Chapter 53
The next day, Rongguo Mansion, Rongqing Hall.

Jia Mu was talking and laughing with Sanchun and Daiyu.Since getting married, Lin Daiyu has tried not to meet Jia Baoyu alone. Fortunately, because of Jia Amnesty, she has moved out of the Bisha closet and has a yard with a single family. There are also healthy women guarding the door. Wang Xifeng's hint naturally guards the door and does not allow outsiders to enter.Jia Baoyu wanted to go in several times, but was stopped.

He went to complain to Jia Mu, but Jia Mu said that these people were arranged by Jia Amnesty, and now even she has nothing to do.Jia Baoyu tried several times, but failed to break in. Let him flirt with a few middle-aged healthy women, it would be more difficult than killing him.After all, in Jia Baoyu's eyes, a young and beautiful unmarried girl is made of water, but after she is married, she becomes a dead fish with eyes. (He said this more than once, and I don't know what Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang thought after hearing his theory.)
Wang Xifeng knew Jia Baoyu very well, she had carefully selected these healthy women to guard against Jia Baoyu, and now it really worked.

Recently, Jia Baoyu could only see Lin Daiyu a few times when he had dinner at Jia Mu's, and each time Daiyu was surrounded by other people, which made him even have no chance to speak his mind.

When he met Sister Lin several times, he could only speak ordinary words, and Sister Lin treated him indifferently, not as close as before.This made Jia Baoyu feel unspeakably aggrieved, not to mention that even Xue Baochai moved out a while ago, Jia Baoyu didn't know what happened, and he was in a bad mood, so he has been listless for a while.

However, in recent days, he met Qin Zhong, the younger brother of Rong's daughter-in-law next door. When Jia Baoyu saw this man like a woman, he was deeply attracted. Going home to study together, he wished he could stick with Qin Zhong every day.Mother Jia, Mrs. Wang and the others were worried when they saw that he was gloomy, but they didn't want him to go to homeschool diligently in recent days. They thought that he was sensible now, and finally knew how to make progress, and they all felt comforted.What's more, Mrs. Wang specially gave Ma Daopo a hundred taels of silver to offer Jia Baoyu in front of the Buddha.

Because of Jia Baoyu's recent progress, Mrs. Wang scolded Jia's mother in front of her companion Zhou Rui's house today. In her opinion, if her mother-in-law had separated Lin Daiyu's charming son from her own Baoyu earlier, Baoyu would have died sooner. You know you've made progress, and you can't say that they are all admitted to the number one scholar now.Hearing what she said, Zhou Rui's family naturally flattered and praised Jia Baoyu as unparalleled in the sky and rare on earth.

Then the two talked about the changes of Jia Lian and his wife. Zhou Rui's family replied to Mrs. Wang, "Madam, recently I have been involved in several lawsuits for Lian's second grandma according to your instructions, but she doesn't want to intervene. I find it strange that recently My son-in-law inquired and found out that Wang Er, who used to help Lian's second grandma with profit, doesn't do it now."

Mrs. Wang's heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked, "Then have you ever found out the reason?" Zhou Rui's family said, "I asked Ping'er in private, and Ping'er said that it was because the second master of Lian was doing a third-rank job in Xiuyiwei now. "Speaking of this, Zhou Rui's family began to be cautious, she knew how much her wife cared about this matter, "Ping'er said, Second Master Lian ordered them to keep a low profile recently. Now that he has suddenly been promoted to a high-level official, many She has her eyes fixed on her, Second Mistress Lian is afraid that doing these things will affect the future of Second Master Lian, so she won't do it in the future."

Sure enough, when Mrs. Wang heard about Jia Lian's current official position, she began to contort Jia Zheng's face when she thought about Jia Zheng, a member of the Ministry of Industry from the fifth rank. A few levels, he has become a senior official of the third rank, and Jia Zheng, a Yuanwailang, has been working for [-] years and has not moved.Thinking of the lowly girl Wang Xifeng she looked down on in the past, as long as Jia Lian asked her to order her, she would be a third-class gentleman, but she was just a pleasant person.

