Chapter 182 Hello, Sister 24
Ye Nanjin walked up to Yan Ning, leaned over and knelt to look at him, "Would you like to share with me the experience you had at your uncle's house when you were young?"

Yan Ning didn't think there was anything to say about that experience: "Sister, don't you think you're a little ink-stained now?"

What he likes is Ye Nanjin's lazy and casual attitude, not this look of asking about everything.

Ye Nanjin pursed her lips and stroked his eyebrows with her fingertips: "Since you pursue perfection so much, the person you like should also be perfect. But do you think I'm perfect?"

Not only is she not the embodiment of perfection, but even her existence is a symbol of various shortcomings.

No rules, full of disrespect for people and things.

Even she doesn't care what other people think, she just does what she wants.

On this basis, Yan Ning should be very tired of her, because she is so imperfect.

But why does he like her like this?

Ye Nanjin raised his chin and asked him: "Why do you like me, do you know it in your heart?"

Yan Ning's pupils flickered, and then she avoided her gaze: "I never said I liked you. When I saw you, I always hated you."

"Disgust? I didn't feel it." Ye Nanjin moved another wooden stool and sat in front of him: "You even took me to your school, you should have known at that time, You like me, the so-called disgust and dislike are just your arrogance."

"..." Yan Ning's ears turned red.

He didn't like Ye Nanjin's direct speaking, but he couldn't refute it.

Pursing his lips, he struggled for a moment and then admitted: "Yes, so what if I like you? Who stipulated that I can't like you."

Ye Nanjin continued to ask: "In this case, why do you like me?"

"Because..." Yan Ning thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with a reason.

Ye Nanjin answered this question for him: "Because you are very relaxed and comfortable when you get along with me."

This is a fact.

Yan Ning looked at her with a complicated expression: "What does this mean?"

"It means that what you are pursuing in your subconscious mind is actually relaxation, and you can do what you want to do as much as I do, without caring about rules or perfection."

Yan Ning couldn't deny it.

When he first met Ye Nanjin, he was very disgusted with her unruly style, but after getting along for a while, he seemed to be attracted by the whirlpool, and he leaned on her unconsciously.

Ye Nanjin crossed her hands, and said to him lazily and gently: "You don't pursue perfection in your bones. If that's the case, why do you make it difficult for yourself to be a perfect person all the time?"

Yan Ning was discouraged, and after a pause, he said with a wry smile: "But sometimes, knowing the facts doesn't mean you can do it."

Even if he knows he doesn't like perfection.

But there is no way to control oneself wanting to pursue perfection.

He can't be imperfect, and he can't bear to see things become imperfect in his own hands.

Ye Nanjin looked at him deeply, but nodded: "Indeed, sometimes people's willpower cannot control subconsciousness and post-traumatic symptoms."

The reason why Yan Ning is today is because he experienced some things when he was young, which led him to form the habit of pursuing perfection.

And how could this habit be easily changed?
Ye Nanjin can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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