Chapter 405 Barbecue Paris City

What is a conspiracy, this is called a conspiracy.

Louis XIV felt that what he was thinking now was a conspiracy.

In his opinion, the feasibility is still very high. As long as Zheng Zhilong can be lured over and then attacked, Zheng Zhilong can be eliminated in one fell swoop.

I have to say that his idea is really good, but unfortunately, it is just his wishful thinking.

Using rockets to attack the fleet is in itself a dream.

The accuracy of rockets is really worrying, especially this kind of traditional rockets, once fired, no one knows where they will fly.

Even if the aircraft carrier does not move and let Louis XIV bomb it quietly, they may not be able to cause any harm.

However, at this time, this is indeed the best way.

The people sitting there looked at the swearing Louis XIV with surprise on their faces.

They wondered how Louis XIV came up with this idea.

Some people are still thinking about the feasibility of this approach.

At first glance, this wild idea seems a bit inappropriate.

"Your Highness, is this okay? If not, we will die a miserable death!" Ferdinand III asked cautiously.

"If you think it's not possible, then come up with a feasible solution!" Louis XIV glared at Ferdinand III.

Ferdinand III closed his mouth instantly, and sat there quietly without saying a word.

These monarchs don't have any good solutions now. Is there any other way to do it?

At this point, if you don't struggle anymore, it will really be a dead end.

The monarchs present expressed their loyalty and agreed to Louis XIV's approach.

In fact, most of these people are fools. They think very well in their hearts. If Louis XIV can defeat Zheng Zhilong, they will listen to Louis XIV. If they fail, they will learn from Philip IV and surrender directly.

For them, it was only a matter of time anyway, and Louis XIV could still be blamed, so there was no need to worry about anything.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Louis XIV showed a satisfied smile.

After the meeting, Louis XIV did not let these monarchs go.

Since ancient times, things have been secret, especially when facing a powerful opponent like Zheng Zhilong, one must be more careful.

The events of Felipe IV are just around the corner, and if anything goes wrong, there will be no burial.

On the surface, these monarchs are in cahoots with him, but no one knows what they are thinking behind the scenes.

These monarchs were controlled by Louis XIV's army, and then coerced these monarchs, and in their name, mobilized troops from various countries.

For a time, the entire Western Continent was filled with marching soldiers and horses.

This situation cannot be hidden from Zheng Zhilong, the reconnaissance plane flying in the sky naturally detected this situation clearly.

However, he didn't care about it. No matter how many of these people came, they were just some cannon fodder, just wasting a few more shells.

Almost half a month later, Louis XIV completed the arrangement.

A dense artillery position was established at Banktan Castle, in order to prevent being discovered, it was only carried out at night.

The artillery positions are very dense, because this can effectively exert the power of the artillery.

Louis XIV thought that what he did was flawless, but Zheng Zhilong had already seen it clearly, but he just didn't bother to take care of him.

With powerful weapons, you don't have to care about the thoughts of ants.

Troops from other countries were already in place, but they were a bit different than expected. Only one-third of the soldiers came, and the rest of the soldiers either didn't come at all, or they ran away halfway.

In today's West, soldiers are basically just feudal troops. This kind of army has no quality at all, and is not much different from the Weisuo soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty.

Even so, the number of soldiers is quite a lot, all together, there are almost 10 people.

These 10 people all entered the hands of Louis XIV, and he arranged them between Paris and Banctin Castle.

Of course, his direct descendants are all located around Paris.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

In order to eliminate Zheng Zhilong in one fell swoop, he even sent Richelieu to invite Zheng Zhilong to a banquet to discuss surrender.

It's a pity that Zheng Zhilong already knew what he was thinking, so of course he wouldn't take the bait.

However, idleness is idleness, and it is not impossible to tease him.

Therefore, Zheng Zhilong agreed to Richelieu's request, agreed to Louis XIV, and went to Paris to attend the banquet.

