Chapter 175 Exam Anxiety Disorder

Pei Zhiqi smiled lightly and said, "Miss, you've worked hard, let's sit down and eat."

Seeing that Xianggong didn't mean to blame himself, Li Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and said: "And I'm not tired today, Boss Wan said that I will take vacation with you from today onwards, and I don't have to go before August [-]th." Go to work!"

"Well, Boss Wan is really nice." Pei Zhiqi served his wife a bowl of soup and smiled at her.

"Hurry up, Mr. Xiang. I don't have much experience in cooking, so it may not be very delicious..." Li Xiaodao picked up some chopsticks for Mr. Xiang, and then put some in his own bowl.

The two concentrated on eating, and Li Xiaodao wanted to ask no less than a hundred words in her heart, she resisted it, and told herself in her heart, wait until Xianggong finishes eating first.

After dinner, the pots and pans were cleaned up, and after washing up, Pei Zhiqi and Li Xiaodao were sitting in the main room chatting before it was completely dark.

It is a chat, but it should be called a question-and-answer program called "Li Xiaodao 100 Questions".


"Sir, have you said the things that Mr. Xie said he would tell you before?"

"Well, I have already said that there are several items that cannot be written this year, but the content related to the Japanese invasion can be written."

"Xianggong, did the teacher leave any questions these days? Sometimes the temporary questions before the exam are very useful!"

"No, the teacher only said to take a good rest and perform normally."

"Sanggong, have you suffered from insomnia recently in the academy? Don't worry when you can't sleep well. It's also a good way to relax with your eyes closed."

"Fortunately, my sleep is normal now, don't worry, lady."

"Sir, do you have anything you want to eat? You need to supplement your nutrition these few days, so that you can be in good health during the exam!"


Li Xiaodao finally realized how the parents of college entrance examination candidates feel.

Boss Wan said that the security staff has been arranged, and his little Li Feidao has been practiced to the point that he can basically shoot 5 out of 3 shots, and he will not be too far from the target twice, so it should not be a big problem to be more vigilant at that time.

My brother's medical skills are still very good. There has been no unwanted pregnancy in the past six months, and the pain symptoms of relatives who come every month have gradually eased. Now I don't have to face the enemy anymore.

The plot is completely twisted, right?The August accident shouldn't happen, right?
Oh yes, there is another very important question that I forgot to ask!

"Sanggong, do you feel any discomfort now? If you feel unwell, let's go to the doctor as soon as possible. I heard that you have to stay in there for three days and two nights every game. It's very hard... um..."

Before Li Xiaodao finished asking this question, Pei Zhiqi took the lady into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

Li Xiaodao thought about waiting for the husband to finish the kiss before continuing to ask, but the husband kept kissing her and refused to let her go.

And when two people kiss each other for a long time... especially when they haven't seen each other for ten days.

After a long time, Pei Zhiqi let go of the lady, and without waiting for the lady to speak, he directly picked her up and went up to the second floor into the bedroom.

Pei Zhiqi put the lady on the bed, then went back to close the door, and then went back to the bed.

Li Xiaodao felt his whole body go limp after being kissed by his father-in-law.

"Sanggong... Will doing this before the exam affect your performance..." She asked with the last ounce of reason.

Pei Zhiqi smiled and said: "No. Ma'am, don't be nervous, I know the exam well, I can just go through it every day these few days, don't be so nervous."

"I... um..." Before he could finish another sentence, Li Xiaodao had already been leaned over and kissed by his husband.

That's all, it's all over, let's do happy things first!Think about other things tomorrow!
Li Xiaodao finally gave up, she wrapped her arms around her husband tightly, and began to busy with the serious business of the young couple tonight.

Have a great night.


When she opened her eyes the next morning, Li Xiaodao found that Xianggong was lying beside her, looking at him with clear eyes.

"Master?" Li Xiaodao rubbed his eyes, "Why didn't you get up to practice martial arts?"

Pei Zhiqi said softly: "I really want to spend more time with my wife this morning."

The weather was hot, and sleeping on the bamboo mat was equally hot. After doing something pleasant last night, Li Xiaodao turned over and rolled to the position against the wall. She was still lying here when she woke up in the morning.

So she moved her body, got closer to her husband, and looked at him sideways: "When you finish the exam, we can go back to Baima Village and we will be together every day, carrying water and vegetables, planting flowers and fields. With our belongings, I can buy tens of acres of fertile land without paying taxes, and rent out the rest of the tax-free land. I can be a happy landowner, and I can buy a house in the provincial capital and collect rent. hey-hey……"

Although Wan Yushan said at the beginning that he would give her ten taels of silver every month, in fact, the total amount of silver he gave her in the past six months has exceeded 500 taels, all of which were commissions calculated according to her requirements.

Xianggong still has a little income for daily use, plus the previous money, the family now has at least 800 taels of silver, and can buy three houses in the provincial capital!

A big family, a big family, Li Xiaodao thought happily in his heart.

"Aside from these... do you have any other wishes?" Pei Zhiqi asked.

"Another wish..." Li Xiaodao thought about it carefully, and then said with a mysterious smile: "I really have one, but let's tell my husband next time!"

"next time?"

"Next time when we play the game of monsters and scholars," Li Xiaodao whispered in Xianggong's ear.

Pei Zhiqi smiled lightly, the lady was really naughty in the morning.

"However, my husband, I still have a special wish that I want to fulfill immediately," Li Xiaodao thought for a while and said.

"Madam, please tell me, what is your wish?"

"I want to take a shower!" Li Xiaodao laughed.

Pei Zhiqi also turned sideways, stroking the lady's cheek with his fingers, and smiled at her: "Okay, I'll get up and boil the water right now."

After finishing speaking, Pei Zhiqi got up, the weather was hot, unlike the north, the provincial capital by the sea was especially hot in the morning, and he really needed to take a shower.

When Pei Zhiqi got up and left the bed, Li Xiaodao called out behind him and shouted: "Master! Remember the water should not be too hot! Don't burn it too hot!"

No matter how hot the weather is, the husband does not allow himself to take a cold bath, saying that his brother told him to.Every time Xianggong takes a bath at home, the water has to be heated up several minutes, Li Xiaodao is very helpless about this.

"Ah... I really want to eat ice cream... I really want to eat popsicles... Mango soft ice... Soft ice..." After Xianggong went out, Li Xiaodao listened to the screaming of cicadas outside the window when he went to work early in the morning. Lie flat and muttered.

Back in ancient times, there was no electricity, no hair dryer, no comfortable trousers, no cars, no air conditioners, no... There is another big problem, that is, it is very difficult and expensive to eat a bite of ice.

That's all, expensive is expensive, I'd better buy some today and make some fruit shaved ice for my husband to relieve the heat.

Li Xiaodao got up while thinking wildly, but found that his body was really soft and weak.

She was already a little sleepy in the summer, and with the tossing and tossing last night, she felt even more tired this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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