Chapter 246
"Get up." Jiang Pei looked at them and said immediately.

"Prince Regent, don't tell me in advance when you come, so that I can give orders and treat you well." Yan Zhongtian looked at him and said.

"It's okay, I heard that you are coming back today, so I came to take a look." Jiang Pei didn't look at Yan Weibo and the others, but said to Yan Zhongtian who was beside him.

"Regent, you are an old official." Yan Zhongtian was flattered.

At this moment, Yan Weibo said, "Prince Regent, what you said just now was just mother's angry words, I hope you don't take it to heart."

The old lady didn't dare to speak at this time. She was so arrogant just now, but now she is so cowardly.

"I didn't expect you to really let me know today. I have never heard of someone asking for a dowry from his brother. If he doesn't give it, he will force it. It's really good!" Jiang Pei looked at them with cold eyes at this time.

They were so frightened that they couldn't help shivering, and then the old lady said, "Forgive me, the Regent. I didn't mean that. I just said some nonsense because I was too angry."

"Angry?" Jiang Pei looked at her with unclear eyes.

The old lady knew that Jiang Pei was the regent, so she would definitely not care about the dowry. She felt that she might get a generous dowry by talking about it now, and it would also make his attitude towards Yan Huan worse, so she was overjoyed.

She raised her head to look at Jiang Pei, and said sadly, "I just hope that she can take some dowry to help her sister, but I never thought that she would be so stingy and unwilling to share even a little bit. That's why I got angry. Speaking of those lies."

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Pei raised his eyes to look at Yan Huan and asked.

"Indeed!" The old lady rushed to answer.

She would not give Yan Huan a chance to explain, because she originally wanted to destroy Yan Huan's image in his mind.

Yan Huan gave the old lady a white look, and was afraid of her explanation for being so aggressive.

"You want to ask for the dowry she prepared for her marriage with this king! It seems that this matter needs to be discussed with the fourth prince, and I hope he can give me an explanation! The idea is all on this king!" Jiang Pei's eyes were cold at this time, and his tone was like ice in the cold winter, unapproachable.

"Ah! Don't." Yan Weibo panicked for a moment, and said hastily.

Yan Siyun looked at the old lady with disgust in his eyes, after all, she was there to cause trouble.

At this time, he stepped forward and said to Jiang Pei, "Prince Regent, today's matter is that grandma lacked consideration in her actions. I am here to make amends for her. I hope you can forgive me."

"Leave the net?" Jiang Pei repeated his words without emotion, then shifted his gaze to Yan Huan and said, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Yan Huan was still watching a good show, but when he was called suddenly, he looked at him suspiciously.

"That's right, it's all up to you. You can handle this matter however you want." Jiang Pei looked at her dotingly, his attitude was completely different from that of the old lady and the others.

"Let me think about it." Yan Huan actually thought seriously after hearing his words.

"Don't worry, think about it slowly." Jiang Pei smiled gently and said patiently.

But Yan Weibo and the others changed their expressions. They knew that Yan Huan would not let them go easily.

But they were right, because Yan Huan really planned to teach them a lesson.

"Since they came here this time to want a dowry, why don't they give me half of their own." Yan Huan thought about it and thought that this method is very good, and it just happens to anger them.

"Okay, everything is up to you." Hearing what she said, Jiang Pei smiled and said.

It's just that Yan Weibo and the others are not calm. Originally, they came here this time to ask Yan Zhongtian to take some out, but they never thought that he would have to take out the head.

Even if they are unwilling now, there is no way to refuse, after all, Jiang Pei is still there.

Yan Siyun still wanted to try it at this time, so he said, "Prince Regent, we don't have much dowry, so we can take some out. I'm afraid my sister will be ridiculed when she gets married, so can you accommodate me?"

"Speak accommodatingly with me?" Jiang Pei's eyes were cold, and his tone was devoid of warmth.

Yan Siyun was taken aback by his courage, and before he could think of a word, he heard the old lady's voice, "Regent, if you spread the word like this, it may damage your reputation. Besides, this matter is our responsibility." I still hope that you will not interfere with the family affairs."

She wouldn't give the half of the money to Yan Huan, so she retorted without thinking about it.

Yan Siyun and Yan Weibo didn't expect her to make such a move, so they couldn't help being frightened by her.

After all, no one dared to talk to the regent like that. He was originally indifferent and not a good talker, but now he refuted his words, and I'm afraid it would bring his revenge.

The old lady is not afraid, she feels that even if Jiang Pei is angry, there is no reason to deal with her, she has done nothing, so he has no reason to deal with her.

Besides, this is a family matter between her and Yan Huan. As an outsider, he shouldn't interfere in this matter. Even if it falls in front of His Majesty, she is justified.

"She is my king's fiancée. Do you think this king is qualified to take care of her? Besides, even if this king disposes of you today, who would dare to say that this king is not?" Jiang Pei never needs a reason for doing things, and is particular It's all at will.

Even if he disposes of Yan Weibo's family now, no one in the court dares to gossip.

Even Qi Yuanming will turn a blind eye to let this matter pass, and will never settle accounts with him.

Yan Siyun frowned, then took a look and said, "Grandma, you should have a good rest."

After all, her opening her mouth would only make things worse and worse. Not only did she not help them, but she also harmed them.

Immediately afterwards, he set his eyes on Jiang Pei and said, "Prince Regent, can the dowry be less? We really can't afford that much. Besides, my sister is going to marry the fourth prince. When the time comes The stage cannot be too small."

"These things have nothing to do with this king. As for the dowry, you should hurry up and prepare, otherwise don't blame this king for taking tough measures!" Jiang Pei is not interested in their affairs at all, what he wants now is a result.

Yan Siyun knew that it was useless to continue talking, so he didn't say any more.

He even regretted it a little now, regretting coming here with the old lady.

She is not the only one who regrets it?Yan Weibo also regretted it very much. If he had known earlier, he would not have listened to the old lady's words. It would be great if he didn't make up his mind on Yan Huan. In this case, they would not need to pay.

It is really not a good deal for them to spend another sum of money to pay for it now, but now they have no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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