This made Louis XIV very happy. If Zheng Zhilong could come to Paris, wouldn't it be better to kill Zheng Zhilong at the banquet?
At that time, maybe you can get your hands on those huge warships, and by then, maybe your strength will expand again.

This is always his wishful thinking, and Zheng Zhilong will not let him get his wish.

The time for the banquet was getting closer and closer. On that day, Zheng Zhilong ordered the aircraft carrier to approach the coastline and stop outside the range of the rockets.

The defenders on the coast were very puzzled. Logically speaking, Zheng Zhilong should come here today, but what happened to stop there now?
Richelieu was also on the coast, looking suspiciously at the aircraft carrier with a binoculars.

"It's today. He has already agreed before, so why hasn't there been any movement? Could it be that he has gone back on his word?" Richelieu was worried.

This distance is beyond the range of rockets. If Zheng Zhilong doesn't come again, all plans will come to naught.

If this is the case, then Louis XIV's plan will be completely ruined.

Just when he was in a hurry, the plane flew over from the sea roaring.

After passing over their heads, speed up towards Paris.

Richelieu was even more puzzled, what were these planes doing in the past?

There are a lot of planes, wave after wave, flying very low, as if deliberately showing off.

Looking at the plane gradually going away, Richelieu felt an ominous premonition.

"What's going on here?" Richelieu was puzzled.

These planes are bombers sent by Zheng Zhilong, the main purpose is to bomb Paris.

Zheng Zhilong knew exactly what Louis XIV was thinking.

To deal with this kind of person, one should draw the bottom from the bottom of the pot, and should kill people.

Since he wants to gather all the power of the West to defend, he must understand that no matter how much power the West has, it is just a display.


In Paris, Louis XIV fidgets in the royal palace.

Because there was no phone, he didn't know what was going on with Richelieu.

I have a bit of anticipation in my heart, hoping that the current Zheng Zhilong has landed and is ready to come.

He is afraid of the iron birds in the sky, but he is not afraid of Zheng Zhilong on land.

In his opinion, as long as Zheng Zhilong dared to come over, with so many troops in his hands, he could kill Zheng Zhilong.


Suddenly there was a roar in his ears, and he hurried to the window and looked up to the sky.

I saw a huge iron bird in the sky, coming here in a neat queue.

"Aren't these iron birds? What do you want to fly here? It's impossible for Zheng Zhilong to come here on such an iron bird?"

Louis XIV was full of doubts.

These iron birds hovered over Paris, and an ominous premonition arose in Louis XIV's heart.

Before he could react, the plane flying in front opened the cabin.

The bombs inside fell to the ground under the force of gravity, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, falling in the city of Paris one after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

The explosion sounded, and the flames began to spread in the city of Paris.

These bombers began to fly away from the formation, and played independently, bombing in the city.

Because there is no air defense in the city of Paris, these bombers fly relatively low, and they are unscrupulous, constantly dropping bomb after bomb.

Seeing this, how could Louis XIV not understand?
Standing behind the window, with scarlet eyes, gnashing his teeth, he pointed at the plane in the sky and cursed: "Zheng Zhilong, that damned bastard, what the hell is he trying to do? This is a treacherous guy who promised to come to the banquet, now To do such a thing is really damn, damn it."

His voice was very ugly, and he spoke very fast. He exhausted all his life's knowledge and cursed Zheng Zhilong in the most vicious language, but he responded with bombs after bombs.

At this time, Louis XIV finally understood that the troops he had arranged between the Castle of Banctin and Paris were all useless.

Even if he has millions of troops in his hands, what is the use?It can't stop the enemy at all, it can't stop Zheng Zhilong at all, it doesn't even have the slightest effect.

Just as he was yelling, the guards in the palace rushed into his office in a hurry, and ran outside without saying a word to set him up.

The Royal Palace is the most prominent building in Paris, and it is naturally valued by the bombers.

Seven or eight bombers circled over the palace, dropping bombs one after another.

Violent explosions continued to resound in the palace, and those luxurious buildings were reduced to ruins under the bombardment.

