Chapter 115 The Place to Live
Li Xiaoxin said this very bitterly.

The last time he fled and went back, the medicinal materials in the medical center were almost looted, including a box of 30-year-old ginseng that he treasured. Since then, he has learned to be smart, and the precious medicinal materials are not stored in the medical center store, but to find a separate place to store them.

The small team of refugees walked slowly on the dirt road leading to Anzhou City. The dirt road was very long, and the people walking in front couldn't see the end at a glance, and the people behind couldn't see the end at a glance.

It was gloomy early this morning. Although the rain in winter does not fall at any time like other seasons, it still makes people a little worried.At noon, Li Xiaodao and his elder brother's family didn't stop to rest. Whoever was hungry took out some dry food and ate a few mouthfuls. They kept on their way, hoping to reach Anzhou City as soon as possible.

Fortunately, when we arrived at the gate of Anzhou City in the afternoon, the rain had not yet fallen.

At first, Li Xiaoxin was afraid that Xinzhou Shepherds in Anzhou City would bother to close the city gate and would not let them in, so he had to go around the city and then head north. However, the southeastern province has more mountain roads and less flat land, so he bypassed the relatively flat city. The road will be very difficult, and carts and carriages may not be able to pass.

Fortunately, this Xinzhou shepherd does not seem so cold-blooded. Refugees can enter the city after asking about their origins. Everyone who enters the city is also given two black and thick buns, and explains the south gate and north gate of Anzhou City. Someone puts porridge at noon every day, and those who have nothing to eat can go to the gate of the city to get porridge at noon every day.

Li Xiaodao and the fleeing team from her elder brother's family also entered the city smoothly. Li Xiaodao took the steamed buns. She picked them up and looked carefully, but she couldn't tell what kind of flour it was made of. After smelling it, she felt a little sour.

It must have been stored for a long time, Li Xiaodao thought about it, and planned to eat this steamed bun first tonight, so as not to spoil it after a few more days.She put the steamed buns into the bag she carried with her.

After the carriages and carts entered the city gate, I didn’t know where to go to find a place to stay. The inn must have been full long ago. Li Xiaoxin asked his family members to wait nearby, and wandered around the base of the city wall by himself. , Looking for a guarding officer and soldier who looked at the face and asked a few words.

Li Xiaodao watched his brother nodding and bowing to the officers and soldiers, and took out his silver to pay respects, just to ask a word so that everyone could have a place to live, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

After a while, my brother came back, with a smile on his face, cleared his throat and said to everyone: "Let's go! The official said to go to the northwest of the city. It's more desolate there. There are many abandoned houses that are unoccupied. Let's go. Try your luck there."

After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to delay, and quickly called everyone to cheer up, and rushed to the northwest of the city.

Li Xiaodao also hurriedly followed, she knew that if she was unlucky and couldn't find a house to shelter from the wind and rain, she might have to spend the night under a simple cloth shed for the next month.

Unfortunately, not long after the team walked northwest, it began to rain.

There was no time to take shelter from the rain and take an umbrella, so everyone could only trot again with their tired bodies, hoping to find a house that could stay before it rained heavily.

It was raining, and the refugees standing on the road were busy looking for places to take shelter. Some of the quick-response people stood under the eaves, and some stood under the tea shed. As long as there was a place that could shelter the rain and put their feet on it, it was full of people.Some people stood under the gatehouse of a high-ranking family but were rushed away by the servants, and some people didn't react so quickly and couldn't find a place to run back and forth on the street, looking at a loss.

Some of them are alone, but most of them are a family, holding children and supporting the elderly.

The capital city of Anzhou is not big, and the population of the provincial capital is much larger than that of Anzhou. Looking around at this moment, the streets are full of refugees from the provincial capital.

The city is filled with all kinds of voices, some scolding the Japanese pirates and the officers and soldiers, some lamenting the injustice of the world, some coaxing children to sleep, some crying children, some whispering among family members, From time to time, there were voices of men and women sobbing softly.

Li Xiaodao and the refugee team from his elder brother’s family passed through the streets full of refugees, and hurried towards the northwest in the rain. Fortunately, the city is not big, and the rain did not fall heavily for the time being. Although everyone got a little rain, they didn’t care , trotting all the way, Li Xiaodao estimated that it took about half an hour, and he came to a relatively desolate place.

Some refugees also came here, but far fewer than the one at the gate of the city just now.

Li Xiaoxin reminded everyone to look on both sides of the road to see where there are abandoned houses, so the whole team, including Qi's, stretched their necks to find a shelter.

Li Xiaodao also looked left and right as he walked. The doors of every house here are closed, and it is impossible to tell whether there are people living or not.

Suddenly she saw in front of her that one of the two gates of a house had been destroyed and half collapsed. It was stuck between the wall and the other door. spider web.

Li Xiaodao hurriedly pointed to the door and shouted to Li Xiaoxin: "Brother! Look over there!"

Following Li Xiaodao's voice, not only everyone in the escape team looked over, but also several other refugees on the road.

"It's you girl with sharp eyes, hurry up, everyone! The rain is getting heavier and heavier!" Li Xiaoxin hastily urged everyone to rush over. Come down, open the other half of the door, and wave to this side for everyone to hurry over.

The courtyard gate of this abandoned house is quite wide, just enough to allow carriages and carts to enter.

Li Xiaodao followed him in and took a look, good guy, there are tall grasses protruding from the cracks of the brick path from the courtyard door to the room, and the courtyard on both sides of the brick path is full of weeds half a person's height.

Several houses in the courtyard are dilapidated, and the doors and windows are incomplete. If you look through the doors, you can see that there are all dirty and messy things scattered in the room, and it has been unoccupied for many years.

If it wasn't for a dozen or so people who came in together, Li Xiaodao would not have dared to step into this kind of yard.

She was really afraid that some guy would find it in the corner when she was tidying up... She trembled just thinking about it.

Fortunately, there is no, it seems to be just an ordinary abandoned house.

Li Xiaoxin chose a relatively spacious room and directed the boys to move the sundries out of the room and throw them into the yard, while the female family members stood under the eaves to hide from the rain.

After a while, when it was almost finished, the men found a clean place in the room, and lit a small firewood pile, beside which a mat was spread.

"I've been here tonight, and it's possible that I've been here for half a month. It's a bit dirty, and it's a bit crowded, and I still can only sit and sleep and can't lie down, but there are people in this room anyway. The wall can be leaned against, and there is a house that can keep out the rain. It’s getting dark, so pack up and eat something and have a good rest, at least this Anzhou City will be safe for two or three days.”

After Li Xiaoxin finished speaking to everyone, everyone sighed.

After such a hard escape, there is no guarantee that this place will be safe all the time, and maybe they have to continue to go north. Thinking of this, even the young man sighed.

Unable to change clothes, and his hair was wet, Li Xiaodao was sneezing while approaching the small fire, so he could only slowly dry his clothes by warming the fire.

The Qi family and Mrs. Wang next to the fire were the same as her, and there were a few boys, all with wet hair, warming around the small fire. Li Xiaoxin was also squatting in front of the fire, with the rain dripping from his head to his face. up, slide down.

Li Xiaodao suddenly seemed to remember something, stood up again and went outside.

(End of this chapter)

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