Stop, I'm about to become a boss!

Chapter 140 Heaven on Earth in the Eyes of Players

Chapter 140 Heaven on Earth in the Eyes of Players
"Fortunately, there is no queue today."

Looking at the long-awaited sharp-pointed attic, the Tyrannosaurus Warrior was not only a little emotional.

When he stepped into this street that was almost indistinguishable from the real world again after a month, and greeted the curious eyes of others, he suddenly felt as if he had passed away.

He vaguely noticed that even if they were not in the game, the people here were still rotating according to a certain procedure, and it would not be fixed when they were offline.

"Let's go around and see if you can find Xiao Hei. He still owes us a ten-draw."

The tyrannosaurus warrior was about to take a step forward, when suddenly, a strange call made him stop involuntarily.

"That's the brigade over there, the traveler, right?"

The Tyrannosaurus Warrior turned his head in doubt, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The owner of the voice was a woman, and she was not dressed exquisitely, but it was by no means a standard robe made of fabric that ordinary people could afford.

Is it the maid of a rich family?
Is it possible that the task will come as soon as you go online?
Silently recorded "a lot of tasks have been added in this update" as a label on the small book, the Tyrannosaurus Warrior showed an unfriendly smile in the eyes of outsiders.

"I am, may I ask you to find me, is there anything you want to help?"

A question mark slowly appeared on the head of the maid assigned by the little princess.

Does this person have a brain problem?

How can you not be vigilant the first time you hear a stranger talking, but ask if someone wants to help?

Hiding doubts in her heart, the maid handed out a note.

"If you are a traveler... this one is for you."

The Tyrannosaurus Warrior took the paper suspiciously, his expression changed.

[Because you have been away for too long, I cannot continue to wait for your return and give you what you have won.If you see this message, please come to Lapa City, the Molten Kingdom, to find me, or her (hand-drawn sketch). 】

"This, my guess is indeed correct."

He took a picture of the note in ecstasy, and then carefully put it away.

"Our Chapter 1 plot has been completed, so Xiao Hei will guide us to the map of Chapter 2. Since Xiao Hei's figure runs through Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, it is definitely a character who belongs to the main protagonist."

"As long as you follow him, I will definitely have meat to eat!"

Without hesitation, the tyrannosaurus warrior immediately rushed to the location of the teleportation circle of Farathon.

He wants to use the fastest time to reach the "Lapa City" that Xiao Hei said.

He not only wants the benefits in the game, but also the rice in reality, and he must not forget Cha.

However, when he came to the border of the Kingdom of Blossoms and rented a fastest mount that he could afford now and came to the Kingdom of Molten Fire, the first city he encountered surprised him suddenly.

"Huh? Xiao Hei asked us to come, but isn't he waiting for us in the first city on the new map?"

"Why is this?"

The Tyrannosaurus warrior jerked his head.

A blue player, not much different from his ancient god appearance, was stroking his chin pretendingly.

"I am super, why are you here?"

"Ichao, why can't I be here?" Jiaga Ninja looked at him dissatisfied, "You are a player, and I am also a player. Where you can come, I can't come?"


Tyrannosaurus Warrior gave him a horrified look: "When did you arrive?"

"Should be a little slower than you." Koga Ninja replied casually, stroking the most expensive horse that could be leased under his crotch carelessly.


The Tyrannosaurus Warrior clenched his fists.

He was 100% sure that this guy was absolutely afraid of any problems ahead, so he kept following him.

Otherwise, with his horse, wouldn't he be there in a few strokes?

Koga Ninja changed the subject with erratic eyes: "Hey, look, this city seems to be quite different from the city in the country of flowers."

"How do I feel, they look so busy?"

The Tyrannosaurus Warrior, who was too lazy to argue with him, turned his gaze to the pedestrians on the street.

Immediately, he also came up with the same first image as Koga Ninja Frog and Miss Knight when they saw the city for the first time.

Rubbing his chin, Tyrannosaurus Warrior felt that the matter of looking for Xiao Hei could be put aside for the time being, and he first learned the basic information of this country.

However, when they went to the street and wanted to ask passers-by, all they got were cold looks.

No one replied to them, no one wanted to talk to them.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry.

"Strange, so strange."