The members of the royal family are like fleeing pigs and dogs, howling in pain during the bombing, but these explosions will not let them go because of their prominent status and noble blood.

The aftermath of the explosion knocked them to the ground, and the fragments contained in it directly penetrated their bodies, mercilessly harvesting their lives.

At this moment, what is the difference between them and ordinary people?
Under the protection of the guards, Louis XIV rushed out of the office and ran with all his strength in the palace.

The palaces in the West are different from the palaces in the East. There is a large blank space between the palaces in the East, and the corridors built outside are relatively wide on the whole, and the palaces are relatively independent.

These imperial palaces in the west look more like an independent castle group, and all the palaces and various living rooms are concentrated in several buildings.

The biggest advantage of doing this is to ensure the integrity, which is of great benefit to defense, but once attacked, especially this level of bombing, it is difficult to escape.

Just as Louis XIV was running at full speed, a bomb fell on the corridor in front of him.

The violent explosion collapsed the roof above the corridor. The bricks and tiles continued to collapse from the cracks, and the rubble piled up in the corridor, directly blocking the front. There were also many huge cracks in the corridor. Yi Shishi spread here.

The guards looked at the situation in front of them, and hurriedly supported him and ran back.

But as the most prominent building in the palace complex, how could those bombers in the sky easily let it go?
One bomb after another exploded on Louis XIV's head, and the roof began to cave in.

It didn't take long for the imperial palace to be bombed out of shape, like a dangerous building, in danger.

Louis XIV and the guards protecting him shrank in a small room.

This room is located on the fourth floor, and there is a window here, and Louis XIV came to the window.

He looked out, the explosion spread in the distance, and the flames shot straight into the sky. Although the sound of the explosion was loud, he could still hear the screams contained in the explosion.

In the open space outside, one of his relatives was running wildly, and the explosion kept ringing behind him.

It was like a cat playing with a mouse, not in a hurry to blow him up.

Louis XIV's eyes were full of hatred, he desperately yelled at the man to run, but how could that man outrun the plane?
A bomb fell accurately at the feet of his relative, and the flame appeared instantly and enveloped his relative.

After the explosion, except for a large crater on the ground, there was no trace left, and the person evaporated on the spot.

Louis XIV broke down and cried there. Not only did he feel sorry for the death of his relative, but he also felt sorry for his own future.

In other words, the dead relative was his future.

Not only did the plane in the sky not leave, but it was still circling there. Every time it flew over, there would be explosions and flames all over the place, and a deep sense of powerlessness rose from his heart.

Until now, he finally understood how ridiculous his original idea was.

In today's Paris city, a large number of nobles live.

They centered on the palace and spread around.

Those aristocrats are usually aloof, and when they travel, they will also sit in a gorgeous carriage or wear exquisite waiters.

However, at this moment, they were in such a state of embarrassment that they were no different from the untouchables in the city.

The bloated and luxurious clothes were thrown away by them a long time ago, and some nobles even ran around the city barefoot in simple underwear.

Regardless of their identities, the planes in the sky continued to bomb.

The bombers first dropped bombs around Paris, driving these people in the city to run towards the center. When these people came to the center, the bombers dropped the most cruel and violent bomb of this era-white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

In order for the white phosphorus bomb to exert the best burning effect, the white phosphorus inside must be completely dispersed.

The plane began to climb and came to an altitude of 1000 meters.

The white phosphorus bomb fell from the cabin and exploded when it was 200 meters above the ground.

The white phosphorus contained in the projectile is projected to the ground like fireworks.

It's like a meteor falling to the ground, like fireworks in the sky.

Those people in the center of the city have been baptized by white phosphorus bombs.

Fire began to burn in the center of the city, and a smell of burnt protein began to fill the air.

There is a river passing through the city. Many people couldn't stand the high temperature and jumped into the river one after another.

But the white phosphorus incendiary bombs that flew down one after another, even if they fell into the water, were still burning.

The river water began to boil, and the people inside had a miserable end.

The British and French allied forces in history did all kinds of evil after they invaded the capital. Now the status change is also a kind of retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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