The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 471 Human Changes on Earth

Chapter 471 Human Changes on Earth
The sixth year of earth mutation.

In two years, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

In the past two years, technology has changed with each passing day.

Take the transportation industry as an example.

Due to the in-depth development of superconducting technology, the deployment of large-scale controllable nuclear fusion power plants is promoted.

The progress of energy, in turn, promotes the speed of human migration between cities.

At present, the speed of sound has been reached.

The train will arrive in Yunnan from the capital within one hour, and departs every 1 minutes, with about 15 people per trip.

There have been some people who work in BJ during the day and live in Yunnan at night (only for special industries).

Of course, with the help of Nu Wa.

The network of the entire earth has been rebuilt.

Many people can now work online without ever having to be there.

Of course, nothing has changed more than the moon.

The Moon acts as a satellite orbiting the Earth.

It is the first line of defense to defend the earth.

The Moon now takes on three responsibilities.

The first one: the Heaven and Earth Observatory.

The moon without an atmosphere has no atmospheric absorption of electromagnetic waves of any frequency, and it has no electromagnetic wave "pollution" or light "pollution" on the earth, so the moon is also an ideal place for radio astronomy observations.

At the same time, the rotation speed of the moon is very slow, so that one day and night on the moon is about equal to one month on the earth, so that we can accurately observe distant or blurred targets on the moon for a long time.

Especially from Qiu Tian's narration, we know that there are other civilizations in the universe, so human beings have increased their vigilance and greatly improved the monitoring efficiency.

Guaranteed early warning!
At the same time, the rotation period of the moon is exactly equal to its revolution period, so it always faces the earth with one side, and an observation station for the earth is established on this side, especially for the possible impact threats to the earth by small celestial bodies in near-Earth space or deep space Monitor.

The second function: the "bridgehead" of star exploration.

The moon has almost no atmosphere and weak gravity field environment, so it is much easier to launch a deep space probe or an interstellar manned spacecraft from the moon than from the ground, and the energy required is much smaller, so the moon is a natural place for human beings to enter deep space. The launch platform is also an ideal transfer station for deep space exploration.

And because hydrogen and oxygen for making rocket fuel propellants exist on the moon, humans on earth are now vigorously developing lunar resources as rocket fuel propellants.

And the footsteps of human beings have not stopped.

While consolidating the moon base.

Humans are also exploring other planets.

In particular, the plan to land on Mars has been put on the agenda.

In the process of planning for external development.

Many key technologies have been tested and verified on the moon base, and astronauts have been trained on the moon base for a long time.

Human beings have selected nearly 1000 astronauts from all over the world. They live in the moon base, which is gradually adapting them to life away from the earth for a long time and preparing for flying to Mars and even further stars.

The third, and most critical one: the energy cornucopia.

This has been mapped by many experts.

And put into practice after recovering the moon.

Not to mention the rich mineral resources, solar energy alone is already shocking.

There is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon, solar radiation can drive straight in, and the moon can receive abundant solar energy.Calculations show that the annual solar radiation energy reaching the moon is about 12 trillion kilowatts.

Assuming that the current solar power generation device with a photoelectric conversion rate of 20% is used, each square meter of solar panels can generate 2.7 kWh per hour.

Theoretically speaking, solar panels can be laid unlimitedly on the surface of the moon to obtain abundant and stable solar energy. This will not only solve the energy supply problem of the future moon base, but also transmit energy to the earth with microwaves, providing the earth with new energy.

There is good news that the photoelectric conversion efficiency has made a breakthrough and can now reach 30.00%.

The abundant nuclear energy and solar energy resources on the moon make the moon quickly become a treasure for mankind.

In just a few years.

The number of immigrants on the moon has reached 10, and this number is still growing rapidly, and there are already more than 20 large bases, which do not need the earth to deliver energy.

Several human colleges and universities have established research institutions here, and some unconstrained ideas have also been put into practice here.

And the more important point.

Humans have built many large weapons and equipment on the moon.

