Reborn 1990 Koi Fukuma has space

Chapter 59 I have a solution

Chapter 59 I have a way

But Ji Ziang's attitude has proved everything.Although he has taught Ji Ziang for less than a semester, he still has a little understanding of Ji Ziang.

If he hadn't cheated, he would definitely be screaming by his neck now, not like what he is now.

How did Mr. Xu know that Ji Ziang didn't always show his teeth and claws, and he also had sad moments.When he is sad, he doesn't want to talk.

Teacher Xu was persuasive, "Zi'ang, tell me honestly what's going on, and I promise not to tell the students in the class, okay?"

Ji Ziang still kept his head down and didn't speak, but when he looked carefully, his hands were shaking.

Seeing this, Teacher Xu sighed slightly: "Student Ziang, don't be afraid, the teacher will not tell the students, nor will he tell the parents. But the premise is that you must realize your mistakes, and promise that you will never Again."


Ji Yuanyuan followed the teacher to the office with brisk small steps. Her new teacher liked her very much.

I was afraid that she would not be able to keep up with the progress after skipping a grade, so I specially asked her to come with me when get out of class was over, and I wanted to give her a few test papers for the first semester of the second grade, so that she could do it.

In this way, the teacher can also see where Ji Yuanyuan's shortcomings are based on the test paper.

Before Ji Yuanyuan entered the door, he heard Teacher Xu's words.

Seeing Ji Ziang's appearance again, Ji Yuanyuan only felt a nameless fire rising from his chest.

She knew that this Teacher Xu might not have any malice towards Ji Ziang, but as a teacher, how could he hurt the self-esteem of the students like this before he knew the facts?
Now that Ji Ziang has managed to learn, don't lose interest in learning because of Mr. Xu.

Thinking of this, Ji Yuanyuan quickly walked into the office and stood beside Ji Ziang.

She stretched out her little hand and patted Ji Ziang's back: "Second brother, don't be afraid, I believe in you, and my mother and eldest brother must also believe in you."

Only then did Ji Ziang raise his head, looking at Ji Yuanyuan with red eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Yuanyuan immediately felt distressed.

The second brother has always been heartless, and he knows how to be silly all day long. When did he live like this, he knew it was really sad at first glance.

"Mr. Xu, my second brother doesn't know how to cheat, and he doesn't bother to cheat. He's actually very smart, much smarter than me. He just didn't like to study before. But this winter vacation, he studied with my elder brother every day, so The grades will improve rapidly." She stood in front of Ji Ziang and looked at Teacher Xu very seriously.

"I don't know why you doubt my second brother for no reason, but everything must be based on evidence, you can't just suspect others without evidence, right?"

Teacher Xu looked at Ji Yuanyuan, but he was not angry.

It is normal for brothers and sisters to love each other deeply.

He just rubbed his head with a headache, "Of course I'm not guessing without evidence. Some students in the class saw Ji Ziang flipping through the book during the exam."

It's a pity that there is no monitor in the class at this time, otherwise, just adjust the monitor to know whether Ji Ziang plagiarized during the exam.

"Then you can trust that classmate, why don't you trust my second brother? To put it bluntly, you just don't trust my second brother from the bottom of your heart. You said he saw my second brother plagiarized, does he have any evidence? Don't you think Are you doing this unfair to my second brother?"

All the teachers in the office looked at Ji Yuanyuan silently.

At such a young age, it is really surprising that he can speak so clearly.

What Ji Yuanyuan said made Mr. Xu aware of his thoughts.

He was startled, and his face turned a little uncomfortable.

Yes, I have always thought that I am a good teacher, and I have always been fair and just, but this time why did I subconsciously believe that classmate's words and doubt Ji Ziang?
Standing behind Ji Yuanyuan, Ji Ziang looked at the back of her head, curled his mouth, and couldn't help dropping Jindoudou.

After he noticed it, he seemed to feel a little ashamed. He quickly raised his hand and wiped away the tears on his face with his sleeve.

He is a brother, how could he cry in front of his sister!

"Mr. Xu, I have a method, which can quickly prove my second brother's innocence and eliminate everyone's doubts about him." Seeing Mr. Xu's dull eyes, Ji Yuanyuan softened his tone.

Teacher Xu was stunned for a moment, then asked, "What method?"

Ji Yuanyuan said conveniently: "Why don't you and the other teachers find time to come up with a set of test papers and let my second brother make them in front of the whole class, and then you will mark them. In this way, the students will have nothing to say."

Teacher Xu subconsciously looked at the other teachers.

Other teachers feel that this is a good way.

Otherwise, even if the teachers believed in Ji Ziang, the students might have doubts about him.

Ji Ziang's life in the class may be very difficult.

Teacher Xu nodded: "Student Ji Ziang, do you have any comments?"

Ji Ziang shook his head, he didn't plagiarize, he got his current result by relying on his own strength.Even if he does it again, he is confident.

But he didn't speak, he didn't want to talk to Mr. Xu now.

Teacher Xu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, then you go back first."

However, after Teacher Xu finished speaking, Ji Yuanyuan did not leave, but still looked at Teacher Xu with piercing eyes.

Teacher Xu asked with some surprise: "Student Ji Yuanyuan, do you have anything else to do?"

"Mr. Xu, if it proves that my second brother was wronged this time, can you and that classmate apologize to my second brother in public?" Ji Yuanyuan raised his head and asked seriously.

"This..." Teacher Xu hesitated.

"Mr. Xu, think about it carefully, you don't need to give me an answer now." After finishing speaking, Ji Yuanyuan turned around and took Ji Ziang's hand, "Second brother, let's go back."

Hearing this, Ji Ziang followed Ji Yuanyuan obediently.

After the two children left, the teachers in the office spoke.

"At such a young age, Ji Yuanyuan speaks clearly, and he is not stage-frightened in front of so many people. I'm afraid he will be something in the pool in the future."

"Yeah, she is different from other children, she has a calm and smart personality."

"Speaking of which, both Ji Zixuan and Ji Yuanyuan are good at studying. It is unreasonable for Ji Ziang to be the last one all the time. Mr. Xu, maybe you really wronged him this time..."

Coming out of the office, Ji Yuanyuan took Ji Ziang's hand and walked slowly.

"Second brother, don't be afraid. That classmate must have seen you do well in the exam and was jealous of you, that's why he said that. As long as you prove yourself, none of them can say anything about you."

After Ji Yuanyuan finished speaking, Ji Ziang suddenly raised his head, with a stubborn expression on his face: "Don't worry, I must prove to them this time that I am not an idiot, and I can do better than them in the exam without cheating."

(End of this chapter)

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