Poor family mother and son

Chapter 172 Three 3s!leopard!

Chapter 172 Three 2s!leopard!
Chu Qing received two messages today.

The first one was written to Chu Qing by the boys from the Sixth Team in the south of New Lunzhou. Chu Qing slapped the table and patted his thigh halfway through seeing it, and then ran to bolt the door.

It made Chu Yuan, who was about to go in to talk about something, bewildered, and then he heard what seemed to be the sound of a goose inside.

Chu Qing was so happy that she was on the verge of tears: "What a boy! All his grandma is a good boy!"

what happened?It turned out that the boys wanted to find some suitable places to expand the saltworks.

If the boss can get an unlimited amount of Yanyin, then they can open a few more saltworks.

As a result, after looking for it, I got lost and found a cotton field in a hilly area.

After inquiring, it turned out that when it was still in the East Lun Kingdom, there was a big landlord here with a lot of land, and he couldn't make money from growing grain. Later, he learned from Worth and changed to growing cotton, and then said it was Worth when he was trading with Daxuan merchants. The cotton that came in from Sri Lanka was sold at a high price.

So this landlord's family has Daxuan, the "God of Wealth", and the next few generations live a prosperous life!
Last year, Chu Qing went to Voss to collect wool and cotton, and there was a lot of noise. The landlord of this family bought the nearby land as soon as he heard the news.

Now this land has more than a thousand acres.The autumn harvest in Jizhou is the time for them to sow seeds here.

It was only when the boys saw the spun cotton that they recognized it was from a cotton field.

Now, it will be harvested in another one and a half months.The current landlord heard that these people belonged to "Bao Qingsheng" and planned to sell them cotton.

After some persuasion by the boys, they bought the land of more than a thousand mu.

Chu Qing was about to laugh out loud!The boys of Team Six have cultivated a group of qualified talents!

This cotton has been improved from Voss to New London for at least two or thirty years!
In other words, after 30 to [-] years of "evolution" in the plateau basin, cotton has at least adapted to the growing environment in hilly areas!

This is really something that breaks through the iron shoes, and it is nothing at all!
Chu Qing finally laughed until he was ready to rest for a while, and then continued to read the letter. The second half of the letter wrote: "Boss, I brought all the money back to you before the holiday, and all the cash we have here has been used to buy cotton fields. I don’t have any money in my wallet, and I feel panicked, the boss quickly come to help!”

Chu Qing looked down at the price, and honestly, it's really not expensive.Over a thousand acres, 1 taels of silver.The key is that it can be harvested in more than a month.

I can't sit still anymore!She wants to send the money to her personally, to see the cotton fields!
The second piece of information is a document about promotion.The New Lunzhou Division under the Ministry of Households specially set up a position-Si Mian Yuanwai Lang, from the fifth grade.

This time it is a real job, Chu Qing is responsible for the cultivation techniques and supervision of all cotton fields, no matter now or in the future.

Unlike the vacant position of the Ministry of Industry Counselor, who was in charge of the technical consultant for the blast furnace construction at that time, it would be fine after it was built.The nature of the reward is greater than its practical significance.

In other words, if Chu Qing wants to say which piece of land is growing cotton, even if that piece of land is currently growing green onions, he has to pull it out!

In addition, regarding the application, use, distribution, and reform of agricultural tools and livestock, Chu Qing not only has the power to formulate rules, but also has the priority to apply for related fees.

All in all, as long as it is related to cotton, Chu Qing not only has the right to land, but also some financial rights.

This is called a real job!

Chu Qing didn't close her mouth all day, just smirked.

The next day when she was packing to go back to Jizhou, Hu Hengqiu sent someone to call her.

From Hu Hengqiu, I got another "Letter of Appointment".Appoint Chu Qing as the head of Vos Country Regional Council.Promoted, from the fifth grade, deputy thousand households.

Three official ranks from the fifth rank are three salaries.Xiaobao, even if our family quits the business, we still have a monthly salary of three hundred and fifty taels, living in a big house that doesn't cost money, enough to live a well-to-do life with our mother.

It's just that Chu Qing doesn't have a dedicated office building, so he can only divide a few offices from Baihua in New Lunzhou.

Chu Qing took the "Letter of Appointment" and left happily.

After returning to Jizhou to arrange for Xiaobao, he ran to Xinlunzhou to see the cotton fields.

When I was passing through Anhe County in Xinlun Prefecture, I went to see Baihua, and I insisted on treating him to a drink: "Brother (dei)! Help me free up a few office rooms, which are needed by thousands of households!"

