League: I'm a really bad player

Chapter 208 Auxiliary Killer!

Chapter 208 Auxiliary Killer!
"If I had known that I would have chosen Karma, I would have been scolded"

Chovy pursed his lips, looking gloomy.

Zhuang Nan, the man he feared and hated at the same time.

He couldn't understand Zhuang Nanyao's mentality, just like he couldn't understand that faker's dish was the same as the LCK's first mid laner.

In fact, Zhuang Nan really didn't shake, Da Huang came here by himself.

The game time was 13 minutes, and Zhuang Nanka ate chovy's three-layer tower skin in the last minute when the plating of the defense tower fell.

Although he was caught and killed once, it is unacceptable for Karma to lose three floors.

Chovy wanted to steal Zhuang Nan and Xiaopeng's combination tactics, but he soon found out that it didn't work at all.

Every time Zhuang Nan merged with Xiaopeng, it was after firmly grasping the line power.

Chovy can't push the line at all now, and because of his backward level, he is completely passive and beaten.

What kind of hero is the grasshopper?
The hero who used to make faker numb in S7.

Karma?Still a long way to go.

After chovy fell into the previous brush rhythm, tarzan couldn't stand it anymore.

In the past, it was fine to swipe chovy against other teams, but against DMO, a team with an unreasonably high Nakano affinity, once chovy swipe, tarzan will be caught blind!

The key point is that now tarzan is too poor to make mercury.

So whenever Zhuangnan left the middle lane, tarzan had to back away when he saw Xiaopeng in the wild.

This made him extremely uncomfortable to play, the jungle route was completely led by Xiaopeng, he could only choose to grab it willfully.

"Ah, dead."

The Sword Emperor suddenly said silently.

Tarzan, who was already worried, quickly cut the screen to the top lane, and saw the Sword Emperor collapsed under his defense tower.

Jess, was overrun by Daomei.

In fact, this kind of thing is very normal. The sword girl with superior equipment can kill Jess casually now.

This is not S8. Compared with the Jess played by theshy at that time, it has been cut too much.

Besides, there is no comparison between Sword Emperor and S8's Cheng Lu.

In S9, Theshy, who was already possessed immediately, exploded the sword emperor, and it was the line of the angel who exploded Jess.

Seeing that the Sword Emperor died, Tarzan actually felt unexpected, he was not surprised at all.

With the death of the Sword Emperor, the canyon vanguard can no longer compete.

The second vanguard was about to fall into the hands of DMO again, and all Tarzan could do was sigh.

However, chovy finally cheered up and TPed tarzan's vision of staying in the DMO wild area, and made a four-pack two for DMO's bot lane.

Zhuang Nan couldn't save this wave.

Not without T, he has more important things to do.

That is to break the first tower of GRF.

He didn't know what chovy was thinking, since you chose to capture and release the tower, then I will accept it unceremoniously.

Gala and Mark really couldn't run away. It's too exaggerated to run away with four packs and two, especially in front of the combination of Xin Zhao and Karma.

However, they also dragged on for quite a long time.

So that when GRF finally killed the two of them and got the head to push down the next tower of DMO, Zhuangnan in the middle lane had already pushed down the second tower of GRF's middle lane, and immediately went to the high ground!

GRF is like a flying insect falling into a spider web, no matter how hard it struggles, it cannot escape the fate of death.

Because Nakano just can't beat, mid. gap.

It's that simple.

In a game of this level, the absolute lead of a position is to be able to overwhelm the other team.

"Ghost, DMO's operation, so calm, his operation!"

Zhuzhu couldn't help applauding DMO.

Every time Zhuang Nan makes a knife, he can't wait to cheer.

Where is the sword that Zhuang Nan made up for?
That's his pig's sea view room!
Canyon Pioneer was very upbeat, and knocked down their highland tower in front of GRF who was returning to defense. DMO retreated directly, leaving GRF to look at each other.