Jiahe scratched his head: "I always feel that the atmosphere here is so tense, so depressing?"

"That's a little bit." The Tyrannosaurus Warrior frowned, not wanting to make fun of himself, "Why don't we go to Lapa City first and find Xiao Hei?"

Koga Ninja nodded in agreement.

Soon, the two arrived at Lapa City through the teleportation array—of course, this time, Koga Ninja paid for it.

When they came to Lapa City, after a little inquiring, the two fell into confusion again.

"What is this... paradise on earth?"

You can do whatever you want during working hours, and the boss has to beg you well, without any pressure in life, and let your hobbies develop freely.

Not to mention comparing it to the real world, even if it is compared to the Adrosen just now where everyone can't wait to break a second into 24 hours, this place can definitely be regarded as a paradise-like existence.

Hiring workers are free to set their own working hours, which is unimaginable in the real world! !
It's just that when they learned about the current situation of the country from the aunt on the street, they were a little bit stunned.

"So it's because you lost too much, so you're bad?" Jiahe Ninja's mouth twitched, "Oh my god, it's been 100 years in a row, and it's still going all out to compete, how outrageous it is to achieve this achievement ?”

Tyrannosaurus Warrior was also unspeakably shocked: "I even felt that they were a bit late."

"Speaking of which, if we want to participate in this [duel under the eyes of the gods], it seems that we must join a city-state and then make a name on the leaderboard." Jiaga Ninja turned his head and looked at the Tyrannosaurus Warrior, " So, if you had to choose to join the city-state, which one would you choose?"

"Lapa City!" Tyrannosaurus Warrior said without hesitation.

As an ultimate social animal who was once suppressed to the point where there was nothing left, now that he has realized the freedom of wealth by relying on Xiao Hei's flow, it is impossible for him to return to the former world.

"I thought so too." Koga Ninja replied.

But he has a different idea from Tyrannosaurus Warrior.

He simply thought that flying from the bottom to the first place is super handsome! !

Shaking his head, Tyrannosaurus Warrior changed the subject.

He cared more about the [Brilliant Gladiator] that the aunt said.

After thinking for a while, the Tyrannosaurus Warrior said: "Before, I thought this game was too low for players to participate in. The whole main task, we people can only use one word, which is inexplicable."

"But now, I retract my previous opinion."

Jiahe Renwa was puzzled: "Boss, what do you think?"

The Tyrannosaurus Warrior shook his head and said, "Look, we are called 'travelers' in the game, right?"

"Since it's a trip, you must experience the scenery and customs of various places, right?"

"The Kingdom of Blossoms is isolated from the world, so we are really traveling, and what happens in it basically has nothing to do with us. We just need to be a traveler passing by. But when we arrive at the Kingdom of Molten Fire, we become the city of struggle. One of them, became a warrior and needed to fight for the city-state we have chosen."

"When it comes to the next map, we may have to change to a new identity."

"And this is all part of the 'travel'."

"So, is that so?" Koga Ninja listened to the real analysis of the Tyrannosaurus Warrior in a daze.

It sounds like Yazi really makes sense.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter so much, let's go to Xiao Hei first." The Tyrannosaurus Warrior took out a small note, looked left and right, "Hiss, it says let us come to Lapa City, and it didn't come with us." Where can I find him?"

"Stupid?" Jiaga Ninja sneered, "Since he asked us to come and didn't mention the exact location, there must be a way to find us."

"We'll just have to wait here!"

Tyrannosaurus Warrior suddenly realized.

"Well, wait and see."

The two of them patted their buttocks, sat down on the street, and counted the pedestrians coming and going.

Lapa City, the City Lord's Mansion.

Linton sat on the bed, waited for a long time before Victor's visitor announcement at the door, then lay down with his head on his head again, and called up the player forum to browse the posts.

[Shocked, the social environment of the new map is actually more complicated than 996? 】

[Furious, Adrossen is simply hell on earth! ! 】

[Ecstasy, Lapa City is completely a paradise for social animals! ! 】

【Outrageous, how can I find Xiao Hei without any clues? ! 】

Linton stood up abruptly.

It seems that he forgot to leave the specific address for the player?

 Thanks to "Burgundy Chicken Farm" and "Jiu Riyan" for their rewards!Thank you so much!
(End of this chapter)

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