The Sun-by-Sun System No. [-] taught by Nu Wa is the most powerful weapon for human beings so far. The burst of energy in an instant is enough to penetrate a tenth of the size of the moon.

almost all the time.

Humans on the moon are accumulating energy for this weapon. If an alien civilization does arrive, this weapon can definitely cause heavy damage to the opponent.

Unless the dimension of civilization on the opposite side is much higher.

The moon has been built by humans like a fortress, making it indestructible and impregnable in the face of humans.

And the earth is even more terrifying.

On the Antarctic continent, the high-tech weapons that have been erected motionless on the ice sheet will be added every few days.

The ancient Egyptian pyramids have regained their radiance. Human beings have transformed them, re-excavated their original functions, and become weapons that can fight against foreign enemies one by one.

The Great Siberian Plain has also built many things.

It can be said that the whole earth is thriving.

All the power of mankind is fully exerted.

The earth is built very firmly.

Human beings think that even if an alien civilization arrives, the gap between the two sides will not be too big.

Somewhere in Xichuan.

Lin Chen hurriedly walked with his briefcase in his arms.

Over the past few years, he has become more mature and stable, especially in order to help humans build a solid defense system, he has been out many times, and under the premise of the fog rules, he has helped humans dig out rare treasures and relics that exist all over the world. Relics of technological civilization.

It can be said.

Now humans have a much deeper understanding of the earth.

Nearly every possible ancient site around the world has been excavated and mined.

Humanity has benefited greatly from it.

And none of this would be possible without the help of Lin Chen.

In this process.

Lin Chen's reputation is even greater, and, amidst the calls of the masses, Lin Chen has assumed an important position in the rebuilt alliance and is responsible for the direction of global scientific and technological development.

Today, the entire human world follows the example of scientists, and being able to become a scientist can be said to be glorious and famous all over the world.

So in this environment.

The status of scientists and scholars has been promoted infinitely. Many major and minor matters are expressed and completed by scientists. As the person in charge of this task, Lin Chen has more authority.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of the entire human race has a great relationship with Lin Chen's decision.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that Lin Chen is under great pressure.

Lin Chen also shoulders another responsibility.

As the most powerful person in human society, he has the highest degree of evolution and is a model for all human beings. Thanks to Lin Chen's selflessness, other people's evolutionary journey is relatively smooth.

If it was placed two years ago.

An 18-year-old boy's [-]-meter running time is [-] seconds, which is probably the elite among human teenagers.

However, now, it seems sparse and ordinary.

Humans take a lot of white energy liquid, and under normal training methods, almost everyone can run within 8 seconds. If they don’t run within this time, it can only explain one problem. His evolution is far lower than that of humans. average level.

When Lin Chen returned home, there was no one there.

The girls all have their own affairs to be busy with, especially He Ying's super-fast evolution, which aroused the "jealousy" of other women, and they immediately started to work hard, and they were bound to surpass He Ying.

During these few years.

Lin Chen held a wedding.

In the end, the list was settled on four.

He Ying, Xie Wenxuan, Zhang Lu, Wang Bingling.

It was originally a secret wedding, and not too many people were invited, only relatives and friends of both parties came.

However, there were some mistakes along the way.

I don't know who came up with the idea.

Hu Xinyu came to be a bridesmaid.

In the final bridal chamber, a civet cat was used to replace the prince, and the arrow was on the string, so he had to shoot.

Later, Lin Chen had to do it again.

I made a special visit to Hu Xinyu's parents, relatives and friends.

I have to say that if it was someone else, he would have been scolded long ago.

However, Lin Chen is a famous person after all.

Like thunder.

In addition, they already knew what happened between the two of them.

So, just go with the flow.

The whole thing is over.

Lin Chen picked up the meal prepared by the girls, swallowed some, and then turned on his computer, ready to continue working.