Bai Hua rolled her eyes wide!
"What the hell! Isn't it equal again!" Bai Hua snorted.

"I have three from the fifth grade!" Chu Qing now feels as happy as smashing three 2s!leopard!
Bai Hua was really a little jealous, she almost broke her body, and got into a deputy thousand household; she was silent, and even became a deputy thousand household from a non-staff, and "three from the fifth grade"!
Chu Qing looked at the "Second Official" in front of him: What can I do with a good father?Your father can only buy you one from the fifth rank, and we can get three out of our own bastards!

Unable to bully others' honest children endlessly, Chu Qing treated him to a good meal at the "Blue House", and gave him several jars of "Yuye Qiongjiu" for him to send to his father.

If it wasn't for Wei Chengyi's company, Chu Qing would have been afraid of making Bai Hua cry.

Chu Qing has been living in Xinlunzhou for more than a month.He inspected all the businesses in his home.

The two hundred boys who followed him to Voss were all pulled back and organized into the secret investigation team.

In an instant, there were more than two hundred and dozens of members in the "New Lunzhou Office of the Secret Detective Siwas District Council Office".

Those who were thrown into Voss as "agricultural technical consultants" were also included in his own name, which made Bai Hua very angry.

The dozens of "technicians" who originally went out from Bai Hua's hands, went abroad with Chu Qing for a walk, and they are not under his control!
After all these matters were dealt with, Chu Qing went to inspect the thousand-acre cotton field.

This cotton field belongs to Sanya County and is located in the southeastern part of the county.

Because it is in the south, the temperature is relatively high. The time for cotton planting is exactly opposite to that of Voss. It is planted in mid-September every year and harvested in mid-March of the next year.

When He Zhixian heard that Chu Qing was coming, he brought the county magistrate to meet him.

The leadership team of Sanya County is from the former Donglun Kingdom, and no one has changed.

Because when this county was in Donglun Kingdom, it was also a place that was not welcomed, and these people were also timid and did not cause trouble.So keep it in use.

Therefore, as long as there is someone with a higher official position than the magistrate, he will always come to receive him in person to show his "belonging", for fear of losing his official position.

Also, the soil quality in this county is not very good, sandy, and the harvest of grain is not good, and paying taxes is also a hindrance. He, the county magistrate, is walking on thin ice.

He Zhixian heard that one of Daxuan's secret investigation department deputy Qianhu had come to his territory, the secret investigation department, so he hurried over to have a look.

Seeing that he was nervous, Chu Qing said directly, "Let me come and see my cotton field."

Only then did He Zhixian know that this place had changed its surname.

But since Hezhi County is here, don't let him come in vain, let him grant another piece of wasteland next to the thousand acres.

If you want wasteland, you won't make it difficult for him, and you have to pay for it.

Wasteland is cheaper, even cheaper than Jizhou, at [-] yuan per mu.Chu Qing got another [-] mu of wasteland.The two hundred acres were a fraction of what was given away for free.

Chu Qing is now a real "official body" and cannot accept bribes.Therefore, Hezhi County solved the resettlement problem of the local refugees, and let the refugees come to work as tenant farmers.

The national war ended more than a year ago, but post-war reconstruction cannot be completed overnight.There are still a large number of local people who have become refugees.

The Donglun Kingdom was taken over by the army immediately after its destruction, and the imperial court quickly sent a group of officials to take over the main tasks. There were very few changes in the bottom officials, but the lives of the people changed greatly.

The changes and reorganization of commodity prices, land, mineral resources, living materials, etc. have resulted in the unemployment of a large number of people, and a large number of refugees have emerged.

This is the reason why Chuqing's Baoqingsheng warehouse can quickly hire many part-time workers.

But more people can't find a way to survive and are still displaced. This is the biggest headache for local grassroots officials.

Most of them are low-level officials from the original Donglun. On the one hand, they have to deal with the high-level leaders who came from the "airborne" of the Daxuan court.

Chu Qing solved the resettlement problem of a large number of refugees in Sanya County on the spot, and Hezhi County really felt that burning incense and worshiping Buddha was right.

For Chu Qing, there was an additional piece of land and a group of people.The [-] mu of land is just now being used to grow peanuts.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Chu Qing replenished the banknotes for the boys of the sixth team and hurried back to Jizhou.

The cotton should be shipped back immediately.It is now the end of February, and it will be the beginning of March when we go home. It is time to sow seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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