League: I'm a really bad player

Chapter 206 He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry

Chapter 206 He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry
In the fifth hand, choose Xin Zhao for tarzan.

This is one of the few remaining C junglers.

The same is true for Tarzan, who is really worried about Jess, who is on the road to Sword Emperor.

But since the coach has already said to help, then he will definitely not care.

Choosing Xin Zhao is still a good choice, at least Tarzan's Xin Zhao is trustworthy.

Originally tarzan thought that the rock sparrow was better, but after thinking about it, the rock sparrow couldn't stop the sword girl from rushing forward.

In case the sword emperor is defeated and Daomei rushes in, Rock Sparrow has nothing to do, and now E can't be dizzy.

Not as good as Xin Zhao.

The intensity of small-scale team battles of Xin Zhao Karma's mid-field combination is definitely high enough.

It's DMO's last turn.

Xiaopeng rubbed his cheeks, forcing himself to calm down quickly.

"Excavator, give me the excavator."

Xiaopeng spoke up.

His voice is not loud, but firm and confident.

"it is good."

Baijiao didn't talk too much, and chose the last excavator.

The formation of the two sides:

Blue Square GRF
Top lane Jess
Jungle Xin Zhao
Mid laner Karma

AD Kasha
Assist Lulu.

Red Square DMO:

single sword girl

wild excavator

mid single grasshopper
AD cannon
Auxiliary head.

The game is about to start!
"Let's put our eyes on the game now that the BP is over."

Colonel Guan's voice is very serious,
"Whether DMO can take away Griffin [-]-[-] and advance to the semi-finals is up to you."

"Yes, I hope that all the audience and friends here will cheer for DMO together. They are playing for the honor of our LPL."

The remembered voice is contagious.

Zhuang Nan looked calm.

He never talks about the sake of LPL.

To put it bluntly, what if you lose?
Therefore, if I win, it can be said that it is for the LPL, and if I lose, it means that I have lost, and the LPL has not lost.

It can be regarded as playing for him to understand.

Manipulating the grasshopper, the mid laners on both sides threw themselves into the laning.

As soon as it went online, Zhuang Nan started to push the line.

Kalmar's first-level RQ line pusher is very powerful, and generally the mid laner can't push it, but the grasshopper is an accident.

Click E directly at the first level, without rushing to release it, wait until the blood volume is almost the same and use the ejection mechanism of E. Although the second hand handles the pawn line, the speed of pushing is not slow at all.

Chovy didn't have the intention to play with him anymore, and after fighting RQ, he worked hard to make up the knife.

The game in the middle lane is relatively stable.

And this one, tarzan played a show.

Grab the second level!

This time, Gala really didn't expect it.

"Tarzan's position... After hitting the red, go straight down, the two sides will meet!"

With Colonel Guan's explanation, the lower teams on both sides met first in the river.

Gala and Mark helped Xiaopeng drive blue and walked from above, and viper and GRF's support also walked from the river to the line, so they naturally met.

Gala is generally very stable. The reason for taking the river course here is that Xiaopao’s first-level E battle is actually not bad. He didn’t learn skills. When Kai’Sa comes, he learns E. If Kai’Sa doesn’t come, he learns W.

When the two sides saw the opposite bot lane team, tarzam did not appear, and fell behind a little.


Almost instantly, Gala made up her mind, and in seconds, E would face Kai'Sa against A.

At this time, Kai'Sa's talent is generally strong attack. If Kai'Sa is not given a passive, it will not be a big problem. Gala is confident to win.

Tarzan's patience is really scary.

When he appeared, the two sides had already fought to the end and directly all in.

Gala treatment has been prescribed.

And viper has already handed over the residual blood healing flash, and the support ignition on both sides has also been handed over.

Seeing that the kill was just around the corner, Gala crossed and wanted to kill.

And then fell for it.

A W hit in blind vision, and Xin Zhao flew over!
"Why is this jungler here?"

