Chapter 392 Strategy Plan 29
Her parents didn't listen to her, and she suffered a loss in the end. Of course, she couldn't keep calm.

But everyone is an independent individual, and she really has no way to control others to follow her own opinion, so when a problem occurs, one solution is not enough, then she can choose another solution.

Su's father laughed twice from the side: "You dare to say anything, even your parents will be angry with you."

Su Yu also laughed without hesitation; "Normal discussion, who is wrong and who is right is not allowed to say? I can't even criticize you because you are my parents."

Wrong is wrong.

Parents used to criticize their children because they know less than adults.

But when the children have grown up and the parents make mistakes at this time, why can't the children criticize the parents?

It's not fair.

What is being resisted now is class relations.

Is it impossible to keep this style in your own home?
But after what Su Yu said, the atmosphere at home became even better.

The matter itself is like this, if you don't tell the matter and cover up each other, then this matter will never pass.

But after saying it, there is no problem.

Mother Su asked again: "After you go abroad, you will live alone. Is it really okay? I'm still a little worried. I want to arrange some nannies for you or ask my friends to take you there."

After all, Su Yu is still a child, not to mention that in the eyes of their parents, Su Yu has no ability to protect himself.

They were worried that Su Yu would encounter danger after going abroad.

Su Yu said: "I have friends abroad, and you should all know my friends' parents, sons and daughters of various entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs who have a good relationship with me."

"……Is it."

"Yes, and I have partnered with them to start a company and a school, and I have contributed money, so there is no danger at all when I go there, and no one dares to really anger me." Su Yu shrugged.

Whoever dares to mess with her will face the danger of being withdrawn.

As long as a smart person can't do this kind of thing.

Mother Su: "...I just said why your pocket money disappeared every time, and you didn't buy nice clothes. I thought you were spending it in bad places, but in the end, you actually invested gone?"

Su Yu smiled at Su's mother: "I can't be so sure, maybe I'm really doing something bad, not necessarily."

Su Yu patted Mother Su on the shoulder, "I'm going upstairs to pack my luggage, bye."

She doesn't like being controlled by her parents, because once parents know what they think, they will use their emotions and their actions to participate in their own world.

That feeling is very uncomfortable.

Originally, I was very independent by myself, but when my parents came, I became a child with little ability, and even lost the ability to distinguish.

no need.

But the nature of her parents is like this, so she simply doesn't tell her parents about her real situation. In this way, she is an unfathomable existence to them, and it is difficult for them to control it.

Mother Su looked at Father Su speechlessly: "Look at the daughter you taught, how disobedient she is now!"

"It's also thanks to her disobedience, otherwise do you think we can escape the Wang family's assassination this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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