scenes that are not suitable for an ignorant person like me.

"Silver Tiger Scimitar." Ling Yuan stretched out his hand towards me, and glanced at me: "There are some things that you should keep close to your body."

I took out the silver tiger scimitar from my backpack and slapped it heavily in Ling Yuan's hand.

Who doesn't want to wear it close to their body, but this knife alone weighs a few catties, and it's still a knife. Now that the control of knives is so strict, if they are found out, they will go in directly. Why don't they have to let the task force find me.

Just when Ling Yuan was holding the knife, I still said: "Since I plan to take care of these things, no matter how cruel I am, I have to take a look at it. I can't stop watching it because it's not suitable for children."

Uncle Miao Qi looked a little embarrassed, and just glanced at Ling Yuan, as if letting him make up his mind.

Ling Yuan also frowned, holding the scimitar as if thinking.

Uncle Miao Qi hurriedly said: "Women can't be present, those Gu worms are alive, very sensitive, numerous, have tentacles, run very fast, and can enter if touched, I may not be able to control so many, in case It comes out, enters the body, and produces eggs again, which is troublesome."

He looked at me earnestly: "If you want to watch it, just watch it on the surveillance camera. It's a good experience, so it's better not to go in."

"You guys know what these girls abducted by Sister Fan are used for. In order to ensure that they can take the initiative to pick up customers and let them go, they got this voodoo. They have a voodoo, and they haven't woken up now. Once they wake up , they can't help themselves, and the Gu worms will itch if they don't eat enough." Miao Qishu couldn't help clicking his tongue as he spoke.

He said to me: "Otherwise, how could Ms. Zou take over this job? Apart from me, only Patriarch Long Lan has the ability to drive away these Gu insects. Patriarch Long Lan was invited away by the Taoist sect again to deal with important matters , it is impossible to take care of such trivial matters. I have no choice but to borrow your silver tiger scimitar!"

That is to say, Long Lan hasn't returned yet?
I glanced at Ling Yuan, and he said in a deep voice to me, "You won't have Gu insects approaching you, just go in and have a look."

See what you can see on the monitor, the Gu worms are small, but according to Uncle Miao Qi, it seems that they are still hidden in the woman's body.

I was about to ask Uncle Miao Qi, didn't he say that there were Gu worms when the lunch was delivered at noon, how did he find the Gu worms later?
Before she could open her mouth, Hua Ming yelled, "Miao Qi, Miao Qi, hurry up."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Hua Ming was shirtless, running this way in a hurry.

A woman in the back didn't wear pants, limping but struggling to chase him with one leg.

As the woman ran, small white insects the size of rice grains covered with tentacles crawled down her legs wetly, and some even fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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