Chapter 87
A hundred years later, in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, two Western saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, stood on the top of Mount Sumeru, and there were countless Buddha lights behind Jieying and Zhunti, illuminating all directions.After the Buddha's light, there are two golden statues of Dharma, with 24 poems in eighteen hands.Faxiang sits on the lotus platform, with a golden wheel of merit and virtue behind him, in which there are hundreds of millions of Buddhas singing, bhikkhu, Jialan, King Ming, Arhat, Bodhisattva, Buddha and other phantoms manifest, emitting infinite Buddha light.The momentum is huge, sweeping the prehistoric world!

The voices of the two people spread all over the prehistoric land: "The way of heaven is above, I accept and lead (Zhunti) to feel that the world is suffering. I wish to unite eight hundred sects into one, so that all living beings can achieve self-improvement and liberation. I wish to build the Western Pure Land and broaden all beings. , Now the name of Western religion is changed to Buddhism, from now on I will not recite Huangting, respect Taoism, and worship Hongjun, I am Amitabha (Zhunti Buddha's mother)."

As soon as the two finished speaking, a golden light shone from their bodies, enveloping the two of them. After a while, the golden light dissipated, and the two of them changed their appearance.

Amitabha Buddha is decorated with monks, with a meat bun on his head, his hands spread out flat, as a gesture of receiving and leading, his face is full of suffering, and a breath of compassion is fully displayed, which sets off the compassion and universal salvation, which is extremely sacred.

Zhunti Buddha Mother also looks like a monk, wearing a glazed cassock, with bright flames behind her, lotus dharma, Bodhi's golden body, and a golden wheel of merit and virtue behind her head, shining in all directions, and the Buddha's voice is endless.

Then I saw Amitabha and Zhun put forward their hands, completely disconnecting Buddhist luck from Taoism and immortality, and independent from the long river of fate.

The Western Buddhism was so powerful that it shocked everyone's eyes. Since then, the Western Buddhism became independent and became a great religion not inferior to Taoism!
Lao Tzu's unchanging face for thousands of years frowned in a rare way, and the fan in his hand couldn't help but stop for a moment. After a while, a puff of thick smoke came out, and a furnace of elixir was accidentally refined and wasted.And Lao Tzu didn't care about the pity, and after some calculations, he released Taoist Duobao from the Fenghuo futon...

Yuan Shi's face was ashen, and he just waited for a long time, and the teacher Hongjun didn't give any instructions, so he sighed helplessly, closing his eyes and not knowing what he was planning.

Nüwa and Pingxin, it's nothing to do with themselves, hang up high, and go to do their own things.


Yin Xi, the guard of Hangu Pass, was inspecting the pass as usual, when he suddenly found a vision in the sky in the east, the purple air came thirty thousand miles east, and he knew that there must be noble people coming, after a while, he saw an old man and a young man in the east The two walked towards each other leading the green bull.The head old man has white beard and hair, white hair and childlike face, holding a flat crutch in his hand, wearing a light-colored Taoist robe, elegant and elegant.The old man walked slowly, every step seemed to be measured with a ruler, his expression seemed to be kind to everything, and he seemed to ignore everything in the world. He had a unique temperament, as if he did not belong to this world.And the young man in a Taoist robe followed slowly, holding a green ox in his hand, all his demeanor seemed to be covered by the old man.

The two were Taiqing Laozi and Taoist Duobao, the first disciple of the Jiejiao. Laozi led Duobao to Xiniu Hezhou on foot, explaining Taiqing Dafa and the Buddhist techniques summarized by Laozi to Duobao every day.

Yin Xi hurriedly came to see him, and waited for Lao Tzu to enter Hangu Pass to rest.Before leaving, Yin Xi begged Lao Tzu to accept him as a disciple and teach him the magic of immortality. Lao Tzu accepted him as a named disciple, taught him Taiqing swordsmanship and left behind the purple and blue swords, and then drifted away.Yin Xi got this opportunity, and immediately resigned from office to go back to seclusion. Hundreds of years later, he called himself Baimei Zhenren, founded the Shushan Sword School, respected Lao Tzu as the ancestor, and took the mission of subduing demons and demons, and gained a great reputation.

