A hundredfold increase in the opening

Chapter 314 Speed ​​up the arrival of the final battle

Chapter 314 Speed ​​up the arrival of the final battle
"I rely on hell." When he saw the figure condensed from the black mist in his Daoguo body from the perspective of God, Xiao Hei was blinded on the spot.

The co-author is not seeing someone else, Xiao Hei saw that black mist condensed into the appearance of its master, it is outrageous!
"Jie Jie, you now understand what I've been through for so many years, give up! Don't do unnecessary struggles, it's useless, everything will end up in the embrace of darkness."

At this moment, the illusory voice of Little Hei Daoguo started to confuse Little Hei Dao again.

For this, Xiao Hei felt scoffed at.

Although he didn't know how the black mist he saw just now turned into the appearance of the master, but Xiao Hei was convinced that it must not be the master.

Afterwards, Xiao Hei also thought of the information revealed by that guy Wang Quan, so Xiao Hei directly shouted into the void in a deep voice: "I'm a little sorry for your experience, and I can't experience it with you. As for what you saw That existence, tell you bad news, that is a fake, not real."

"Impossible, impossible, how could it be fake? I once saw that existence with my own eyes, sinking in the boundless darkness, and the whole world was assimilated by it." Hei seemed to have been strongly stimulated for a moment, and 1 times in his heart he didn't believe what Xiao Hei said.

"It's useless to say more, if you don't believe me, come on, come on, let me show you the sweet times when I was with the master, so that you can give up your heart." Looking at this crazy thing, he still doesn't believe it, Xiao Hei decides Take out the trump card.

After all, the reason why my Dao Fruit sank was because I saw that fake master, so I was assimilated by the endless darkness. Now that I have printed the phantom of the real master, I should be able to pull this guy back!
In fact, the Su Chen that Xiao Heidaoguo saw cannot be said to be fake, after all, the other party is also a part of Su Chen, but was separated from the main body by Su Chen.

Otherwise, it is impossible for someone who looks exactly like him to appear in the endless sea of ​​chaos, because the Dao of Chaos does not allow it, and trying to forcibly transform into Su Chen's appearance is tantamount to seeking death.

Soon, a scene appeared in the consciousness of Xiao Hei Dao Guo Da Hei.

It was the scene of Xiao Hei entrenched in the small courtyard, next to Su Chen's rattan chair.

"This, this, that existence is still there, it's still there, it's impossible, then what exactly was it that I saw before, what is it!" At this moment, Da Hei, who saw the scene shot out by the little black seal, , directly fell into a state of madness.

There is no other way, anyone who has held on to an idea for countless years and found out that he was wrong in the end, it would be a ghost if he didn't collapse on the spot.

Just like Ao Xi's previous life in an unknown era, the moment he saw Su Chen's figure, he fell into a state of extinction and purification.

At the same time, Dahei's body also began to continuously overflow with thick black mist breath. This is seeing the phantom of Su Chen's deity, reawakening the purest power in Dahei's body, and because of some unknown reasons , forcing out all the black mist breath in Dahei's body.

Soon, Xiao Hei, who had a ferocious face and was surrounded by a dark aura all over his body, began to shrink slowly, and finally became the size of Xiao Hei.

"Principal, I'm back." Daoguo, who had returned to his original state, looked at the deity in front of him, and said slowly.

"Well, it will be in the deity's body!" Looking at Daoguo who has returned to normal state, Xiao Hei pretended to be very calm and said in order to avoid nights and dreams.

Regarding this, Xiao Hei's Dao Fruit did not hesitate at this meeting, but directly turned into a beam of colored light and submerged into Xiao Hei's body.

Xiao Hei, who regained the Supreme Dao Fruit, the breath around him began to swell crazily, and his body also grew rapidly like blowing up a balloon.

In the end, Xiao Hei's realm, like Ao Xi's, directly crossed the Dao realm and stepped into a brand-new Guzun realm, becoming an existence on the same road that reached the extreme.