The economy has expanded to more than 5000!
This gives a bigger economic advantage, because Griffin has lost its mind.

"No, no, this is a slow death."

Tarzan said impatiently.

He knows very well what DMO is going to do next. Grasshopper and Daomei can play 131, and Griffin can be killed by the line alone.

"However, how?"

The assistant said silently.

Tarzan was speechless, yes, how to open it?
There are so many teams playing with 131 because it is really easy to use.

In the end, GRF could only fall into a defensive state, shrinking in an all-round way, trying to fight against the high ground tower.

Once the two outer towers in the middle road fell, GRF's vision could no longer be achieved.

Zhuang Nan is well aware of GRF's plan, and this is the usual method used by the LCK team.

If they are IG, then they will fight directly, if they lose, they will send it, speed up!
Too bad they are GRF.

Lose, also lost very useless.

Viper really wants to win, he doesn't even dare to miss a knife, and doesn't take any dangerous lines.

But it's useless for him to want to win, some people don't want to win.

Jianhuang didn't know what medicine he had taken wrongly, but he actually wanted to confront Daomei.

Can this rhubarb be tolerated?
Ke Jie once said: "When Jess appears in Daomei's sight, he'd better pray that there are no soldiers."

Jaguar's words really made sense, because at this time, Daomei had rushed to the sword emperor like a butterfly wearing flowers.

Sword Emperor is still going to pinch E's, but it won't work after being A'ed twice by Daomei.

This is the gameplay that Zhuang Nan brought up, the first dilapidated sword girl.

Slow down Jess, throw R directly!

Jess wanted the E skill to interrupt Daomei's Q before flashing and running, but it was a good idea, Rhubarb didn't have Q at all!

Rhubarb: Didn't expect that?
There is a dilapidated active deceleration, and its own movement speed is faster than Jess. Rhubarb doesn't use Q at all, so he walks over with E skill to force flash, and then flashes to chase A!

If you don't let go of E, Jess, I won't let go of Q!

He played like this, and the sword emperor felt so uncomfortable that he would die.

Just like Tetsuo hitting a crocodile, the crocodile won't let go of the red and angry W, and Tetsuo will never let go of his own W.

In the end, the sword emperor who couldn't help but E hammered the sword girl, but it was useless, and still couldn't escape the fate of being single-killed!
"Killed again! This knife girl really played for Wayward, my god!"

Colonel Guan did not expect this.

Jianhuang was also the top laner of the LCK before, how could he not even beat Wayward?

It's not rhubarb, but it hasn't been a year since rhubarb was transferred to the order.

As a result, the sword emperor was beaten like this?
It seems that Jianhuang's top laner for several years seems to be... for nothing.

After this death, Jess was completely worn out all the way.

The DMO gathered ridiculously fast, directly approaching the high ground along the way.

Griff wanted to defend, but Xiaopeng directly opened it.

It is impossible for Xiaopeng to make mistakes in the basic operation of excavator flashing.

His goal is viper!

I have to say that Viper's reaction was really fast, and he dodged it all in a flash.

But it's useless, because there are too many rush points in DMO!

Zhuang Nan flashed R and held down Lulu.

There is no need to press Kai'Sa, if you kill Lulu Kai'Sa won't survive.

GRF support is really unexpected, what can I do?
Who would have thought that the mid laner on the opposite side would be able to lose his skills to play AD, but he would kill the support?
Lulu fell!

Xin Zhao's R is already fast enough, but the equipment lead brought by the economic lead is still big enough, Lulu can't hold it!

Tarzan's eyes went dark, Lulu fell down, and Kai'Sa's maneuvering space was much smaller!
Sure enough, in the next team battle, GRF didn't have to fight at all, and was directly played zero for five.

DMO didn't have a big dragon, so they took advantage of the trend and ended the game.

The base explodes!

DMO [-]-[-], advancing to the semi-finals!
(End of this chapter)

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