Chapter 300 Gifts to each other
Although Tan Taihua didn't know why Tan Taifu wanted to draw with herself, there was an unbearable anger in her heart.

Why can't even her most proud archery skill be compared to her! !

Obviously she is the proudest and most dazzling one!
Why has everything changed since Tan Taifu appeared?

Everyone sitting around applauded enthusiastically.

"The two princesses really don't give in to men!"

"Yeah, this kung fu is so pure and innocent!"

"It seems that the archery skills of the two princesses are only surpassed by General Ji."

Everyone started discussing with each other, and Tantaihua felt that these words were slapped on her face like a slap.

She worked very hard to maintain a smile on her face and accepted everyone's compliments, but she was already mad with jealousy.

And Ji Chengyan, who was inexplicably named, was thoughtful when he looked at Tan Taifu's back.

Can he surpass Tan Taifu in archery?

I'm afraid it may not be.

It is not difficult to defeat Tantaihua, the difficult thing is to predict what Tantaihua expects, and then match her exactly.

With such thought and ability, Ji Chengyan thought that he could not do it.

He suddenly became curious about Xiao Jin who was talking to Tan Taifu with his head tilted slightly.

Yes, after this short period of effort, he was already sure that the person in Tantai Fu's heart was not Fu Yi, the national teacher, but Xiao Jin from Daliang.

The phrase "don't consider other things before recovering memory" is just an excuse used by Tan Taifu to decline him.

However, he is also very grateful to Tan Taifu for taking into account the face of the God of War Mansion, taking into account his face, and giving an excuse that can convince everyone.

As for Tantaifu, everyone could see that she deliberately kept a hand.

As for why she did this, no one asked.

There must be a reason for what she did.

Tan Taifu only left for a short while, and Xiao Jin already had several gifts such as sachets and purses by his side.

She frowned slightly: "You are very popular!"

Subconsciously, Tan Taifu raised his hand and touched the girdle.

There, the gift she was going to give Xiao Jin was prepared.

Also a purse.

Or she did it by herself.

But compared to these purses and sachets, hers is a bit out of hand.

Xiao Jin noticed the embarrassment between her eyebrows, and her mind moved.

"Just like you, these gifts will always find a way to return them later."

"It's you, what are you hiding!"

Tan Taifu immediately retracted his hand.

"No! No hiding!"

Xiao Jin smiled knowingly and motioned for her to sit down.

Seeing Xiao Jin carefully took out a purse from her bosom, Tan Taifu was stunned.

"This is, for me?"

Xiao Jin nodded.

"There is nothing in this purse except a peace talisman."

"Because it was such a safe talisman in the past that helped you through the difficult and dangerous moment, so I brought another one here."

After speaking, Xiao Jin handed the purse to Tan Taifu.

To be honest, he was apprehensive.He was worried that because of amnesia, Tan Taifu might not care about these things.But another voice deep in his heart kept telling him that she was still her!

Tan Taifu took the purse carefully, and then put the purse in his arms with great care.

"Since it's a peace talisman, why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

Xiao Jin was a little helpless: "During the time we came, your memory seemed to be very weak, so I dare not use anything to stimulate you easily."

"Seeing that you have nothing to do these days, I just want to keep this peace talisman on my body."

"How do you like it?"

Tan Taifu nodded seriously and vigorously: "I like it very much!"

Touching the sachet on his chest, Tan Taifu began to hesitate again.

Is that ugly purse really going to be given to Xiao Jin?
Shouldn't he be disgusted?
After all, she looked ugly even when she looked at it herself.

However, he has already given gifts.

Reciprocity, I have to show my heart, right?

Seeing Tan Taifu frowning all the time, with a very tangled expression, Xiao Jin was a little amused.

"Have you prepared a present for me?"

Tan Taifu suddenly raised his head: "How do you know?"

Probably, it is the same mind!

Xiao Jin didn't say what was in her heart, but pointed to her face and said, "It's written all over your face!"

As soon as Tan Taifu gritted his teeth, he took out a dark blue purse from his waist and handed it to him.

"You, if you find it ugly, you can throw it away!"

"But! Don't do it in front of me!"

Xiao Jin took the purse and froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Although the purse is not so delicate, it can still be clearly seen that there is a little fox embroidered on it.

Little Fox! !

Xiao Jin raised her eyes in disbelief and stared at Tan Taifu.

If it weren't for the dazed and puzzled look in her eyes, he would almost have thought that his little fox had recovered his memory!

"This, did you make it yourself?"

Tantaifu was a little embarrassed: "Tantaihua's words are not all nonsense. Just like what she said just now, I really have no talent in needlework."

She pointed to the purse in Xiao Jin's hand, and said bravely, "This purse is the only decent one after I studied for half a year."

Regarding this, Xiao Jin wanted to ask her a million reasons why.

"Since you know that you are not good at needlework, why are you so persistent in learning it? Do you like it?"

Tan Taifu shook his head honestly: "It's not that I like it, but I just want to make a purse. I just feel that if this purse is not made, it seems to be a very shameful thing."

"Do you think it's weird? I think it's weird too."

"Whenever I want to put down the needle and thread in my hand, there is always a voice in my head urging me to make this purse!"

Xiao Jin's voice trembled a little.

"Then, why, embroidered a fox on it?"

Tan Taifu spread his hands: "It's the same as embroidering purses. When I picked up the needle and thread from the beginning, my purpose was to embroider a fox."

"However, after I gave you the purse, I seem to have accomplished a very remarkable thing!"

Xiao Jin only felt a dull pain in her heart.

This silly girl has already forgotten everything, even him, so why should she remember this matter?

Seeing the unconcealable excitement and distress on Xiao Jin's face, Tan Taifu finally realized something was wrong.

"Xiao Jin, did I do anything because of my purse?"

Xiao Jin put her eyes on Tan Taifu with eyes that had been on her purse.

Where is it because of the purse, what have you done.

It's clear that he asked her for the purse and threatened that she must make it by herself.At that time, she gritted her teeth and agreed, but later she did not fulfill it.

He was about to forget about it, but he didn't expect that she would still take it to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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