Man in warhammer, war with rust

Chapter 47, No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 47, No Contrast No Harm

"We will ignite the cold and dark universe with the flames of war in this battle!"

"We will use our own blood to compose the epic of the Federation in the vast galaxy!"

"The corpses of the burning heretics will illuminate the future of the human race, and the artillery fire of the fleet will fall on the heads of every chaotic lackey!"

"The continuation of the race and the future of the Commonwealth are the reward for my victory, and our lives are the price to pay for it all!"

"Now, crush all the existences that dare to block the advance of the Federation fleet!"

Yang Chen stood at the top of the world engine, and the pre-war mobilization in his mouth was continuously amplified and spread to the entire federal fleet with the help of the communicator.

"For the Federation!"

"For the Federation!"

"For the Federation!"

All the soldiers raised their weapons to the sky one after another, shouting louder than ever.

"A strong will and a zeal for war far exceeding that of a fanatic."

Clara, who was standing beside Yang Chen, glanced at the army below and gave her own evaluation.

A few years ago, there was no federation, and Yang Chen's forces could only fight against his rust army. The newly created defense army was a mob in Clara's eyes.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before these co-defenders slapped Clara with their excellent record.

"If I remember correctly, the Federation of Humans prohibits belief in any individual existence. It does not implement the military surveillance system. Although there are political commissars, the political commissars of the Federation do not have as many rights as imperial political commissars."

"So how do you get these soldiers to go into battle with the same madness and cool combat minds that Khorne believers do?"

"It's very simple, tell them who their enemy is, what they are guarding, and why they are fighting."

Yang Chen replied with a smile, and Clara's praise was quite useful to him.

The reason why the federal army has been fighting so strongly is mainly due to three reasons.

The first is that the Federation does not implement a compulsory compulsory military system, and all those who come to join the army come voluntarily, which ensures a high degree of unity of military thinking to a large extent.

As for whether the lack of compulsory conscription will cause a shortage of troops, the Federation is not really worried.

Because when Yang Chen occupied the planet for the first time, he would start from all aspects, implanting warlike thoughts into the human beings on the entire planet.Coupled with the high social status of the federal soldiers, the position of the auxiliary defense force has always been in short supply.

Then there is the establishment of a political commissar organization in the army. The political commissar organization should be established in the legions of all levels, and let the political commissar teach (brainwash) these mortal soldiers day and night, tell them why they fight, and ensure that the mortal army has its own fighting direction.

Finally, a supervisory association composed of psionic warriors was established to require equality between officers and soldiers.

The specific requirement of equality between officers and soldiers is that officers are not allowed to beat and scold soldiers and corporally punish soldiers.

In the corps of the auxiliary defense army, corporal punishment and bullying of soldiers for no reason were severely beaten by psionic warriors, and at worst, they were directly chopped off with a psionic long knife in public.

Because the psionic warriors are absolutely loyal to Yang Chen, their judgments are often the most fair.

There is also equality in treatment. Except for wages and equipment, food, drink and clothes are basically the same.

Of course... the most important thing is comparison, and the object of comparison is always the empire next door.

Look at the Astral Army next door.

Died in the line of duty and no one but family and friends will remember him unless the Astral Force does what only Space Marines can do.

Their commissars may execute them so that the rest of the Astral Army can fight harder.The hapless bastard deserved to be executed.

In battle with various monsters and monsters, the Astral Army may be dismembered, cut open, devoured alive, chopped into flesh by rusted metal plates, broken down into atoms, sacrificed to Chaos, and left to die.

To be tortured for fun by xeno-mutant heretic cultists, to be smashed by weapons much better than those in the hands of the Astral Army, or to be blown to pieces by some kind of super cannon... but also to earn the Emperor's eternal gratitude.

Even if you, as an astral army, watch your friends die tragically at the last moment, and your entire team fights until you are the only one alive to hold your ground, when the Space Marines fall from the sky, all the credit goes to them, they are Save your heroes, they deserve it.

Millions of the Astral Army's front were killed within hours of the orc attack, and the Sector Governor would consider it a perfect victory.

After the battle between the Astral Army Legion and Chaos, the Inquisition of Heresy believed that this Legion may have a little sign of being contaminated by Chaos, and the whole regiment will be "properly dealt with".

It is a simple comparison, let the people of the Commonwealth love the Commonwealth, and let the soldiers of the Commonwealth be absolutely loyal to their own government.

After all, what Yang Chen said was to lead the human beings in the entire federation to achieve the condition of "life" in this world where demons dance.

Instead of being like the empire next door, all human beings are still worrying about survival.

"Nice soldier."

At this moment, a man walked to Yang Chen's side. The man wore green olive leaves and blue power armor. The power armor was covered with fancy golden patterns, and his three-meter-high body was serious in cooperation. His face, just standing there would give people a strong sense of oppression.

"Robert Guilliman. Nice to meet you."

Since the legendary figure in front of him came to Yang Chen, Yang Chen has been looking at the other side.

Robert Guilliman was back and forth by Yang Chen, looking at him hundreds of times from head to toe.

It was this guy. Back then, in order to buy Gay Man's chess pieces, Yang Chen didn't eat a full meal. When he painted it, he was crooked, so he painted Gay Man's face blue.

(End of this chapter)

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