Chapter 323 The command made the adults collapse (53)

After watching her back silently for a while, he suddenly said, "My existence has such a big influence on you?"

"So, in fact, you still care about me as much as before, don't you?"

Yun Miao sneered behind his back: "Oh, narcissism must have a limit, I'm just not used to people staying in my room when I'm sleeping."

It wasn't a very close and familiar person, and it wasn't the breath she was used to. She was afraid that she would fall asleep halfway, and when she got up, she would slap him with a knife.

"I'm going out, you sleep."

Gong Mohua was silent for a moment, got up and left, and gently closed the door for her.

444: [Host, are you really not giving him a chance? 】

"This guy does his own way, is self-righteous, stubborn and domineering, not cute at all, not my style."

What she likes is the kind of obedient, at least obedient in front of her, who can listen to what she says.

[Aren't you afraid that he will turn into a pervert?According to what I overheard recently, this guy has been like an emotionless machine since he was a child. Hundreds of members of his family were wiped out. I have never seen him cry, let alone shed a tear. 】

[When the emperor's people found him, he was squatting in the cabinet at home, silently looking at the blood and corpses all over the room through the gap. The scar on his left face also came at that time. 】

[Also, he entered the dark guard camp at the age of three, started formal training at the age of five, started doing missions to kill people at the age of eight, countless people died at his hands at the age of ten, and took over the post of Commander Shi at the age of 16 , Everyone was terrified when they heard about it, and all the officials in the court kept him at a respectful distance and did not dare to offend him. 】

[Oh, by the way, besides training and practicing, he has only one hobby, and that is to research and invent various punishments. Every criminal who is brought into his prison, if he can confess even He will be exiled, and he will confess immediately. If he really dare not confess, he will do everything possible to commit suicide. 】

It can be seen how frightening this man's methods are!

"If he wants to go crazy, let's go crazy. Anyway, once the matter ends, I'll run away." Yun Miao didn't want to get too entangled.

In fact, after knowing this, 444 was also a little timid.

The man in this plane is indeed a little scary.

Although he behaved quite normally in front of the host, apart from being a bit stubborn and cold, there seemed to be nothing unusual about him.

Yun Miao was treated as a critically ill patient, and after three days in bed, she was finally released from the house.

For these three days, Gong Mohua stayed in her Zhuangzi privately.

Forget it, he is still like a shadow, once Yun Miao wants to get out of bed, he will carry him back without saying a word and carefully stuff him back on the bed.

As if she was going to bleed to death because the great aunt came.

Said that he scolded him, he didn't speak, and he didn't fight back when he hit him, but he just stood by the bed and watched her silently until she lay down obediently.

In addition, he also specially recruited two old doctors from the palace who have researched in this field.

After the two old doctors were sure that she would be fine, they released her.

Just as Yun Miao was about to go out, she received a note from the person under her hand.

It turned out that during the three days when she was stared at closely, a major event happened.

Jiang Min and Jiang Hao's siblings came out to play secretly, and a female playmate who played well went swimming in the lake, fell into the lake and drowned half to death.

Most importantly, a deep scar was drawn on his face by some sharp stone, directly disfiguring him.

(End of this chapter)

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