Poor family mother and son

Chapter 1194: I’ve learned too much!

Chapter 1194: I’ve learned too much!

Someone was transporting a statue to the mountain. The statue looked like Chu Qing. Chu Qing got goosebumps when she heard it - she thought of Xu Guangze, so she offered the entire portrait of Chu Qing as the God of Wealth.

"Hurry up, someone go find out what's going on. They actually made a statue of me. This is an infringement of my portrait rights!" Chu Qing ordered.

What I didn't say in the second half of the sentence was - I'm not dead yet!

Portrait rights is a new term, but as the name suggests, it is not difficult to understand. A boy from the Chu family immediately promised to check it out early tomorrow morning.

As soon as Li Hu and Shui Maomao arrived, the scene became more lively, especially when the boy from the Chu family showed off to them that Chu Qing personally took them to fish for shrimp skin, which aroused great dissatisfaction from Hou Ze and others: "It's too partial! We demand compensation. !”

Only Li Hu is the quietest because he is too busy.

As soon as he came back, he was called by Zheng Xiaorou to discuss letting him stay as the government doctor. Then he was surrounded by boys and asked to apply medicine to the skin on his legs that was soaked by sea water.

There aren't many other things in this place like Yong'an Mansion, but there are the most snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Not only were the boys' legs bruised by the rope today, there were also many injuries caused by mosquito bites.

After being bitten by some poisonous insects, although the wound is not big, it is very powerful. It often causes a person to have a low fever, or the skin can ulcerate.

It's just that they think they are big men, so as long as it's not a missing arm or a broken leg, they won't see a doctor.

This means that there is no doctor in the family, so everyone is healthy; but when Li Hu comes back, they all become sick.

Li Hu really learned a lot from the natives on the island. He used to carry a small bag with some medicinal materials and wine inside, but now he wears small bamboo tubes all over his body, which are specially filled with insects.

Just now, he was putting a clear green mantis on a boy's neck and eating the warts on it.

The mantis actually opened its mouth and gnawed, making Chu Qing tremble when he saw it.

Chu Qing said dissatisfiedly: "Li Hu, even if I don't understand medicine, I still know that using gallbladder can burn out the warts. Why do you have to make it so bloody?"

Warts are also called warts, and there are many ways to treat them. If the wart is flat, pound some gallbladder and apply it on it, and it will corrode in a few days; if it is bulging, pull out some hair and tie it up. It will deflate in a few days.

Chu Qing didn't believe that Li Hu didn't even know this.

Li Hu said: "The method you mentioned takes too long and takes several days. No mantis can eat it fast!"

Sure enough, the mantis finished eating it in a while, leaving only a small blood spot, which could not be seen without looking carefully.

The key is that the boys also said: "This is good, don't delay seeing the girl, otherwise I won't dare to raise my head due to the wart on my neck."

This is willing to fight and endure. What can Chu Qing say?
Li Hu was greatly encouraged and showed off his new skills arrogantly.

There were only two praying mantises in his bamboo tube. Basically, one mantis would make him full, but there were many people with warts.

Yong'an Mansion is hot and humid, and there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants. Children often suffer from various skin lesions caused by insects and are also very susceptible to various germs.

Those two mantises only healed two people, but there were many more.

Li Hu was not in a hurry. He took another bamboo tube and poured out a bunch of black oval-shaped insects. They were as big as a fingernail. They were woodlice.Li Hu crushed a woodlice with his nails and applied the juice on the boys' warts. He also asked the boys to catch them by themselves: "It's under the windows, under the flowers, and in any shady and humid place. If you catch it, press it down." If you die on a monkey, it will deflate in two or three days.”

But Chu Qing was disgusted!

Just to cure a wart, he would do anything harmful!
"Li Hu, this thing affects your appetite! You've learned badly!" Chu Qing said.

Li Hu didn't care about that. He took out another bamboo tube and poured out a black spider. It was very common and could always be seen in front of and behind the house. He took the spider and put it on a boy's arm. The boy was killed in the morning. Wasps stung several bags.

As soon as the spider climbed up the arm, it accurately found the wasp sting bag, then bit into it, sucking it like jelly. When it was full, it stopped moving, just like being poisoned to death.

But put it in the water bowl, and it will start to vomit wildly. After vomiting it out, it will be full of energy again.

Regardless of whether it was a wasp bun or a boil bun, Li Hu put a spider on it. The boys thought it was interesting to treat diseases like this, but Chu Qing couldn't even eat.

Li Hu said to Chu Qing: "Everyone knows that the poisonous miasma insects in the south are very fierce, so they avoid them, but they don't understand that everything is interdependent. Many diseases can actually be treated with the simplest methods. There is no need to go to the hospital. Spending money and waiting in line may not lead to good treatment."

Although Chu Qing thought Li Hu was right, he still asked him to use alcohol to disinfect the wound after treating the patient. Otherwise, who knew what germs the bugs Li Hu used to treat the disease contained?
Although Shui Maomao and the others were back, everyone was very happy and full of food for this dinner - especially the bugs brought by Li Hu, they were all eating on the boys. He was full; but Chu Qing was so nauseous that he couldn't eat much.

Chu Qing firmly believed that Li Hu was regressing in learning medical skills from the indigenous people on the island. However, Li Hu believed that he had gained a lot and believed that the indigenous people had superb medical skills because - "It's not possible to cure diseases with easily available insects." Isn’t it better than asking for medical advice everywhere but not getting the cure?”


The most depressed of all the people is Zhuo Yao because his father doesn't come to see him.

The reason is simple - his father met true love on the island!
"Well, that woman is not bad," Shui Mao Mao commented: "She is good-looking and courageous. In order to cure your father's leg, I almost caught all the centipedes and scorpions on the mountain!"

Li Hu also echoed: "That girl is nice. She gave me a lot of bugs here!"

"Girl?" Chu Qing grabbed the keyword: "You mean, Lao Zhuo will find a stepmother for his son?"

Zhuo Yao was anxious: "Who is that woman? Didn't she lie to my father?"

Li Hu: "Lie to your father? What can you lie to? Your father is not a handsome young man..."

Well, it's also possible. Although your father is older, he looks pretty good, so it's possible to cheat! "

Shui Maomao: "I won't lie to anyone else. That girl is prettier than your father, well, she can compare with Gan Lai;
And she has a very high status. It is said that she can read the stars and tides, and is the most psychic witch on the island. "

Hou Ze also cheered: "That girl is so pretty, and she can sing folk songs beautifully. The most important thing is that the girl is generous. Look, she gave each of us a black sheep!"

Chu Qing felt deeply that these people had learned bad things!

Zhuo Yao almost collapsed. He fully felt that he had been abandoned by his own father.

We have only been reunited for a few days, but I am so happy that I can't think of my biological son!
Zhuo Yao angrily said: "Huh, witch? Then she must have confused my father! She is a monster!"

Chu Qing patted Zhuo Yao on the shoulder with compassion: "Ah, yes, we will find you a young and beautiful person later. You can't even make me jealous!"

(End of this chapter)

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