blood fox

Chapter 291 Awakened

Chapter 291 Awakened

The woman with the broken leg and waving the iron chain saw me and Ling Yuan appearing, especially after hearing Ling Yuan's words, she immediately begged for help.

The eyes are full of hope and pleading!
The sound of iron chains, and the low and weak whining sound, I found this sound a bit familiar, and then I remembered it.

During the day, when I went to the grave in the back mountain with Sister Fan, there was also the sound of iron chains interspersed with low whimpers.

It's just that I was far away and the voice was very low, so I couldn't hear it clearly.

Now that I think about it, she was the same at that time. She heard me talking to Sister Fan from a distance, and knew that outsiders had entered the village, so she must have asked for help.

I glanced at her and nodded at her with a smile.

When Ling Yuan and I appeared, all the vicious dogs who were facing the pigsty turned their heads to look at Ling Yuan and me.

It's just that they no longer bared their teeth at the women in the pigsty, but let out a fierce growl, opened their mouths and rushed towards Ling Yuan and me.

Sister Fan planned to kill Ling Yuan and me when she showed us the dog hair on her body.

So these dogs have smelled the dishes we have used.

All the vicious dogs in this meeting rushed towards us.

I directly wanted to kill these vicious dogs with blood, but there was a flash of fire next to me.

Like a fire dragon, it directly burned all these dogs.

The vicious dog was on fire, barking in pain, and wanted to rush towards me and Ling Yuan, but when Ling Yuan raised his hand, there were two clusters of faint blue flames, and his eyes flashed with blood at the same time.

The vicious dogs immediately tucked their tails, let out a low growl, and quickly scattered in all directions.

I stared at the dogs on fire, howling and running, but not directly burned to ashes.

According to Ling Yuan's ability, once the fox fire comes out, it should be burned directly.

The fire on these dogs seems to be ordinary fire.

But there will be no dogs here, so I hurriedly crushed a wax pellet that I found that was hiding green gnats.

There is still no signal here, even if the special case team came here, the vicious dogs ran around the village, and Ling Yuan deliberately set fire to those vicious dogs just now, he must have wanted to burn down the village together.

If you can't determine the location, you can't save people at all.

Shouquan also told me that this green gnat is only used in emergencies that threaten life.

As long as I crush this green gnat, it means my life is in danger.

The wax pellets are easy to crush, and the green gnats inside are also crushed to death, with a pale blood color flowing out.

Holding the wax pill in my hand, to prevent the blood from getting on my hand, I climbed into the pigsty, leading the thread of blood first, and twisted the iron chain off the standing girl.

Then use the blood thread to break the lock of the gag at the back of her head, and help her remove the gag.

She looked at me, panted heavily, and then fell directly to the ground.

I supported her and leaned against the side of the pigsty.

Put the crushed wax pill in her hand, turn her hand, and get the blood of the green gnat.

Only then did he turn around and lead the threads of blood to break the chains one by one.

It turned out that those women couldn't move, they just looked at me numbly, waiting for me to go over and break the chain.

After I untied one, two, and three people from the chains, some people began to stand up and hand me the chains tied around them.

When I lead the thread of blood to twist off the shackles of other people's gags, they slowly come to their senses, and they will start to form groups of threes and twos, helping their companions remove the gags and standing up with support.

Ling Yuan was just outside the pigsty, watching us.

Once a vicious dog comes over, it will be a series of fox fires.

When I unchained everyone, I realized that a total of 63 people were imprisoned, and they were all young.

This will no longer be the original numbness, one by one supporting each other, standing firmly, and looking at me gratefully.

But because they were locked up for too long, even if someone opened their mouth to speak, pus would flow out of the wound at the corner of the mouth, and they hadn't finished speaking for too long, and their throats were dry and itchy, so they couldn't speak at all.

The sound of people screaming was everywhere in the village, and those flaming vicious dogs that Ling Yuan let go on purpose had set the village on fire.

63 women are not something Ling Yuan and I can take out.

And now there are fires and vicious dogs outside, these villagers will be too busy to deal with the vicious dogs and will not come to us.

On the contrary, if we want to get out of the village, we have to go through the village first, which will definitely attract the attention of them and the vicious dogs, and increase the danger.

Even if I strangled all the people and people I met along the way with the thread of blood, and got out of the village, there is still more than an hour's drive from here to the town. I drove all the way in, and I didn't see any nearby villages. Let them go all the way to town like this.

Now that there is a fire, as long as the fire is big enough, someone will come to put out the fire, and when rescue comes, let these women go out.

I waved to them: "Everyone, don't worry, drink some water first, and take a rest. The village is on fire, and people from outside will come to put out the fire immediately, and you will be saved then."

The girl with the broken leg looked at the grass next to her and pointed her finger.

Ling Yuan didn't even turn his head, and a flash of fire flashed past.

A vicious dog was on fire and wanted to rush towards Ling Yuan, but when it met Ling Yuan's eyes, it immediately whined, turned around and ran towards the center of the village.

"Dogs won't come near us." I waved at them, walked to the faucet, turned on the faucet, and said to them, "Everyone, drink some water and take a rest."

Seeing the clear water, eagerness appeared in their eyes immediately, and they pursed their dry, cracked and scabbed lips. Some people began to climb out of the pigsty and leaned under the faucet to drink water.

Sister Fan and the others "raised pigs", except for feeding, they never fed water at all.

During the day, when the feeders came, they were numb all the time. Only when they saw the water, did their eyes show a look of longing.

Perhaps they have experienced hardships together. They all longed for water, but no one huddled together, nor did they push and push, but in a very orderly manner.

Someone drank two sips of water and suddenly burst into tears.

With Ling Yuan around, those vicious dogs couldn't get close.

I watched them drinking water, hugging and comforting each other.

Slowly retreated to Ling Yuan, and whispered to him: "There are sufferings in the world, but there are also good things."

Ling Yuan just looked indifferently at those women who drank enough water and began to wash their companions' wounds with water.

Softly said: "That's why you appear here."

I don't know if he's talking about me or Yun Miao reincarnated into the world.

Just as he was about to ask Ling Yuan, he heard the roar of a motorcycle in the distance, followed by the strong light of the motorcycle light flashing towards us.

Hearing the sound of the motorcycle, those women no longer had no reaction as before, but were shocked for an instant, and then seemed to shrink into a ball.

The crippled woman stood up immediately, hopped aside on one leg and grabbed a broken wooden stick in her hand.

Those women who hugged each other also seemed to have reacted, some went to the pigsty to get the broken iron chain, and some picked up the stones and broken bricks in the corner of the pigsty.

Some of the tears on their faces were still holding a brick, looking fiercely but calmly at those motorcycles rumbling towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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