Chapter 128 FMVP!

"Before the game, no one could be optimistic about them! Everyone said that the LPL MSI team this year is not good at all, but DMO overcame all doubts, crushed G2, and became the last king of MSI!"

European and American commentators raised their arms and shouted,

"Now, let us introduce you, the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational Champion, DMO!"

"From the group stage to the knockout stage, DMO has maintained its dominance, and it has continued to the finals! They defeated the very popular G2, proving that they are the strongest team in this year's MSI!"

"LPL is the weakest this year? LPL without IG is not worthy of attention? DMO said, NO!"

The LPL commentary is even more excited.

"Three to zero! I can do it myself!"

Remember to shout,

"DMO defeated G2, and the MSI champion belongs to our LPL!"

"Countless doubts and dislikes flock to them, but this wave of doubts can't affect them at all!"

"They are the strongest team in the world right now! They are the DMO of our LPL!"

"You said before G2 that we would never win, but we just want to show you!"

Colonel Guan was equally excited,
"Yes! DMO used their perfect performance to prove who is the champion of this MSI!"

"Let's shout that sentence together!"

"Congratulations DMO!"

The barrage had already reached its peak at this time, and the live broadcasters in the background were miserable.

"Congratulations DMO!"

"Congratulations DMO!"

Words like this covered the entire screen, and everyone was saying that sentence, congratulations DMO!

Caps got up from the seat in a little confusion, he was still immersed in the aftertaste of failure, with a blank expression on his face, he seemed to be saying, is this over?
Yes, it's over.

Jankos' frustrated face, Wunder stood there silently, and Mikyx's eyes were equally blank, full of self-blame.

It's over?

Caps let out a sigh of relief, his face pale.

Caps is really eager for honors. European honors are of no value to him. He only wants to win an international championship now.

However, even this hope is now ruthlessly taken away by DMO.

"It's over, don't worry too much about it, bro."

Ah P may be the only one in G2 who can still smile, and his smile is very forced.

Obviously, he couldn't let it go.

When he reached the ad position, he didn't play any decisive effect, and perkz was very uncomfortable.

Caps crave honor, so why doesn't he?

G2 walked away in a daze, and it was time for the winner.

Nothing to do with them.

Caps wiped the corners of his eyes, wiping away the wetness.

When he stepped off the stage, he unconsciously turned his head to look at the stage, and saw Zhuang Nan's calm face.

Why is he not excited?
Caps suddenly got angry, won the championship, why are you not excited?
But then turned into powerless.

What happened to Zhuang Nan was his business, and it was also true that he had never beaten Zhuang Nan.

Caps didn't look any more, and followed his teammates away in frustration.

This MSI, their journey is also over.

before reaching the end point.out.

The final winner is DMO.

instead of G2.

Zhuang Nan looked up at the fireworks flying all over the sky, and there was happiness in his eyes.

In the end, he was still tricked.

He still can't let go of LPL.

However, this is his own choice.

If he was forced to play professionally by the system in his previous life, then he is completely different now.

After all, he is no longer the one who passively accepts, but chooses to take the initiative to take on this responsibility.

Perhaps the glory of LPL should not be inherited by me, but before that successor appears, let's help LPL protect the honor first.

Come on, come find it!
LPL mid laners, come!

I put all the champions there, just beat me and you guys get everything!
Zhuang Nan wants to start the era of big mid laners.

"Brother Nan, damn it, I really didn't think of it!"

The smile on Rhubarb's face was as hard to hide as a chrysanthemum, and he didn't need to.

He was talking a bit incoherently, one can imagine how excited he is now.

Now, the dust has settled.

Rhubarb has become the top laner of the MSI champion!

Before that, only EDG's korol and RNG's letme held this honor.

And now, he's the third.

How can this make him not excited?
How can you keep him from talking incoherently?

And it was Xiaopeng who reacted more intensely than him.

Xiaopeng has actually been criticized during this time.

Only play around the mid-single.

Has no mind of its own.

Tool man goes wild.

But now, at least at this moment, the voice of doubt dissipated.

Because, they won.

It's that simple.

E-sports, food is the original sin.

If you win, you are right!

Choking with sobs, he hugged Zhuang Nan tightly,
"Brother Nan, we did it!"

"Ah, I did."

Zhuang Nan smiled and patted his back.

He is also aware of Xiaopeng's pressure during this period, but this is also a multiple-choice question.

Xiaopeng chooses to trust Zhuang Nan, and Zhuang Nan will naturally not let him down.

Compared with Ueno's excitement here, Mark and Gala are much calmer. The main reason is that Gala is too calm, even calmer than Zhuangnan.

However, he also smiled and was talking to Mark.

On various forums, the popularity of DMO winning the MSI championship began to soar, especially on Weibo, which directly smashed many traffic stars to the top of the hot search.

#we are the champion!

#DMO wins!

The reading volume of other entries has also risen wildly.

The LPL environment of S9 is very different, and it is already very out of the circle at this time.

For mentioning this, I still have to thank IG.

If IG hadn't won the first LPL championship in s8, then after RNG's Waterloo, the popularity of alliance players will definitely drop a lot.

"Now, let's award the 2019 MSI champion medals!"

Tryndamere, who was the president of Riot Games at the time, walked out, presented awards to the players with a smile, and presented medals.

Of course, the championship bonus is also indispensable.

MSI's championship prize money can be said to be too much, or not too much.

This year's championship bonus is 25% of the sales of the MSI exclusive skin Conqueror Bull Head and Eye Stone plus a basic bonus of 25 US dollars.

In order to support DMO, many LPL viewers bought this skin.

It may not exceed the $2016 bonus of skt in 676000, but at least it will not lag behind MSI's RNG bonus of $18 in 527650, because people's consumption level has been rising.

And after this is awarded, it will naturally be the final final FMVP selection.

However, this selection, which has a certain degree of suspense in every MSI, has already lost the suspense in this year.

Many European audiences have spontaneously called out the ID.




"That's right, the FMVP of our 2019 Mid-Season Invitational is, Dying!"

Tryndamere is no nonsense, the barbarian is good at it, and he can deal with it.

The FMVP trophy was taken out and handed to Zhuang Nan.

Zhuang Nan was in a complicated mood. He took the somewhat familiar trophy, then smiled, and held it up high!
In an instant, the audience cheered thunderously!

And many viewers who supported the LCK had already left.

They can't see this!

Obviously expecting G2 to kill DMO, how could G2 be so useless!

You beat T1 three to zero, and then you get three to zero by DMO! ?

Are you here to find fault?

You mean LPL and LCK two levels?

They absolutely do not accept it!
Han Za's most disgusting face is like this, dynamic support, and repeated recognition of his father.

The LCK team I support lost to the Europeans, so your LPL team has to lose to them too.

How can you win?
Doesn't it look like the LCK I support sucks once you win?
Poor G2 didn't expect that losing the game would make many Korean audiences hate them.

(PS: MSI is over!)
(End of this chapter)

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