That is to say, the path that Xiao Hei took, from now on, as long as Xiao Hei does not hang up and be wiped out, all living beings in the future generations will not be able to surpass him on this path, and will always be able to hold a candle to him, untouchable.

Just like the group of ancient venerables in the Primal Chaos Realm, and the group of time masters in the Alliance of Times, everyone has basically reached the extreme on a road and coexisted with the road.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no existence that directly obliterates the Dao in the chaos, the existence that has reached the realm of Guzun is basically indestructible, and the existence of the same level generally has the biggest method, that is, exile endless sinking status.

"Is this what the eldest sister said about taking back the power that belongs to me? It's so cool!" Xiao Hei, who had regained the power of Gu Zun's realm, couldn't help but roared up to the sky.

"I'm coming to the other side. I want to see what the master left behind in this place."

At this time, Xiao Hei, who felt his body was full of strength, ran wildly on the road.

And when a group of creatures in the small courtyard were in the sea of ​​endless suffering and passed five barriers and killed six generals on the road to the other shore, subtle changes quietly took place in the sea of ​​chaos.

First of all, there are more and more beings eroded by the chaotic black mist. After all, this thing is basically a state of incomprehension for people at the Dao realm and below, and it cannot stop the erosion of this thing at all.

On the contrary, the ancient ancestors of the Chaos Ancestral Realm and the Lords of the Ages who blocked their respective eras were less affected. Otherwise, the entire endless Chaos Sea would have been captured long ago.

At the same time, the existence in the endless dark and taboo era that formed its own place finally couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, I saw this existence, and he stretched out his hand in the endless darkness and taboo era, and directly grabbed the chaotic black coffin in the chaotic sea area.

This is really a reckless behavior that cannot be reckless!
But if one hair can move the whole body, this kind of terrifying existence can't hide it from Jiang Rou and others.

"This idiot thing, he actually did it by himself, there must be something wrong with his brain!" When he sensed what happened in the chaotic sea, Shi He Pan was about to jump.

"It's too late." Jiang Ruan, who also sensed this situation, said in unison.

As soon as Jiang Ruan's words of cause and effect fell, in the endless sea of ​​​​chaos, whoever stretched out his hand from the dark and taboo era slapped the lid of the chaotic black coffin with one hand.

The strength of this slap is really awesome, and the chaotic black coffin was sent flying out with a direct slap.

But that's it, it didn't have any impact on the chaotic black coffin, on the contrary, because of this attack, it seems that the black coffin's seal was loosened or something, only on the chaotic black coffin, An unimaginably dense chaotic black mist spewed out directly.

Seeing this situation, whoever made the sudden move, the outstretched hand is a little embarrassed, and it is not true that it will be retracted for a while.

"You idiot, you're out of your mind. If you don't go back, you're just going to add chaos here. Believe it or not, we'll seal you up again later." At that time, they couldn't bear it any longer, and the two of them directly sprayed at some taboo existence in the endless dark age.

In this regard, the existence of this taboo did not refute, but silently withdrew his palm, not because he didn't want to refute, but because he joined forces when he couldn't beat the game.

"Damn, if I don't have something important to do now, I have to let that guy see why the flowers are so red." This will be cursing involuntarily in a certain area in the sea of ​​chaos.

"Okay, although that guy doesn't belong to the ten supreme laws, he should not be underestimated. His attack this time can be regarded as showing his attitude. For the time being, let's ignore him and find other people."

Seeing that she was about to rush out during the draw, Jiang Rou said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, the two guys finally calmed down, and if they didn't, they rushed over to beat up the guy hiding in the corner.

Afterwards, in this chaotic sea area, the figures of Jiang Rou and others disappeared again.

At the same time, all the ancient venerables of the Chaos Ancestral Realm, as well as the time masters of the time alliance, were cursing in their hearts.

Because just now, they felt an extremely strong energy fluctuation in the endless chaotic sea, but when they reacted and wanted to investigate, it was already calm, and everything seemed to have never happened generally.

