Chapter 127 Jealous
Song Cheng turned around and went downstairs. There was no one in the living room, and the lights were not turned on. It was dark. Fortunately, she turned on the flashlight early.

"Squeak~" When she walked to the door, there was a sound of a chair moving behind her.

Song Cheng's heart suddenly rose, and she turned around slowly, while turning around, she said, "Who... who is it?"

She swallowed, took a step back, leaned against the door, and took the flashlight of her mobile phone to shine everywhere.

Suddenly, the light of the flashlight stopped on a man, who was sitting at the dining table, drinking a bottle of white wine.

"Is it Jiang Mo?" Song Cheng felt that she had misread, rubbed her eyes again, and walked towards that person slowly.

As she walked closer and closer, the man's movements also stopped, and now she could see more clearly.

"Jiang Mo, what are you doing sitting here?" She ran to his side, sat down, looked down and saw the wine bottle in his right hand, and reached out to take it.

But he didn't give her a chance to take it. In just one second, the bottle of wine was behind him, shifting from his right hand to his left.

"I'm in a bad mood." He took another sip of the wine in his hand.

Song Cheng could smell the smell of alcohol all over his body, and looked at his face again, his cheeks were blushing, and his eyes were also very red.

"Wait! Stop drinking, what if you get alcohol poisoned?" She put down her phone and got up to find the bottle in his left hand.

When Jiang Mo was holding the wine bottle, she switched to the other hand.

Song Cheng took it twice, but she didn't get it. She was not stupid, she patted the table vigorously, stretched out her hand and said sternly: "Bring it!"

Jiang Mo was startled by her, turned his head, raised his hand and gave her the wine bottle, then got up and walked towards the stairs.

Song Cheng put down the wine bottle, stood behind him, watched his leaving back, rubbed his temples, thinking what's wrong, this is it.

She picked up her mobile phone and followed behind him, the flashlight still shining on the road under his feet, "Can you have a word with me?"

"I don't want to say." He went upstairs.

Song Cheng followed him quickly. While following him, she thought, she didn't seem to do anything, did she?

"Forget it, let's follow up and have a look."

She went back to the corridor on the second floor, and there was no one there, "Hey guy, play missing for me?"

When she reached the end of the corridor, she turned around again, stood in front of the door of the room in the corridor, and whispered, "I advise you to come out by yourself, don't let me..."

"Oh my god!" Before she could finish her sentence, someone pulled her behind her and dragged her into the room at the end of the corridor.

"Bang!" The door behind her was closed, and she was pressed against the door leaf by Jiang Mo, unable to move.

In the dark room, she could hear the man's breathing, every breath touched her heart.

Song Cheng opened her mouth, and just about to shout, her mouth was blocked. A smell of white wine poured into her mouth, from her throat to her stomach.


She stretched out her hand, trying to resist, but Jiang Mo grabbed her hands and pressed them on top of her head.


She could hear the door being locked behind her.

After a gust of wind and rain, she leaned against Jiang Mo's arms, panting heavily, she felt that she was about to suffocate.

"Are you sick?" Song Cheng hugged Jiang Mo's waist and asked him with a hint of tears.

Jiang Mo carried her to the bed, and said to her bluntly, "I'm jealous."

"Jealous? Why are you jealous?" Song Cheng raised her head and asked him, with a puzzled look on her face, "Don't you like sour food very much?"

Song Cheng's answer made Jiang Mo think that she was pretending not to understand. It was not until after hearing her explanation that he really understood that she just didn't understand.

"You're thinking."

Hearing this sentence, Song Cheng searched in his mind for things that could make Jiang Mo jealous, "Is it because I didn't bring you something to eat today?"

Jiang Mo almost couldn't get up in one breath, he slowly approached her, and pressed her onto the bed.

"Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

There was some heat in his breath, a very hot heat, Song Cheng was pressed by him, and wanted to object.

But she really lost her strength, she just lay there motionless, still thinking about what happened today in her mind, and she was thinking about it one by one.

"Can you, give me, a hint, for a while?" She started to speak two words and two words.

Jiang Mo closed his eyes and smiled for a while, he was so helpless, how could she be so ignorant of this matter?
"Lu Yu." He said these two words.

Song Cheng remembered, "Oh, yes, I should have told you, I was doing him a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"I can't tell you, this is someone else's privacy."

Jiang Mo looked at Song Cheng's serious words and thought she understood, so he asked, "Now do you know why I'm jealous?"

"I didn't tell you his privacy?"

Song Cheng asked tentatively.

Jiang Mo licked his lips, and smiled helplessly, "Hiss...Song Cheng, I found that you don't know how to focus?"

"I think I've got a catch!"

"Why don't you think about it, I'm jealous because you chatted with him on WeChat but ignored me?"

Jiang Mo felt that he could no longer beat around the bush like this.

"Ah? This..." Song Cheng blinked, "I really didn't expect this, I thought you all knew."

She thought he knew she was helping Lu Yu.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice, so don't be jealous." She reached out and put her arms around his neck.

Seeing that Jiang Mo didn't respond, she changed her words again, "Jiang Mo, you don't like sour food, that's old vinegar, don't be jealous all the time, okay?"


"Then, you... Would you like some sweets? I, I'll go downstairs and get you some sweets, okay?"

"Song Cheng." Jiang Mo finally spoke, "I'm drunk, I can't taste sweetness, sugar is useless to me."

He seemed so drunk, looking at her with a little blurred eyes.

"Jiang Mo, you are not alcoholic, are you?!" She was a little scared, afraid that he was really alcoholic.

She was eager to get up and wanted to see him, but he was directly pressed on the bed, and now his whole body was on her body.

"Hey, are you still alive?" She was a little worried, "Don't be alcoholic, you drank so much!"

Jiang Mo's head was buried in her neck, breathing in her neck, every breath, there was her smell.

"You think I'm alcoholic that much?" His voice sounded weak.

Song Cheng shook her head, "Of course I don't want to!"

"Heh~" Jiang Mo laughed, "That's good."

He kissed her gently on her collarbone, then bit her neck, "Does it hurt?"

Song Cheng only felt itching on her neck, but she didn't feel any pain, "It doesn't hurt."

"That's good." He added a little more strength.

(End of this chapter)

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