King Voss's essay is written with sincerity, but it overwhelms Emperor Qingde and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Hong Liang quit halfway through hearing this, his face was as dark as a thick cloud, and his beard twitched, showing that he was very angry, but this is the court, and in front of foreign envoys, he must restrain himself.

In the past, he would not come to court during major festivals.

But this time is different, it is about the country of Voss, a hostile country he fought against, and his nephew is still guarding the border against them, so naturally he wants to hear what these people are doing.

When he finally finished listening, he couldn't bear it anymore, his chest heaved several times, and finally he couldn't hold back the roar of thunder: "I want to marry you, Chu Qing? Did you take advantage of me and announce it? Is there no one who bullies me?"

The fat wax gourd Guli King's rosacea nose is shiny and shiny, reflecting the light of schadenfreude, and his language is even a little frivolous: "Why does this lord come to say this? In your country's folk saying: a family has a hundred women.

My majesty has heard of Chu Qingfang's name for a long time, and his admiration is growing day by day. He often doesn't think about eating and drinking, and can't sleep at night. Our majesty even said that when he thinks of this woman, his heart beats like a horse's hoofbeat;

What's wrong with asking to marry your sweetheart?How can there be bullying and taking advantage? "

Guli King Pazhuo really made his mission this time with the mentality of watching the excitement.

For one thing, ever since Chu Qing slapped him hard for changing the price of cotton three times and backtracking, he has never gained any benefits from Chu Qing, and he has long held his breath.

Secondly, King Voss asked him to do his best to facilitate this mission. Although King Voss' intentions cannot be guessed, if Chu Qing married Voss, it would be equivalent to pulling out a nail in his business. any harm.

Maybe, after Chu Qing became the harem of Voss, if he had to cooperate with him in order to ensure his status, then not only would there be no harm, but there would also be benefits.

Hong Liang tried his best to spray his spittle on his nose: "Fuck your mother's shit! Look at your wine-stained nose, why did you say such shameless words!
It's true that people look ugly, but they think beautiful!
Still admiring, still beating like a horse's hooves!Do you want to show some face?Did King Vos admire him after seeing him in person?

It's clear who it is, it's my publicity official!What's the matter, are you Worth coveting other people's power or coveting other people's money?
Greed for power, it was given by our emperor, or let your king come to my Daxuan court to serve?Instead, you can enter our Ministry of Rites to find a position, learn our etiquette and take it back to educate the people;

If you are greedy for other people's money, that's fine!We know that if we have money, we can afford it!

We declare that we want to eat and drink, why not let your king step in?Admiration, you have to show your sincerity, don't you? "

"Wow ha ha ha ha..." The generals in the hall laughed, and the rough guys laughed loudly, like rolling thunder.

Someone among them reminded: "He is not qualified to barge in the door backwards, Hong Guogong, are you so confused, but you forgot that Lord Chu has an imperial plaque!".

The expressive expressions between men and women in Daxuan, at most a sentence of "heart" or "admiration" is already numb; the people of Voss are outgoing, and it is very common to say "heartbeat like a horse's hoof" when you think of someone, but it is very common for people in Daxuan to see it. It's too explicit.

Chu Qing is from Daxuan, so even if the generals have no personal relationship with Chu Qing, they still have to protect their own dignity.

"Yes!" Hong Guogong suddenly realized: "No! They are not qualified to barge in the door backwards!"

"Hahahaha..." There was laughter again.

"You are presumptuous!" the fourth prince Kailidi yelled loudly: "You are so disrespectful to my Monarch Voss, ignoring the diplomatic agreement between the two countries. Why, are you provoking the dignity of our country?!"

Hong Liang raised his eyes, and was about to spout: "What's wrong with the provocation? Let's fight if you don't accept it!", but before he could say anything, Prime Minister Tan Mian coughed lightly, holding back Hong Liang's words with his eyes.

Tan Mian glanced back at the generals' team, maintaining court discipline, and then said: "Voss is a friendly neighbor of Daxuan. We are good friends, so it's okay to joke around. Prince Kailidi doesn't have to be too sensitive."

good friend?joke?Still sensitive?

