I just want to be soft on her

Chapter 159 Near-death experience

Chapter 159 Near-death experience
Song Cheng stood at the gate of the school, carrying the small orange schoolbag that her father Song Jianggang bought for her.

Today is a good day when both parents are on vacation. Mother Jiang Shu said that she would pick her up after get off work, then go to see her father, and finally the family will have a very sumptuous dinner together.

She stood excitedly on the side of the road at the school gate, when a car stopped in front of her, it was her mother's car.

Song Cheng waved to her mother in the car window, then got into the car and followed her mother to find her father.

It was something she was ten years old.

Her mother's car drove her to the gate of the junior high school. Ma Qingqing was also in the car and got off with her.

In the subsequent scene, she and Ma Qingqing went to and from school together, and they took the bus together.

The bus carried the two of them to the gate of the high school together. This was the first time she saw Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo followed her all the way off the bus and walked behind her. She already knew him, but she didn't turn around and ask him why he followed me.

On the playground, she was sitting in the stands, watching Jiang Mo sitting on the horizontal bar, with one hand resting on her chin, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hi, can I borrow your pen? I don't have my..."

During a mock exam in class, the two classes switched people. She sat behind Jiang Mo, poked his back embarrassedly, and asked him if he had any extra pens.

Jiang Mo didn't say anything, turned around and handed her a pen, and after the exam, he didn't ask her for it either.


"I like you so much, Song Cheng."

"Wake up, wake up..."

"I love you so much, Orange."

Song Cheng was really too tired, she didn't have the strength to respond to the repeated love, and her voice became weaker and weaker.

"...Wake up, wake up, don't sleep!"

"Don't sleep! You must wake up!"

After a while of calling, she fell into a deep sleep.

"That's it, I've tried my best." Song Cheng put everything down.


"Quick, quick! Ventilator!!"


"She's in shock!"


I don't know how long it has passed, and everyone has become exhausted.

"Wake up... wake up..."

"Cheng Zi, I really like you, what should I do?"

"Cheng Zi, Dad is back, don't sleep, let Dad see you, okay?"

"Mom is here, open your eyes..."

"Chengzi, I'm Qingqing!"

"Don't die, don't die... I'm already working hard to save you, as long as you use a little strength..."


In Song Cheng's mind, a large group of noise suddenly appeared, and a sharp sound passed through her entire brain.

"Prick, prick... prick, prick"

She woke up again, lying in a gray space with no strength at all.

"Why do you want me to come back?"

Song Cheng asked this question in her heart.

A voice came out of nowhere and said to her, "You still haven't done a lot of things, why can't you come back?"

"But I'm so tired."

Her lips became chapped, her limbs stiffened, and her brain became dull.

"It's okay, take your time, you just need to open your eyes now."


She was silent for a while, and then said "hmm".


"Her heart rate is back up!"


"Quick! Continue to rescue!"


"Can she survive?"

"As long as she wants."


"who are you?"

Song Cheng opened her eyes, watched the gray gradually turn black, and asked her curiously.

The voice smiled and replied, "I am you."

"Then why can't I see you?"

"You don't need to be able to see me, just hear me."

"What just happened?"

"A terrible thing."

"What terrible thing?"

"You don't want to think about it, and I don't want to think about it, so don't ask."


Song Cheng looked at the color in front of her, and it became darker and darker until she couldn't see other colors.

"Twinkling and twinkling, the sky is full of small stars, hanging on the edge of the sky to shine brightly, like many small eyes..."

This is Song Cheng's first time sleeping alone. Her mother taught her a song, and her mother told her: "The stars will illuminate you in the dark night and protect you, so don't be afraid of the dark."

She remembered that every time she couldn't fall asleep in the dark, she would sing this song to make herself no longer afraid of the dark.

In the black space, a small meteor began to flash across, and at that moment, that meteor illuminated the entire blackness.

Immediately afterwards, many stars appeared, and the black was gradually covered by the yellow of the stars.

Song Cheng watched the night filled with stars, and some stars ran into her arms, they were glowing and glowing.


"Turn on the air conditioner, turn up the temperature, her body is too cold!"


"How many degrees?"


"30 degree!"


"it is good!"


In the operating room, everyone was sweating profusely, and the chief doctor's sweat flowed into his eyes.

Everyone's spirit was highly concentrated, as long as anyone was not paying attention, Song Cheng would die.

Everyone does not want to give up this life.


"It's so warm, the stars are hot."

Song Cheng was finally able to speak, her eyes turned to the stars in her arms, and she didn't know who she was talking to.

A familiar voice yelled in her ear, "Orange."

"Well, what's the matter?" She looked at the stars in the sky and asked him.

The man lay down beside her, "Talk to me."

"Who are you?" she asked.

The man was stunned, but still answered her: "I'm Jiang Mo, do you remember me?"

"I seem to have some impressions." In her mind, she tried hard to find the impressions and fragments of this man named Jiang Mo.

Hearing this reply, Jiang Mo was not angry, "It's okay, it's better to have a memory than to forget."

"Yeah." She nodded and asked him, "Do you also like watching stars?"

"I like it." Jiang Mo gave her an affirmative answer.

Song Cheng was very happy, smiled and said to him: "That's great! We both like to watch the stars."

"I'm also very happy to have the same thing as you."

She could hear Jiang Mo's tone, and she was really happy.

Song Cheng tried to move her whole body, she seemed to be able to move!


"Rescued! Rescued!"


"The patient's vital signs are normal!"


"Don't be careless, send it to the intensive care unit and observe for 24 hours first!"




The operation lasted about fifteen hours, and the doctors changed batch after batch. Fortunately, Song Cheng was finally rescued.


"I want to see what you look like, okay?" Song Cheng and Jiang Mo looked at the stars for a long time, and she was very curious about what kind of person the person who watched the stars with her was like.

(End of this chapter)

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