Seeing Mrs. Wang's ugly face, Zhou Rui's family quickly consoled her, "Ma'am, Second Master Lian is working in the Embroidery Guard now, so there is no such thing as a good reputation there. It's not like the official position of the master was bestowed by the Supreme Emperor, and he is still in the respectable Ministry of Industry. " Then he said, "Besides, the official position of the second master Lian is just to curry favor with Dongping..." When Zhou Rui's family mentioned this, they cried out in their hearts.

Sure enough, as soon as Mrs. Wang heard her talking about the prince of Dongping, she threw the teacup on the ground, "The prince of Dongping is indeed blind. Yes, he grew up before me, how can I not know what he has..."

Zhou Rui's family didn't dare to speak, and could only quietly listen to his wife scolding here.After cursing for a while, Mrs. Wang felt relieved, and said, "A few days ago, Yuanchun heard the news from the palace that she is not well now. I asked Zhou Rui to send a message to my uncle, but you didn't ask him what happened to my uncle?" said?"

Zhou Rui's family didn't dare to neglect, "The man in our family brought his wife's wishes to the uncle. The uncle said that it was not good for the previous dynasty to interfere in the harem, so let us find a way from the harem." Seeing that Mrs. Wang's face is much better now, Zhou Rui's family Then he continued, "My uncle said that our family has a good relationship with the Zhen family in Jinling. If the old lady is allowed to intercede with Concubine Zhen, it will be easier for the eldest girl to stand out."

Mrs. Wang slapped the table hard after hearing this, "Of course I know, but I've said it several times before, that dead old woman is not willing to enter the palace to intercede with Yuan Chun."

"Madam, you should persuade the old lady again. As long as the eldest girl is successful in the future, the old lady will have to give the wife some face."

Hearing what Zhou Rui's family said, Mrs. Wang could only sigh, "As long as my Yuanchun is good, it's nothing for me to keep lying low in front of the old woman. I've endured it for decades." After finishing speaking, she stood up , "You ask someone to clean up the house, I'll go to see the old lady."

As soon as Mrs. Wang brought her maid Jin Xun into the courtyard of Rongqing Hall, she heard the bustling inside. She didn't know what Wang Xifeng was talking loudly. Taking a breath, he asked the girl at the door to open the curtain and walk in.

As soon as she stepped into the room, the room became quiet in vain, Tanchun who had just been fighting with Xichun hurriedly sat up straight, and Wang Xifeng stopped joking with Daiyu Yingchun.When Mrs. Wang saw it, she felt even more uncomfortable, but she still had to put on a smiling face and salute to Mother Jia.

Wang Xifeng and the others also reacted and greeted Mrs. Wang one after another.Mother Jia frowned slightly, "Why is your son here now, it's not time for dinner yet."

Mrs. Wang saw that Jia's mother was a little unhappy, but she didn't care, because she had her own way, so she just listened to her, "I don't want to talk to the old lady about Baoyu."

Sure enough, when Jia's mother heard about Jia Baoyu, she couldn't care less about Mrs. Wang's disappointment, and said anxiously, "Baoyu, what's wrong with Baoyu?"

Mrs. Wang had a plan in her heart before, and now when Jia Mu asked, she immediately said, "Baoyu is fine, but there is something wrong with the girls in Baoyu's room. The old lady also knows that Baoyu now knows how to make progress. A well-behaved girl messing around, can't she lead Baoyu to ruin?"

Hearing Mrs. Wang's constant talk about Jia Baoyu's progress, Wang Xifeng hurriedly lowered her head and smiled secretly. She really thought that Baoyu had changed his temperament earlier, so she asked someone to inquire about it, and she didn't want the news that came out to dirty her eyes.I used to think that Baoyu was good, but now it seems that he is far worse than Lian Er of her family.

After hearing Mrs. Wang say that Jia Baoyu was fine, Mother Jia was relieved, but when she heard that the girls in Baoyu's room were unruly, Mother Jia was not happy, because the girls in Jia Baoyu's room were basically Arranged by her alone, now that the daughter-in-law says so, isn't she saying that she doesn't know people well?
 Why do friends still struggle with the issue of Lin Daiyu being a concubine? I explained it in the book review area.I didn't want to create an original heroine. When I wrote Red Chamber, I planned to choose one of the twelve golden hairpins as the heroine from the beginning.Besides Daiyu, who else would you say is suitable?
(End of this chapter)

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