The fourth prince was so angry that he was about to speak back, but Tan Mian spoke at a moderate speed, with a moderate volume, and had an excellent grasp of the rhythm. He didn't give him enough space to intervene, and continued: "My Daxuan girls are all gentle and respectful, and are respected by everyone." Admiration is normal;

Moreover, Chu Qing is indeed intelligent, witty, beautiful and intelligent, and she is also a leader among Daxuan girls;
However, His Majesty Daxuan has always known people and made good use of them, so my emperor made an exception and promoted her to be an official as a woman. I think this is not only a great honor in Daxuan, but also in your country, right?

What's more, it is clear that this person has already expressed his loyalty, His Majesty also praised his reputation and integrity, and specially bestowed the imperial plaque of "Jing Biao Jie Xiao";
Therefore, this matter is not appropriate, and I am afraid that King Vos will be disappointed. "

Seeing that the fourth prince was deflated, Pazhuo was still happy, he just came to have fun, didn't the fourth prince keep jumping around?What happened to the jump?

Hehe, not only did he not do anything to Chu Qing, but this time, he quickly turned Chu Qing into his stepmother!
Pazhuo said with a smile on his face: "Intermarriage is a good thing, how could it be wrong? My king set an example by himself, which shows my king's sincerity, and also shows our country's goodwill with your country!"

Tan Mianping responded: "What King Guli said is very true, the two countries are friendly neighbors, intermarriage is indeed a good thing, and the truth is that I agree with intermarriage;

What the truth says is inappropriate means that the candidate is inappropriate, not that intermarriage is inappropriate. If King Vos intends to set an example, he can choose someone else. "

Tan Mian believes that it is beneficial for the country to live in peace, and if the marriage contract is agreed, it will indeed promote the stability of the relationship between the two countries.

However, from the emperor's point of view, Chu Qing should have cooperated with the emperor, and in many respects, Chu Qing is not only a treasure of the country, but also an individual talent. Whether he is sent out or stays in the country, it is a reflection of the country's interests .

However, since it is a talent, it is a good thing, why give it away?
Deputy Prime Minister Cheng Feng immediately expressed his second opinion: "What Prime Minister Tan said is true!"

Cheng Feng also recognized Chu Qing quite a bit. He believed that Chu Qing had made important contributions to the Great Xuan Kingdom. Just because she was able to discover rich iron ore and transform the shaft furnace into a blast furnace, her contribution could surpass the Ministry of Industry by a large margin. .

If she were to marry him to another country, not only would Daxuan lose a talent, but it would also be equivalent to sending talents to the country of Voss. As a talent, of course it would be better to stay in Daxuan.

Hong Liang saw that although what the two prime ministers said did not completely conform to his ideas, they did not mean to sell Chu Qing. Besides, his own people should not fight among themselves, so he also calmed down.

The fourth prince was in a very stable mood at this time, and he said according to Tan Mian's words: "It turns out that what Tan Xiang said was the meaning, but Xiao Wang got it wrong;

However, as far as Xiao Wang knows, Chu Qing is only a fifth-rank idler in your country, no matter how much His Majesty the Emperor of your country thinks highly of this person, there is not much room for him to use;

But I, King Voss, attaches great importance to this person. If she becomes the mistress of my Voss, my father will definitely use the entire Voss as a stage for her to display her talents;

In this way, I will live up to her intelligence and my father's ardent friendship like the scorching sun. "

The fourth prince's indignation just now was just a show.

This time, he is the head of the mission, which is different from the last time. Last time, King Gu Li was the head of the mission.

If you are a full-time job, you must be sensitive and radical in safeguarding your own national interests.

When he first learned that King Vos was going to take Chu Qing into the harem, the fourth prince was really shocked.

He couldn't figure out his father's thoughts, because according to the rules of the Voss royal family, it is not allowed to confer concubines and queens on foreigners, why did the father ask to marry Chu Qing?
However, King Ruovosi's idea of ​​using it for his own use is still reasonable, and the fourth prince even regretted why he didn't think of this way at the beginning.

Instead of framing Qing Qing for rebellion for a moment of anger, it's better to instigate her rebellion and act as a counselor for himself.

Alas, it is still caused by outdated concepts, and I don't think highly of women from the bottom of my heart, and she is still a woman from a foreign country and race.

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