The two of Lao Tzu walked for 81 days, and also preached for 81 days, and arrived at Kapiluowei State at the foot of Lingjiu Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu. Taoist Duobao knew that the journey had come to an end, so he went to Buddhism and would not stop teaching his disciples again. hesitated.Lao Tzu knew what he was thinking, and persuaded him: "I am going to Buddhism to protect the disciples of the original Jiejiao, and I will return someday in the future." With Lao Tzu's promise, Duobao did not hesitate any longer, and made a big salute to Lao Tzu: "Master, disciple go It's gone." Then it turned into a golden light and disappeared into the palace of King Kapilavastu.

At this time, the king of Kapilavastu was called King Jingfan, and his wife was Mrs. Maya. The husband and wife not only loved each other, but also were kind and kind, and managed the state affairs well.One day, Mrs. Maya dreamed that a six-tusked white elephant entered her body, and then she became pregnant. The local custom is that a woman must return to her natal home before giving birth, and Mrs. Maya was no exception. When she was in Lumbini Garden, Mrs. Maya was very happy when she saw the flowers of the sal tree (also known as the "sorrowless tree") on the side of the road, so she stopped to rest and enjoy the flower scene.Suddenly felt abdominal pain, and then supported the worry-free tree to give birth to the prince.The little prince was born out of the ordinary, and he could walk and talk. He walked seven steps, and with each step a lotus flower sprang up to meet his little feet. Then he pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, and said, "I was born to realize the Tao." , and will save all sentient beings." King Jingfan was greatly surprised when he heard about it, and named him Gautama Siddhartha.

The little prince has been living a life of rich clothes and good food. At the age of 16, he has both civil and military skills. He is extremely savvy and intelligent. The old king has always regarded him as his successor.It’s just that the young Gautama Siddhartha, seeing the palace intoxicated at night, suddenly felt that the world is illusory, and watched human beings’ birth, old age, sickness and death, and realized that all people have inescapable pain, so he insisted on becoming a monk, and he said goodbye to his wife and children at the age of 29 , Monk practiced and lived a life like an ascetic monk.After six years of begging for food on the snowy mountain, the skinny Gautama Siddhartha came to the river at the foot of the mountain to wash off the dirt and dirt of six years. Personal enlightenment, breaking through many demonic barriers, enlightening the predecessors and becoming a Buddha immediately, named Sakyamuni, traveling all over Xiniu Hezhou to spread the teachings, forming a monk group, and got 49 disciples, ten outstanding ones, and up to one thousand practitioners at most More than 500 people finally sat down at the age of 200 and entered the Buddhist world to practice by Amitabha Buddha.

Later, he set up a dojo in Lingjiu Mountain and changed its name to Lingshan. He called himself Tathagata Buddha, established Mahayana Buddhism, and saved all sentient beings.Leveraging the merits of teaching, he reached the peak state of the early quasi-sage in one fell swoop, and became the No.1 second-generation disciple of the saint.The two Amitabha Buddhas directly handed over all Buddhism to the Tathagata Buddha, and all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats all respected the Tathagata Buddha as the Buddha Lord of the present world.Tathagata also transformed Wuyun Immortal into the Buddha of the past, and Kongxuan into the Great Ming King of Peacock. At this time, there was a splendid scene of Buddhism: the Buddha of the third generation horizontally, the third Buddha vertically, the five Buddhas, the Eight Great Vajras, the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, the Eighteen Arhats, the Eighteen Galas, Five hundred arhats, eight hundred monks, and three thousand Jiedi.There are also Buddhas such as the Great Sun Tathagata and Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who are the masters of the world by themselves, and the whole Buddhist sect is in a state of great prosperity.

I didn't expect the two sages of the West to be so courageous. They originally planned to take advantage of the unstable foundation of Buddhism and share their fortunes. As a result, the two directly helped the reincarnated Tathagata Buddha, and fully supported him. The disciples of Jiejiao have made the foundation of Buddhism more stable. This time, Lao Tzu can be said to have lost his wife and lost his army.

(End of this chapter)

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