But in the next second, when they sensed their respective comprehension of the Dao of Chaos and the crazy warning, the faces of the ancient ancestors of the Chaos Ancestral Realm and the masters of the times turned completely green.

Originally, according to the previous situation, it would take an extremely long time for those chaotic black mist to erode the chaotic avenue they had comprehended.

But now, because of some accident, this time has been greatly shortened, which is outrageous.

"No, no, I have to go to the group of ancient venerables in the Primal Chaos Realm to ask what is going on." After reacting at this moment, the Lord of the Holy Way disappeared directly in the era alliance, ready to go The Chaos Ancestral Realm looked for Taiyi Guzun and others.

But at this moment, in the era of endless darkness and taboos, an existence shrouded in boundless darkness all over his body stretched out a white palm like jade, and whispered to himself: "I still underestimated that guy, the banned Under such circumstances, it can still cause the deity to suffer some backlash, it seems that we still have to join forces with those ten guys in the future to have any hope of restraining him."

After muttering to himself in a low voice, this unknown taboo existence once again looked at the chaotic black coffin in the chaotic sea, which was constantly releasing the chaotic black mist, but this time he just Watching quietly, did not shoot again.

For their state, if they can't beat it, they can't beat it, and there is no such thing as forceful recklessness.

At this time, the dark Su Chen lying in the chaotic black coffin moved his eyelids slightly, as if he was about to wake up all the time.

In this regard, Su Chen, who was playing chess among the statues of the ancestors of the primordial world of chaos, and the mysterious existence sitting opposite him, naturally felt it in his heart.

"It seems that there is not much time left for you." At this moment, the mysterious being said such a sentence to Su Chen with a chuckle.

"No hurry, everything is possible, isn't it?" Su Chen, who replied unhurriedly, took out a chess piece from the chess box very calmly and placed it in front of him. on the chessboard.

Seeing this unknown and mysterious existence, he stared at Su Chen for a long time before slowly shaking his head. He didn't know whether he was feeling sorry or didn't see anything, so he shook his head.

Then this guy slowly picked up a chess piece and placed it on the chessboard.

As soon as this chess piece fell, in the endless chaotic sea, those chaotic black mist, like taking a big tonic, eroded the speed of the chaotic avenue even faster.

If the speed was one just now, it has directly become two now, fully doubling the speed.

"Not good, we don't have much time." Jiang Rou and the others also discovered this situation because of the repeated warnings from Chaos Avenue.

The few people who would understand the seriousness of the matter did not dare to waste any time and frantically searched.

Because the current situation is that if one can exist in the chaotic black coffin, before breaking out of the coffin, gather the power of the ten supreme law controllers, as well as the guy from the dark and taboo era, maybe there is still a fight.

If you don't find all the people before the opponent breaks the seal, it will be difficult, and the chance of winning is estimated to be less than [-]%.

As for those ancient venerables from the Primal Chaos Realm, and what kind of lord of the era, Jiang Rou, Pan and the others didn't take them to heart at all.

If they haven't reached their level, it's useless to come any more. It's simply not something that can be dealt with by human sea tactics. The two sides are completely different from the same level of existence.

And Su Chen's chess move obviously has some kind of driving force in it, otherwise, wouldn't Su Chen's chess move be for nothing?

Su Chen's move fell, and the rest of the top ten supreme law controllers who are still in the ban will block their ban, which is rapidly disintegrating. They may not wait for Jiang Rou and others to find a position. It can all be broken out.

And this also means that the final battle may break out at any time.

Whether Su Chen wins the mysterious existence by a narrow margin, or loses to the other party, it all depends on who hides deeper.

Anyway, judging from the current situation on the bright side, Su Chen's chances of winning are not too great. After all, the chess pieces he has to face are part of himself.

Fortunately, Su Chen left behind some secret backhands, so he was not completely powerless to fight back, and the backhand Su Chen left was hidden in the endless shore.

(End of this chapter)

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