"Lin Suo, you have a symposium with universities around the world this afternoon. The main purpose of the symposium is to re-study the issue of human origin. The meeting lasted for about two hours. At 5 o'clock, the alliance will hold a meeting. You report on some planning progress for April."

After the computer was turned on, there was a video call immediately, and the person who spoke was Yang Mohan.

She has been following Lin Chen since she graduated, and is now Lin Chen's assistant. Yang Mohan has always called Lin Chen "Lin Suo" to express her closeness.

Lin Chen nodded: "OK."

After speaking, he turned off the video.

Suddenly, a series of words floated in front of my eyes.

After reading it, Lin Chen was slightly delighted.

However, there was not much excitement.

Because he had already expected the current situation.

Two years ago, he wanted to write a thesis.

I want to tell you that human beings are the most common form of civilization in the universe.

Unfortunately, the mist refused this time.

Saying that the whole thesis is illogical.

Later, Lin Chen tried various methods, but none of them worked.

Lin Chen changed his mind.

The reason why the logic of the thesis does not make sense should be that it is too difficult to realize, and almost no one on earth believes this, resulting in no foundation.

So in the next two years, he did not give up this idea, and declared this statement in meetings and occasions, large and small.

At the beginning, it naturally caused an uproar.

Many people don't believe it.

Even if Lin Chen said it, people took it as a joke, after all, it sounded a little absurd.

That's right, a few alien civilizations have been discovered. We must admit that there are other civilizations in the universe, but.The most common form of civilization in the universe civilization is human beings, which is a bit outrageous.

Don't human beings only exist on the earth?
There will be other places.

Even thinking about it is somewhat impossible.

Therefore, after this statement was released, almost no one agreed with it.

But some viewpoints cannot be held back.

Slowly it will affect people's ideas.

Especially what Lin Chen said.

People began to gradually think, could Lin Chen have more information?That's why I said so.

Some experts gradually have similar arguments.

Until now.

It can be said that it has subtly influenced the will of the world, so although the paper was rejected by the mist after it was published, after repeated emphasis over time, it has now begun to come true.

Moreover, the degree of publicity is not that high.

That is tens of millions of levels.

Lin Chen guessed that maybe it was because he had said for a long time that most people already agreed with this point of view, so it didn't need too much publicity.

Looks like many sessions ahead.

He wants to continue to carry forward this tradition, spread these remarks, and strive to complete the dissemination as soon as possible.

deep in the universe.

A spaceship slowly sailed towards the dark area ahead.

The pilots and carriers on the spaceship are all new humans, and many new humans are not low in status.

But at this time they were all frowning.

According to the received signal, the location that Qiu Tian said should be in this way, but they seemed to be covered by a layer of fog, blocking many signals, as if they were trapped in an unknown space, and they didn't know where they were.

"Have you checked out the problem yet?"

Corsino asked with a frown.

According to their original plan, as long as they pass through some black holes and make a few jump flights, they can reach their destination in a year at most.

However, they have been here for nearly half a month, and there is no way out for them.

Such a thing is simply unheard of.

As a pioneering rich general, Corsino had never seen anything like it.

Other new humans are also being carefully investigated.

"no result."

A new human way.

Corsino looked a little ugly.

"It's no wonder that we haven't been able to receive news from Qiu Tian for such a long time. It seems that we have lost his trace. It seems that his location should be extraordinary. This time we were able to receive his signal, perhaps because of accidental reasons."

Others deeply agree.

Because they tried to send all the signals around, but it seemed that the signals were absorbed, without any effect.

Corsino took a deep breath.

This time he shouldered an important responsibility.

It is related to the future of the whole new mankind.

If it weren't for his noble status, he would not be able to grab this task at all.

However, something has changed now.

I can't even find the way.

Simply hateful.

Corsino was agitated. He tried his best to calm himself down, and at the same time gave orders, adopted different plans, and must successfully get through here.

Er, just when Lin Chen showed his popularity.

Suddenly they found their way.

It was as if the fog had dissipated in an instant.

This made Corsino and others a little puzzled, not knowing what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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