Imperial Beast: The pet is just for me to bond

Chapter 593 Too Much Punishment 【Subscription】

The next day, February 10th.

In the early days, Chen Wen planned to go to the new continuation base as agreed to see the fifty beast masters who needed training.

At this moment, Mu Ling'er had already digested the incomplete heart of the elf mother tree, and flew out of the gathering spirit tree, screaming excitedly.

Seeing this, Chen Wen quickly summoned it and asked, "What's wrong?"


Listening to Mu Ling'er's dancing description, she told Chen Wen that she is so powerful now that she can be a mother.

"Being a mother?"

Chen Wen looked at Mu Linger dumbfoundedly, and immediately opened its properties panel.

[Pet animal name]: Gathering tree elf (Wood Linger)
[Beast favorability]: 95
【Number of transformations】: 1/2
[Pet Beast Attributes]: Wood, Earth, Water, Life

[Potential level]: Legendary level~
[Strength level]: Rare low level

[Beast Talent]: Gathering Spirits, Source of Life, Mother of Elves, King of the Forest

[Racial skills]: symbiosis, wood thorns, vine whips, results, attunement spiritual planting, plant control, tree world descending

[Pet animal skills]: symbiosis, wood thorns, vine whips, results, attunement of spiritual plants, nurturing elves, praise of life, plant control

Chen Wen glanced over, and instantly scanned out the changed information.

"Tilde, see tilde again!"

The first thing that caught Chen Wen's attention was the extra tilde after the word "Legendary" in Mu Linger's potential level column.

Seeing the familiar tilde, Chen Wen was in a daze at first, and then couldn't help but put a big smile on his face.

He had seen this happen before.

After Ah Bao used the Martial Arts Heart talent ball, his potential level became "Rare and Extraordinary~", and after he passed the practice of Shenzhao Sutra and swallowed the snow lotus, his potential level was raised to epic level.

Obviously, the tilde sign represents potential, and it means that as long as certain conditions are met, Mu Linger's potential can be raised to the mythical level.

"Rare low-end, expected..."

Glancing over the strength level column, Chen Wen's eyes focused on the pet talent column.

In an instant, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

"Mother of elves?"

Seeing these four words, Chen Wen instantly guessed the function of Mu Linger's new talent.

Following Chen Wen's gaze, the introduction about "Mother of Elves" appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, Mu Ling'er possessed the ability of the elf mother tree, capable of giving birth to elves.

"It's really possible to be a mother... But Mu Ling'er is only less than one year old, right?"

"This is too much punishment!"

Thinking that it has only been half a year since Mu Linger was born from the Juling Tree, Chen Wen couldn't help complaining secretly.

Of course, he also knew that this was not the birth of a normal creature.

In fact, the so-called nurturing spirit mainly relies on Mu Linger's Juling Tree symbiosis to cultivate a special Juling Fruit, which is mainly responsible for shaping and enlightening the Juling Fruit.

On the skill bar, after digesting the incomplete heart of the elf mother tree, Mu Ling'er has newly mastered the two skills of nurturing elves and controlling plants.

Shaking his head, Chen Wen told Mu Ling'er like an old father: "You are still young, and your main task is to grow up. If you are bored, just play with Abao and them. Don't breed elves yet."

Although the spirit-gathering tree is mainly used to breed elves, Mu Ling'er will inevitably consume a lot of vitality and even spirit.

With Mu Ling'er's rare strength just now, it's not worth the candle to do so.

When it advances to the epic, then its explosive soldiers will not have much impact on its strength progress.

After Mu Ling'er nodded obediently, Chen Wen shared the plant control it had newly mastered, and then took it back to the Beast Familiar Space.

On the way to the training base, Chen Wen was distracted to see himself more and more like the original space of the small world, and looked at the gathering spirit tree with the ability to breed elves, and his thoughts flew for a while.

If the Juling Tree eventually becomes an ancient elf tree, and thousands of elves are bred in it, what will become of his original space?
And what will he be?
Creator God?


"Instructor Chen!"

"Instructor Chen!"


Different from entering the training base of the first regiment of the Xinwu Army at the beginning, when Chen Wen just entered the new training base, the fifty beast masters who had arrived earlier immediately saluted him respectfully.

Chen Wen was quite surprised to see this.

Responding to the crowd, Chen Wen waved his hand to invite Ma Tianxing, the captain of the Beast Master Squad, and asked, "Tianxing, why are they so..."

He took a look. The 50 members of the beast master team were of different ages, male and female, and the only thing in common was that they were all beast masters above the expert level.

Moreover, they all seemed to be senior expert beast masters.

Such a beast master is generally a little arrogant, and it stands to reason that there should be a few thorns.

Ma Tianxing understood what Chen Wen meant, and said speechlessly, "Aren't you happy that the soldiers are obedient?"

Rolling his eyes, he said seriously: "Don't worry, no one will trip you up during this training, and no beast master will discount the training tasks you assign.

Even if you train people to death, no one will say anything. "

Seeing Ma Tianxing's solemn gaze, Chen Wen's expression became serious.

He had no doubts about Ma Tianxing's guarantee.

Thinking of the "extremely important task" Gao Song revealed, Chen Wen nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Tianxing introduced the current situation of the Beastmaster team to Chen Wen.

"On October 10, all 3 members of the Royal Beast Team will report for duty."

"According to the plan you made before, in the past few days, Xing Zhi and I will lead everyone to recite the map of meridians and acupoints, and practice Hunyuan Palm and Jinyan Gong."

"As of today, everyone has memorized the diagram of meridians and acupoints, but there are not many people who have mastered Hunyuan Palm and Jinyan Gong."

Chen Wen nodded and said to Ma Tianxing, "Good job!"

Soon the training time came, and everyone quickly arranged their formation.

Chen Wen looked coldly, glanced slowly over everyone, and said, "Everyone should know who I am, so I won't introduce myself.

The task I received is to see you train into elite fighters within three months. "

After a pause, he continued: "Obviously, you will have an extremely dangerous task to perform in three months' time!"

In an instant, the faces of many beast masters below changed, and their eyes locked on Chen Wen.

Facing everyone's eyes, Chen Wen's face remained unchanged, and he continued: "So these three months of training will determine whether you can complete the mission and whether you can return alive after completing the mission.

Regarding martial arts, I will not hide my secrets.

Divine skills that can awaken innate talents, unique skills, and even martial arts at the esoteric level...

As long as you meet the conditions, I will never have the slightest reservation.

As long as you train hard, I will let you see the earth-shaking changes in yourself after three months.

The elite level is just the starting point, and the expert level may not be impossible! "

Hearing Chen Wen's confident assurance, the senior expert beast masters below did not breathe a little bit heavily, but their hearts dropped.

Just because the beast is powerful doesn't mean that he is strong.

Although it has not been announced yet, everyone has vaguely guessed that their next mission will require a strong self-protection ability.

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