Man in warhammer, war with rust

Chapter 40, the advantage is in me

Chapter 40, the advantage is in me (2)

(If you don’t understand, ask: The Supreme Prophet of the Eldar is known as one of the most powerful psionicists in the universe, so can the entire Supreme Prophet Council win a Primarch who is not good at fighting?)
The war has been going on until now, and the empire will always have some talents that make Yang Chen feel dazed.

For example, the Astral Army, which is full of technology, is still using the tactics of World War I and World War II in some ground landing operations.
If the tactics of the big head of the Empire can be changed from the excessive firepower coverage and full infantry charge of World War II and even World War I to more modern military tactics, such as special operations squads interspersed behind, mortal auxiliaries involving enemy fire, Astartes elite Destruction of the enemy command system and the like.

They can obviously reduce a large number of casualties, but they don't even know how to cooperate with the tanks, they can only use the traditional art of blasting his mother with cannons.

The low military education is outrageous.

Often some commanders, regardless of the terrain, with or without heavy armor, order their soldiers to charge their soldiers on the front lines of the Rust Legion, forcefully and heroically.

Confused the psionic warrior who commanded the army.

Most of the reason why Yang Chen can gain an advantage in the local battlefield now comes from the crushing at the tactical level.

Yang Chen also understood after several days of investigation that in the empire, the birth rate of human babies exceeds the rate at which all casting worlds can produce helmets and laser guns.

Honestly, if most of the commoners in the Empire were really working in factories as the background says instead of loafing around picking up trash, this wouldn't have happened at all.

After all, even in the days of the craft workshop, the number of products produced by the workshop per day was much faster than the rate at which a human could produce a baby.

If the Empire put all this population into factories for production...then the whole story would not be dark and heavy at all, and the Empire would win without a doubt.

But for unknown reasons the Empire didn't do this (and GW couldn't sell any models. So the main reason why the Empire couldn't use the wartime economic system to produce production at full capacity and penetrate the galaxy was that GW wanted to make money, and everything else was is bullshit.)
"Immediately divide into three legions, don't spread them out in small groups, and try to annihilate these Astartes squads as much as possible while ensuring that there are not too many casualties on your side."

"If you can, catch a live one. This battle has taught me the value of assisting the defense forces. I think I should find a way to properly improve their combat power."

Yang Chen methodically deployed the legion to fight.

"Commander." When Yang Chen was commanding the legion, the adjudicator who served as an adjutant on the side reminded him.

"I think there is no need for the Legion to encircle and suppress it."

"The news just came from the frontline troops, those unknown forces space warriors you call the Iron Warriors, and those scattered Imperial Fist soldiers in ambush."

"Except for some white-scarred Space Marines, who escaped by virtue of the excellent performance of anti-gravity motorcycles, almost no Space Marines survived."

While speaking, the judge turned on the projection screen in the battle command room.

On the screen, a black-painted Thunderhawk gunship quickly flew out of the surface of the planet and flew towards a pick-up cruiser near the planet.

"Do you shoot it down?"

"no need."

Yang Chen looked at the steel warrior cruiser that went away, and showed a smile that a Tzeentch believer would shake his head when he saw it.

"Keep it, maybe it will be useful in the future."


"Commander, we have encountered a blue-skinned alien with a very strange attitude, who claims to speak to you on behalf of his own race."

The attitude is indeed very strange, the Inquisitor has never seen such a polite alien.

"The Eldar has already received this blue-skinned alien. Miss Clara just sent you a video call."

"But you were busy commanding and didn't get through. Now Miss Clara is telling you through the information device whether to meet the alien via video transmission?"

Blue-skinned and polite, then [-]% of them are Tai Jun. Although I don't know how this guy passed through Damocles Bay, as a clear stream in Warhammer, Yang Chen felt that it was necessary to meet him.

The Tau are an emerging race, discovered very late by humans; in fact, they were wildlings who had just learned to use fire when the 30th Millennium Dimensional Storm occurred.

But it took only 6000 years for the Tau to develop into the era of interstellar colonies. They believed in a dogma called Greater Good, implemented a more moderate policy, and entered into peace treaties with many planets.

Therefore, there are many alien mercenaries in their army.Their society is divided into five castes: wind, water, fire, earth and ether. Fire is the warrior, water is the scribe and diplomat, earth is the master of science and technology, wind drives airships and warships to and from the stars, and ether is the Executive management of the upper class.

The Empire had waged war against them, but ended in peace talks due to the Zerg invasion.

Tau are human in appearance, with two arms, two cloven-hoofed feet, two four-fingered hands (three fingers and one thumb), and a head.

Their skin is grey-blue (though this may vary from world to world due to pigmentation), rough textured, leather-like toughness, and barely oozing moisture.Their faces are flat, wider around the eyes, and a slit in the shape of the letter "I" exists in the middle of the forehead, where humans have long noses.

However, due to the low gravity of their home planet, their physical quality is inherently weaker than other races.

They can't even beat humans in close combat.

And there is no melee tradition, so often "long-range can't be penetrated, and melee is penetrated."

It's like a hapless civilization that has traveled from the normal sci-fi world to the world of Warhammer, a world of demons.

(End of this chapter)

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