Gala knew that she was gone when she saw Xin Zhao, and she didn't even pay for the treatment.

Xiaopao can indeed win by pulling Kai'Sa at the first level, but there is an extra jungler!
"Catch it at the second level."

Mark comforted Gala, "It's okay, he has no skills."

"I'm not talking about that, I'm afraid he will come again later."

Gala is frowning, the second level is caught.

He didn't expect this kind of treatment to be enjoyed by a person who often bots the solo lane.

"Okay, nice!"

Cvmax in the audience couldn't help punching, handsome tarzan!

However, the good times did not last long.

Why are there so few people playing the second level?
Just look at Xiaopeng who has decisively invaded the red zone of Tarzan at this moment.

Xiaopeng doesn't know what it means to be young and frivolous, he only knows that the winner is king.

If you say against his wildness, you must oppose all his wildness.

After you come out, you have to talk about credit.

Knowing the time when Tarzan arrived in the upper half, Xiaopeng can play comfortably.

The sword emperor who was originally planning to suppress the third-level ex-sword girl could only endure the humiliation.

When you come out to play as a top laner, you need to talk about power, and you need to be a jungler.

Xiaopeng is in the upper half, he can't play Rhubarb.

Many times the reaction is a chain reaction.

The game time is more than five minutes, and the middle lane has been developing steadily.

However, there have been some small changes in Chovy's mentality.

Because he found out that he couldn't push the grasshopper!
An EQW after level [-], and then a wave of soldiers is gone.

And Karma can't do it, he hasn't returned to the city yet.

"I am coming."

For chovy's pain tarzan sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart, but let me go?

Sorry, not going.

Isn't the gala that didn't flash in the bottom lane fragrant?
Because he died at the beginning, gala has already been downgraded.

The first level of bull head is too weak, AD is dead again, viper naturally develops without pressure.

Needless to say, viper's Kai'Sa proficiency is not at a disadvantage in the occasional exchange of blood with Gala.

At this time, the bottom lane is full of half blood, so tarzan naturally wants to go.

"Play a wave, force the bull's head skills!"

he commanded.

Q skill doesn't matter, tarzan will definitely kill gala if he gets close.

Viper nodded slightly, and Kai'Sa took the initiative to drive E forward, looking like she was about to fight.

Because viper changed blood like this before, Mark didn't think there was anything wrong.

But Xiaopeng spoke.

"I didn't see the jungler, so be careful on the road!"

Small because tarzan was caught in the second level, the experience of the excavator in the wild area is far ahead, so naturally he started to play the invasion.

But the upper half was still empty.

Xiaopeng put a question mark on the red zone of GRF, indicating that the enemy was nowhere to be seen.

Mark was stunned, and instead of handing over his skills to exchange blood, he took a QA from viper, and the two of them pulled back.

"He is not fooled, what should we do?"

viper asked.

"Come on strong!"

Tarzan didn't think long and made up his mind.

Those who can't give up anything can get nothing!
The first two worried him too much.

This is the last move. If Kai'Sa can get up, everything can be fought back. If Kai'Sa can't get up, it's useless for him to defend the wild area.

The pawn line was pushed forward by the GRF bot lane team!
Tarzan started to circle, and Mark's alert vision saw him!
However at this time...

The blue teammate sent light directly to the defense tower next to Gala!
"I am coming."

Zhuang Nan said softly.

A mark, Mark shot immediately!

Q flash!
The target, the viper swaying in front of the defense tower.

Q flashes W and goes up into the tower, flowing freely.

However, viper is really calm. In this case, he didn't have A mark, so he didn't have any anti-tower.

Tarzan gave up after seeing TP, and Mitsukoshi had no chance at all.

But seeing viper being pushed into the tower, he was in a hurry!

It is impossible for people not to make mistakes.

Now, he made a fatal mistake.

He thought viper had already resisted the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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